Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tevet 5778 2017 Dec 19-Jan 17

Tevet (Tebeth) 5778/2017 December 19-January 17
8 pages. 
Due to a late start for Abib and one or two other months, we are 2-3 days behind the Jewish dates in this months calendar.

(Est 2:16) 29 days December-January
Fourth month of civil year. Weather in Israel: Wind N, NW, NE, Coldest month; rain, hail, and snow (Josh 10:11) on higher hills, and occasionally at Jerusalem. Crops: Flocks leave highlands for the Jordan Valley, and its cultivation begins; oranges ripening, and lower districts green with grain.

MATTHEW 24: 20,22 “ (20) Pray that your flight will not be in ‘ Winter or on the Sabbath ‘.. . (22) If those days had not been ‘ cut short ‘, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect ‘ those days will be Shortened ‘ “.
9 months for the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation.

Tevet 1. Dec 19. New moon Day 7 for Hanukkah. Yeshua rose from the grave at the end of the 7th day Sabbath and going into the 8th day Sabbath on Feast of First Fruits. Yeshua gave His announcement in John 7 on the 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles. Obama in 2009 was nominated for the Norwegian Peace Medallion on the 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles. 5 planets in a row lined up on the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles in 2010. We know that Hanukkah represents the Feast of Dedication and Festival of Lights.

Since we see that Hanukkah is a 2nd Feast of Tabernacles, which again means “ Appointed time to make your dwelling place “, there is a passage of scripture that seems to coincide with this:
PSALM 81:3 Blow up the Trumpet at the ‘New Moon’, at the ‘Appointed time’ on our solemn ‘Feast Day’.
Possible Rapture Day and Axial poleshift (Rev 6:12-17; Isaiah 24:1).
Tevet 1 (circa 479 BCE) -Esther was taken to King Archashverosh's palace, leading to her becoming queen (Esther 2:16-17).
Esther made Queen (362 BCE) "And Esther was taken to King Achashverosh, to his palace, in the tenth month, which is the month of Tevet, in the seventh year of his reign. And the king loved Esther more than all the women, and she won his favor and kindness more than all the virgins; he placed the royal crown on her head and made her queen in Vashti's stead" (Book of Esther 2:16-17). This set the stage for the miracle of Purim six years later, on the 13th and 14th of Adar.

483 BCE Sabbath Year (Shemitah) 19th Jubilee year (yovel יובל) Queen Vashti Deposed Esther 1
478, 525 BC Esther Becomes Queen Esther 2; Mordecai Thwarts a Conspiracy Esther 2:21
3450 476 Sabbath Year (Shemitah); 476/530 69th Jubilee (Daniel’s 69th week) 6000 years -3450=2550 (1260+1290). 2017+530=2547 years.
474, 500-475 BC Haman Seeks Revenge on the Jews Esther 3
473 Mordecai Informs Esther of Haman's Plot Esther 4; Esther Prepares a Banquet Esther 5; The King Honors Mordecai Esther 6; Haman Is Hanged Esther 7
472, 522/3, 356 BC Purim Instituted Esther 9; Xerxes' Tribute to Mordecai Esther 10
469 Sabbath Year (Shemitah)

7th Day of Hanukkah Miracle (139 BCE)
On the 25th of Kislev in the year 3622 from creation, the Maccabees liberated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, after defeating the vastly more numerous and powerful armies of the Syrian-Greek king Antiochus IV, who had tried to forcefully uproot the beliefs and practices of Judaism from the people of Israel. The victorious Jews repaired, cleansed and rededicated the Temple to the service of G-d. But all the Temple's oil had been defiled by the pagan invaders; when the Jews sought to light the Temple's menorah (candelabra), they found only one small cruse of ritually pure olive oil. Miraculously, the one-day supply burned for eight days, until new, pure oil could be obtained. In commemoration, the Sages instituted the 8-day festival of Hanukkah, on which lights are kindled nightly to recall and publicize the miracle.
Jewish dating like 3622 may be off by 240 years.

