Thursday, October 4, 2018

Idaho Landon, the Rapture, and Beyond. An Autism Story.

Idaho Landon, the Rapture, and Beyond
5 pages

Dear William Landon

Since the age of 8 (1967 and Israel's Sixth Day War), God has given me dreams about the people around me and this is no different for Ray, John (me) and Idaho.

Landon/Idaho came into our lives in May of 2017. Ray and I picked him up at the bottom of the on/off ramp at Zuzax exit in Tijeras, NM which is East of Albuquerque. If hitch hikers come through and they have a dog, sometimes they leave the dog behind to take the ride. I have passed many dogs dead along the highway to Albuquerque.

At the top of the ramp was a semi truck with the passenger door open and no driver outside of it. Ray and I suspect that Idaho came to NM by that route.

There was a cold black storm heading into the mountains and we still had some snow left on the ground in the shadows of the trees so I picked up the dog because he had sad eyes. “No body wants me, please pick me up. Its cold out here and I do not want to be left alone!” says the look of Idaho to me.

So I picked him up and his rabbies tag said: Idaho Animal Shelter or Humane Services. I checked online and left messages to the business to contact me. Kati, my daughter, went online to find out if there was any pictures of him.

I am autistic with Atypical autism. Ray says I have Schizophrenia. The psychologist says that I am not autistic but I am atypical in her reports. Asperger autism tests show by questions that I am atypical but I can communicate. Dogs have been my best care over the years and this is no different for Idaho.

When I am depressed for my 20 minute episodes, he is in my lap giving me kisses on the nose, ears and even a nibble hicki on the neck. Even when I am not, he is in my lap at least 2 times per day making sure my face is clean. He says: “Dad, it is very important that you stay clean and it is my job to keep you clean. Boy, you people sure do not know how to clean yourself up after a meal. This is a full time job for us dogs. Don't you know that is what napkins are used for!”

I have a overhang on the front porch of the house and have built a Succah out of it. We would sit out there for hours on end playing with sticks and tennis balls and I would read my Bible or a book. When it rained, he would get in my lap or his chair.
   If I had to leave with Ray to town, he would be up in the succah 4 feet off the ground and me on the lower deck and he would put a paw on each side of my neck and give me goodbye kisses and a hug. I kust love these moments of touch. 

He has one hard boiled egg per day when I fix hard boiled eggs. For him, that means one egg per every other week. When I eat an apple, I get 2 bites and he gets the rest. Sometimes, we just give him the entire apple. He loves apples, lizards, mice (He is the best mouse catcher I have), ground squirrels, rabbits, tennis balls, and sticks. He plays rough and thinks my arm is a chew toy. He loves to chase car tires and even gets in trouble with the neighbors which brings us to our real story.

Behind my house is a trailor park (Hidden Valley Camp Ground) and Idaho got into trouble again. The first time, the owner warned me to keep Idaho tied up or the owner would kill him and showed me the gun.
I love animals and I do not like to see harm come to them.
    While in college at NM State University in Las Cruces, NM, I volunteered at the Dog pound/Animal Humane Services. They made sure that I was not around on death days.
    On the day I got married in 1985, I ran over a dog that ran out in front of my vehicle. A Good Samaritan came along and killed the dog for me. I cried for the dog's life.
    When I was a grounds keeper (23 years of livelihood on and off) working for a company on the weekends as well as days I was on the freeway heading north in Albuquerque to go to a job when I saw a vehicle (station wagon) heading south and a boy in the back seat was throwing dogs onto the highway and killing them. Road rage set in so I got off on the next off ramp and turned around and headed south to get caught up to the vehicle and cause an accident by running them off the road or throw the human in the back seat onto oncoming traffic. In the autism world, we call this an anger meltdown. It would not be until 2015 that I would find out that I am autistic. The child threw the puppy out of the window and I stopped to pick it up and took it to a vet who had to put it down to too much internal injuries. I cried that day.
As I write this down I am crying for my deep love of animals. Idaho, I miss you bud. You are my best helpmate when I cry.
   The owner of the trailor park said the dog tried to bite someone or bit someone.
   Sources said that all the dog did was bark at someone.
   Because the owner is a know LIAR, then this applies to the park.
    Rev 21:8  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. 