141 Sabbath Year (Shemitah)
140 BCE 26th Jubilee year (yovel יובל) from 1401-1406 BCE.
136/135 BC – Siege of Ptolemy in the fortress of Dagon by John Hyrcanus.
134 BCE (131, 164) Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה) 1 Macc 16.14; Josephus, Antiquities 13.8.1 131 Beginning of Hanukkah
1 Macc 16.14; "there came around the year in which the Jews are wont to remain inactive, for they observe this custom every seventh year, just as on the seventh day." Josephus, Antiquities 13.8.1
Now Simon was visiting the cities that were in the country, and taking care for the good ordering of them. And he went down to Jericho, he himself and Mattathias and Judas, his sons, in the one hundred and seventy-seventh year, in the eleventh month, the same is the month Sebate. Josephus Antiquities 13.8.1 (233) Now when his mother said so, he resolved to take the fortress immediately; but when he saw her beaten, and torn to pieces, his courage failed him, and he could not but sympathize with what his mother suffered, and was there by overcome; (234) and as the siege was drawn out into length by this means, that year on which the Jews use to rest, came on; for the Jews observe this rest every seventh year, as they do every seventh day; (235) so that Ptolemy being for this cause released from the war, he slew the brethren of Hyrcanus and his mother: and when he had so done, he fled to Zeno, who was called Cotylas, who was then the tyrant of the city Philadelphia.

Tevet 2. Dec 20. Day 4. 8th Day of Hanukkah Miracle (131 BCE) On the 25th of Kislev in the year 3622 from creation, the Maccabees liberated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, after defeating the vastly more numerous and powerful armies of the Syrian-Greek king Antiochus IV, who had tried to forcefully uproot the beliefs and practices of Judaism from the people of Israel. The victorious Jews repaired, cleansed and rededicated the Temple to the service of G-d. But all the Temple's oil had been defiled by the pagan invaders; when the Jews sought to light the Temple's menorah (candelabra), they found only one small cruse of ritually pure olive oil. Miraculously, the one-day supply burned for eight days, until new, pure oil could be obtained. In commemoration, the Sages instituted the 8-day festival of Hanukkah, on which lights are kindled nightly to recall and publicize the miracle.
"Zot Hanukkah"The eighth day of Hanukkah is also known as Zot Hanukkah (lit., "this is Hanukkah"), after a key phrase in the special Hanukkah Torah reading for this day (Numbers 7:54-8:4) on lighting of the Menorah (7 branch candlelabra).
Tuesday, December 19th is the longest night of the Year with the SUN not RISING until 8:04a.m. WEDnesday GMT (Greenwich mean Time zone) “ WEDDING DAY “?. Speaking of 8/4, this is actually Obama’s birth date, which is ‘ 6x6x6 ‘= 216th day of the Year. Obama’s picture logo is of the “ SUN RISING “!
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Lucifer = Morning-star. Worshiped by the Assyrians as male at sunrise, female at sunset. A name of Satan.

Tevet 3. Dec 21. Day 4. Winter Solstice. Jupiter (King Planet) enters Libra (Scales/Judgment). The Shortest day of the Year 7 hours/49 minutes (7 and 7x7/number of total completion) on Wednesday, December 21st.
DECEMBER 21st is the first day of WINTER (Winter Solstice) and right before the SABBATH, with this day being the SHORTEST DAY of the Year, plus being right after the NEW MOON and on the LAST DAY of Hanukkah – (JOHN 6:40; John 10).

Tevet 4. Dec 22. Ursid Meteor Shower. Winter Solstice. Sun intersects Silver Gate at Tarus and Gemini. See article on 5/14/2017.
The Little Dipper asterism is in the constellation Ursa Minor the Lesser Bear. Hence, the Ursid meteor shower.

Tevet 5. December 23. Sabbath. Uranus retrograde stalls in Uranus.
Greg Annett: I heard one guy say that there is a 3 month delay from the September 23 Revelation 12 sign. That would bring us to December 23 right between Hanukkah and Christmas. The Ezekiel 38 war may start after that.
I just remembered that the Russians invaded Afghanistan right on Christmas in 1980. Maybe they are about to repeat the same timing with the Israel invasion. I guess fighting a war in mid winter doesn't bother the Russians as Israel's winter is more like a Russian summer.
    Begin to watch for the Hopi Blue Star to appear. Helion is its name. Nibiru red dwarf giant is soon to follow within 2 days time but may be seen by the naked eye now. Look to the sunrise and towards Sagittarius.

Tevet 6. Dec. 24. Solar Eclipse 4/29/14 +1335 days.,_2014

Tevet 7. Dec. 25. Christmas Day. Rise of the Antichrist (Obama) and possible rapture of the bride. (Revelation 6:12-17; Isaiah 24:1 Axial poleshift).
Venus/Saturn Conjunction in Tarus.
On December 25th, the Sun is in the bow of Sagittarius and Venus the morning star (Isa 14:12-15) is conjoined with Saturn.
Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer. In various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and also the Druids.” –Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”

Rev_6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Lucifer is called the Sun of the Rising who rises in the morning with the Sun.

Tevet 8. Dec 26. Fast because the law was translated into Greek. Torah translated into Greek (246 BCE)
In a second attempt to translate the Torah into Greek (after an unsuccessful attempt 61 years earlier), the ruling Greek-Egyptian emperor Ptolemy gathered 72 Torah sages, had them sequestered in 72 separate rooms, and ordered them to each produce a translation. On the 8th of Tevet of the year 3515 from creation (246 BCE) they produced 72 corresponding translations, including identical changes in 13 places (where they each felt that a literal translation would constitute a corruption of the Torah's true meaning). This Greek rendition became known as the Septuagint, "of the seventy" (though later versions that carry this name are not believed to be true to the originals). Greek became a significant second language among Jews as a result of this translation. During Talmudic times, Tevet 8 was observed by some as a fast day, expressing the fear of the detrimental effect of the translation.
245 Sabbath Year (Shemitah)

Tevet 9. Dec. 27. Passing of Ezra (313 BCE) Ezra, who led the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel after the Babylonian exile (423-353 BCE), oversaw the building of the Second Temple, canonized the 24 books of the Holy Scriptures ("bible") and, as head of the "Great Assembly" legislated a series of laws and practices (including formalized prayer) which left a strong imprint on Judaism to this very day, passed away on the 9th of Tevet of the year 3448 from creation (313 BCE -- exactly 1000 years after the Giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai). The passing of Ezra marked the end of the " Era of Prophecy”.

538 BC The Proclamation of Cyrus Ezra 1; The Exiles Return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple Ezra 2; Samaritans and other enemies conspiring against Judah. First group returned from Babylon to Judah. Rebuild Temple. 538 approximately + 2520 (630 days per year) = 1948.
536 BC Foundation laid for the Temple just shortly after the return in 536 BC.
535 BC Temple Work Begins Ezra 3
534 BC Adversaries Hinder Temple Work Ezra 4; Artaxerxes Orders Work Stopped Ezra 4:17
533 BC +2550= 2017 CE. 3rd year of Cyrus.
532 Sabbath Year (Shemitah); 18th Jubilee year (yovel יובל)
3400 526 BCE 68th Jubilee (yovel יובל)
525 Sabbath Year (Shemitah)
521 BC decree of Darius Hystaspes which reaffirmed Cyrus’ decree (Ezra 6:6-12). Possible Jubilee year
520 BC Zechariah He began prophesying in the second year of king Darius, Persia, about sixteen years after the return of the first company from their Babylonian exile. He was contemporary with Haggai (Ezra 5:1) Tattenai's Letter to Darius Ezra 5; 520 BC The Word of the LORD by Haggai Haggai 1, 2; 520 BC The Word of the LORD to Zechariah Zechariah 1 - 14; Temple Work Resumed by Darius' Decree Ezra 6; The Temple of Zerubbabel. After the return from Babylon the Jews were exhorted by Haggai and Zechariah to rebuild their temple (about 520 BC).
518 Sabbath Year (Shemitah) Possible Completion and dedication of the temple.
515/516 Completion and Dedication of the Temple Ezra 6:16
504 BCE Sabbath Year; 503 BCE+2520=2017 CE.

Tevet 9. Dec. 27 (2+7=9). 4th Day event. Sun in the Head of Sagittarius. God is the Head of the Universe. Jesus is the Head of the Cross and Lucifer/Satan is the Head of the Antichrist. The Moon is on the horizontal line of Pisces which represents the House of Israel, the Church. Possible rapture day. 9 means final completion. 99 means final, final competion. On the Day of Trumpet, the Shophar is blown 99 times. At the sound of the Trumpet (Matt 24:31) is when the Messiah will come to gather the bride and the children under the age of knowing right from wrong.