Bernalillo County Animal control came to the house and gave me an warning. I was asleep in the house and Ray had come home and told me animal control came to pick up the dog. I immediately had an anger attack and a stress meltdown at the same time. I told them this: What ever you do to him, you do it to me as well. If he gets arrested, I get arrested. If he gets killed, I get killed. Animal control called for the sheriffs to come. This would have been their 4th visit to the house for the sheriffs.
   If you have an autistic person in your house, make sure you become good friends with the local police because they will get many calls from others on your autistic person. The sheriffs never came because they knew I was having a anger/stress meltdown. Jesse Cash with Bernalillo Sheriff's office came out the first time on such a call and he is a Christian. I told him about some of my dreams which brought him out the first time and he was the first one to tell me to write down my dreams. This was back in 2014. The Psychologist in 2016 told me to write down my dreams as well. In all, three people told me to write down my dreams. So I did and am still doing it.
    In the stress meltdown, my right leg was shaking and I knew it but the people did not. Also my left hand was shaking badly and I showed the animal control officer. Animal control was there for a good 30 minutes.
    To get my mind off of the situation, I went into my talk on prophecy and eschatology. This subject is only one of the obsessions I have. Others are on plants and NM Railroad Lines (all 5500 miles of them back in the 1920s).
    This year of 2018 is the end of the age for the human race. It is the 120th Jubilee year from creation and it is the year that we all will meet our maker. The event time is Oct 10, 2018 to Oct 20th, 2018 which is the Biblical Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement known as the Days of Awe in Leviticus 23 of the Bible. Psalms 118 = 2018 and has 3 events: The rapture (verse 5), Armageddon in verses 10-13, and Tabernacles (Feast of Tabernacles/Millennium) in verse 15. and has all the details. (4000 pages approximately) covering creation to the present.

October 3, 2018.
Ray and I went to town to get Idaho liscensed with his rabies shot, to get him neutered, and to get him tagged with an RFID Chip. Idaho already drew blood on me once in the nose with a canine tooth while playing rough with me. 
    Our first stop of the day was at a place on Second Street in Albuquerque which was in the dream 4-5 years ago where Idaho went poopie and potty. I looked at the tree in front of the truck and the block wall and the building and then remembered I had seen it before.
Next stop was to get the rabbies shot and tag and that was the middle of the dream.
    The following stop was City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Services where I would meet Tanna (a Christian) and 2 ladies and a boy. I remembered that I had seen the caucasion lady before somewhere before and also Tanna as well. All the characters in that dream were present for each part of the dream.

Good bye Idaho, I will miss you but only for a short time because I get to see you again after October 25th when the Millennium begins and you and I will be together for eternity to play and play. Racha, Button, Aspen, and Molly (my four Chihuahua care givers) will be with us to play together in the Messianic Kingdom. I have already been there in a dream and I hardly can wait to see it alive. Wow oh Wow!!!!!!!!!!
Idaho got up in my lap twice while at the Vet's and at Animal control. Tanna commented on it by seeing how much Idaho loved me. Thank you Tanna for telling me. You were the first to tell me that.

IDAHO Landon, you are the Star of this story. I LOVE You BUDDY. Here I go crying again.

But the story does not end here. After dropping you off Idaho, Ray and I went to the store for groceries for a family of 7 and then to pick up 3 of their kids from school. They wanted me to drop them off at a near by park to the school where the dream would end after dark where there was Ray, Azelia, Nathan (autistic like me), and his little brother who is in kindergarten and a neighborhood girl (age 7) and a big black rain storm a comin in.
   As I was waiting for Ray and the kids to come back to the truck, I was crying over the loss of my best caregiver and Ray caught me crying and said: You are crying over a dog! 