Tevet 10. Dec. 28. A Month of Anguish - On the 10th - Asara BeTevet - Fast begins at first morning light. Commemorates the beginning of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem (7th century B.C.E.). (2 Ki 25:1). Many rabbis have designated it as a day of remembrance for the Holocaust. Work Restrictions: No restrictions on work. Exod 32:11-14; Exod 34:1-10; Isaiah 55:6-56:8.
The fast commemorates the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia.
Siege of Jerusalem (425 BCE, 588, 606 BCE) On the 10th of Tevet of the year 3336 from Creation (425 BCE), the armies of the Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem. Thirty months later -- on Tammuz 17, 3338 -- the city walls were breached, and on Av 9th of that year, the Holy Temple was destroyed. The Jewish people were exiled to Babylonia for 70 years.

609 BC Sabbath Year (Shemitah) Jehoiakim's wicked reign. 2 Chron 36; Jeremiah Proclaims Covenant Is Broken Jer 13 - 20; Jeremiah Prophesies against Egypt Jer 46; Jeremiah Prophesies against Philistia Jer 47;
608 Nebuchadnezzar takes first captives from Jerusalem. 608 BCE+1290 years and 1335 years = 2017.
Perry Stone book says 17th Jubilee between 606-604 BC.
606 Babylonian Captivity 606-536 First group from Judah taken to Babylon. Temple Rituals Interrupted + 1290 years= 685 Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem approximately.
Note: Some teach 601 BC. The following note follows this teaching. Babylon siege 601 BC (2 Chron 36:9-10; Ezk 1:1). 18 year old Jeconiah reign begin (Dec 9, Day 7; 598 BC,Va-Yeshev (And He Settled) Torah Genesis 37:1-40:23 Haftarahs Amos 2:6-3:8 ); Jeconiah reign ends/21 year old Zedeciah (Adar 2, March 15/16 597 BC, Rosh Chodeshim Ex 12:1-2/ Today the Parashah is Va-Yikra which means "And He Called." Va-Yikra is the Hebrew name for the book of Leviticus. Va-Yikra was the first Parashah of the Spiritual Universe. It will be the first Parashah in the Eternal State - Olam Haba. Va-Yikra (And He Called) Torah Leviticus 1:1-6:7 Haftarahs Isaiah 43:21-44:23). Second siege of Jerusalem begins (5th day, 10th month, Sunday, Dec 12, 589 BC; 9th year Zedekiah 2 Kgs 25:1-2; Ezk 24:1-2); Jan 28, Day 23, 11th Month 588 BC = 10th Day, 10th month, 9th year of Jeconiah Zedekiah's reign. 9 yr captivity 597 to 589 BC; 11 yr captivity 597-587 BC; 25 year captivity 597-573 BC. Destruction of Second Temple July 16; Sunday, Day 26; 4th Month Tammuz 587 BC; 11th year Zedekiah; Fall of Jerusalem Wall broken. Sept 28 573 BC Sukkot Day 2; Ezek 40:1; 25th year exile. 561 BC, March 27th, Month 13, Day 21, Spring Equinox Sabbath. Today is Shabbat Parah or the "Sabbath of the Red Heifer." It commemorates the custom of ritual cleansing for those on a Passover Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It is the Sabbath preceding Shabbat Ha-Chodesh. It is the third of four special Sabbaths. Today the Parashah is Shemini which means "The Eighth." Shemini was the Parashah on the first Sabbath after the resurrection of the Messiah. Shabbat Parah (Sabbath preceding Shabbat Ha-Chodesh) Haftarahs Ezekiel 36:16-38 Extra Readings Numbers 19:1-22 Parashah #26 Scripture Readings Shemini (The Eighth) Torah Leviticus 9:1-11:47 Haftarahs 2 Samuel 6:1-7:17. 2 Kgs 25:27-28; 37th year Jeconiah exile.
605 BCE Daniel, prophet ('El (God) is my Judge' taken captive); Daniel Refuses the King's Portion Daniel 1 First Deportation of Jews, some say. 605-2550 years = 1945 CE.
604 BC Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar Dream Daniel 2; possible Nebuchadnezzar’s first invasion on Jerusalem. The 70 generations to restore Israel was understood among religious Jews. 604+2554 years = 1948. 70 generations of 2554 would average 36 years for an average generation (Perry Stone: Deciphering End-Time Prophetic Codes. P. 63)
602 BC Sabbath Year (Shemitah); 602 BC+2550=1948.

Tevet 10(479 BCE) Esther appears before Achashverosh for the first time and is chosen by him to be the queen.
483 BCE Sabbath Year (Shemitah) 19th Jubilee year (yovel יובל) Queen Vashti Deposed Esther 1
478, 525 BC Esther Becomes Queen Esther 2; Mordecai Thwarts a Conspiracy Esther 2:21
3450 476 Sabbath Year (Shemitah); 476/530 69th Jubilee (Daniel’s 69th week) 6000 years -3450=2550 (1260+1290). 2017+530=2547 years.