10/4/2018 Note: I was depressed most of the day and could not eat and finally cried out at 2 PM because of the loss of my best care giver. I cried for 3 minutes or more which is eternity for an autistic person.
I don't like to be held for a long time or touched but I can handle 5 minutes on good days. Idaho is a 40-50 pound dog and I can handle 5 minutes of his touching and sometimes even 30 minutes.

I will be happy to get my new body. 

10/6/2018 Note: Idaho, I know how jealous you can get with my other four legged friends and since this is the first time since 1985 without real four legged friends in the house, I have slept for two nights with stuffies (3 teddy bears and 1 dog). Ray says I am crazy and I just may be but I will always have a child at heart mentality. 
    Nathaniel is 8 physically but mentally he is 3 to 4. Me, I am about 16 to 18 mentally. 
   Over time, I may outgrow sleeping with stuffies in the bed but for now, they will do until Oct 10, 2018 because that afternoon and for the next 3 days I will be asleep getiing my DNA upgrade as will the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists and all those who are the brides and children under the age of knowing right from wrong which is 5 percent of humanity.
   In the autism world, a child will sleep with his toys lined up or even play with toys lined up in a certain order of importance. I did it with match box cars outside in the backyard as if they were at a carlot and I did it with my four no named stuffies.
   The dog one is at the head of the bed next to my pillow. Next in line is a white teddy bear that belonged to another dog. Then a teddy bear that I was going to give to my wife because she is my teddy bear. It is smaller than the white teddy bear. Finally is my sleeping teddy bear that a child lost and I found at a restaurant.

10/8/2018 Update:
   Idaho, on October 7th after gtting gasoline at the nearby gas station, I had come on on the dirt road and began to turn right onto Ardilla when I saw a teenage boy and girl walking at the end of Forest Road and heading to the trailor park. 
   I believe they are the two from a dream I had 5-7 years ago because they were wearing tennis shoes. 

On the 10th of October Idaho, you and many animals are not going to be acting normal because an earthquake of 3.0 to 20.0 is coming. The epicenter will be Israel and the earthquake will spread from there to every city on the continent and this is according to Revelation 6:12-17; Isa 24:1-6; and Rev 8:5. I hope the doctors will do what is ncessary and put you babies down gently so that you can go to sleep for the rest of your lives. I am going to miss you buddy, but maybe Ray will bring you home on the 10th instead of the 11th with valium to keep you calm. Either way, between the 10th to the 20th, you still will die and I will still get to see you on the 25th of October because I sure do love you and miss you.

On the 4th of October in the morning before Ray left for the 3 days, I asked him if he would fetch a tennis ball if I threw it. He said that he was not a dog.

Oct 10 2018 Update. Landon/Idaho will be going home to the original owners on Oct 17 on Wednesday, 2018.

This may be the final God dream for people in John's life prior to Oct 10 rapture party and the pouring out of the Trumpet/Bowl Judgments of Revelation at the 6th seal during the Days of Awe but only time will tell now.
The rapture can still happen on Oct 4th which is an unofficial watch day because Elul 25th was the beginning day of creation according to Jewish standards.

On the day of the rapture, I am meeting two people in a field behind my house and Idaho is not with me at the time of this dream fulfillment.
Then in another dream, Deena my wife and I are heading to meet up with Kelli (Atypical or High Functioning Autism; my daughter) and JT (John Thomas; Kelli's Husband) and Idaho is not in Deena's car with us.

The Rainbow Bridge
There is a Bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge, There is a land of meadows, hills and valeys with lush grass.

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and faithful animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other.

There is ony one thing missing, they are not with their special person who oved them on earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly looks up! Their nose twitches. Their ears are up. The eyes are staring. And this one suddenly runs from the group.

You , my friend, have been seen. When you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again. And you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. 


Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge with the Messiah at the center together--Never again to be separated.

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