Tevet 13. 100 Days from Revelation 12:1 sign on Sept 23rd, 2017.

Tevet 14 . Jan. 1-13 Sun Venus conjoined in Sagittarius.
The Antichrist brings in the Mark of the Beast, New World Order, One world currency, and New World Religion who worships Lucifer/Satan on Fridays and Sundays beginning in January. All others die.

Wolf Moon—The Wolf Moon is a full moon that occurs in January. Its name comes from hungry wolf packs that would howl outside the villages of Native Americans . This full moon is also known as the Old Moon or the Moon After Yule.

Prv 7:19 For the goodman (Mat_24:43. Luk_12:39) is not at home, he is gone a long journey: 
Pro 7:20  He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed (H3677) or New Moon. 


kese'    keseh
keh'-seh, keh'-seh
Apparently from H3680; properly fulness or the full moon, that is, its festival: - (time) appointed.

Psa 81:3  Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed (full moon), on our solemn feast day. 

Tevet 16. January 3. Fourth Day event. Super Storm Eleanor smashes into Britain with hurricane-force winds of up to 97MPH and torrential rain flooding roads and bringing down trees - as forecasters warn of ‘danger to life' from high tides and flying debris
  • Storm Eleanor hit Britain with hurricane-force winds topping 97mph triggering 'danger to life' warnings
  • Hurricane-force winds approaching 100mph were recorded in Mayo, Rep of Ireland, and 76mph in west Wales
  • Yellow and amber wind warnings issued across Britain, some Irish Sea ferry crossings have been cancelled
  • The Met Office has issued warnings about flying debris, high tides and flooding

Thousands are left without power after Storm Eleanor smashed into Britain on Tuesday night with hurricane-force winds topping 97mph and torrential rain triggering 'danger to life' warnings across the country. 

Tevet 20 Jan 6. Mars/Jupiter Conjunction in Libra. Golden Ration 1,618. Also Day of Atonement from Dec 27 Day of Trumpet Shophar blast. Day of Trumpet and Day of Atonement combined = 100 Shophar blasts. Sabbath.

Tevet 21. Jan 8. Shimon (Simeon, Simon) means: Simeon the God-receiver Born (1810, 1567 BCE). Shimon, the second son of Jacob and Leah and the progenitor of the Israelite tribe of Shimon, was born on Tevet 21 (according to another opinion, on Tevet 28), of the year 2194 from creation (1810, 1567 BCE), nine years after Jacob's arrival in Charan.

Tevet 23. Safed Earthquake (1837) A devastating earthquake struck northern Israel, killing four thousand Jews in Safed and between 700 to 1000 Jews in Tiberias. Many of the survivors migrated to Hebron.

The Galilee Earthquake of 1837, often called the Safed Earthquake, shook the Galilee on January 1 and is one of a number of moderate to large events that have occurred along the Dead Sea Transform (DST) fault system that marks the boundary of two tectonic plates; the African Plate on the west and the Arabian Plate on the east. Jews celebrate it today on Tevet 24.

Tevet 24 Jan. 11. (3rd-century BCE) -Jewish elders procure the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek (Septuagint) for Ptolemmy II Philadelphus.

Tevet 25. Jan 12. Mercury/Saturn conjoined in Sagittarius in the bow.  Saturn, Mercury Conjunction
The planets Mercury and Saturn will be in conjunction on January 13, 2018, with Mercury passing some 0.7 degrees south of Saturn.
Before daybreak the next few mornings – January 12, 13 and 14 – try catching the close pairing of Mercury and Saturn as the predawn darkness gives way to morning dawn. Look in the sunrise direction. The lit side of the waning crescent moon will be pointing in the direction of Mercury and Saturn, with these two planets sitting quite close to the sunrise point on your horizon.
Also seen at this time is Mars and Jupiter. 

Tevet 28. Jan 15. Birth and Passing of Simeon (1567-1447 BCE)
According to sources cited in the Seder Hadorot, Tevet 28 is both the birthday and the day of passing of Simeon the son of Jacob; other sources place the date as Tevet 21. (See the entry for Tevet 21).
Tevet 30. Jan. 17. End of Month.
Dates from:;

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