Balfour Century of Determined Times with dates and Brief Summary based off of
numbers in Daniel + biblical years 120 years, 100 years, 80, 70, 50, 40, 38
BC+2520 =1774 CE start era of Nabonassar & Babylon and start of Democratic
period for France and USA. Leviticus 26:24 7 times 360 prophetic years (2520
604 BC
+2520 years =1917 Battle of Jerusalem. Start of the Balfour Century. Lev 26:24
7times pun 360 years (2520).
BC+2520=1934 Babylonian Breach of Jerusalem. Hitler takes chancelry and start
mass Aliyah. Lev 26:24 7times pun 360 years (2520).
457 BCE+487 =31 CE Decree of
Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem. Crucify (Cut off) Messiah ben Joseph (Jesus).
Dan 9:25 69.5 Weeks.
457 BCE+483 years = 27 CE.
Decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem. Baptism of Jesus at 30 years of age
Messiah. Dan 9:24 69 Weeks.
457 BCE+2300 = 1844 CE.
Decree of Artaxerxes to Restore Jerusalem. Turkish Edict of Religion
Toleration. Dan 8:14.
533 CE+1260 years =1793 CE Emperor
Justinian decree establish papal rule. French Revolution zenith and open
Napoleon era. Dan 7:8 the 1260 Days.
610 CE+1260 years = 1870
Decree of Phocas confirmed by Vitallian Decree France Prussian war starts end
of rome dominion. Dan 7:8 the 1260 days.
637 CE +1335 years = 1972
CE. Omar takes Jerusalem & starts Dome in Temple site. Start end of
abomination Jerusalem united. Dan 12:12 1335 days.
637 CE+ 1290 =1927 CE. Omar
takes Jerusalem & starts Dome in Temple site. Balfour mandate end of 3rd Aliyah.
Dan 12:11 1290 days.
637 CE + 1260 days =1897 CE. Omar takes Jerusalem & starts
Dome on Temple site. 1st World Zionest Conference. Start end
Disporia. Dan 7:8 the 1260 days.
663 CE +1260 days = 1923 CE.
Decree of Vitallian on Papal rule. Debachery of the roaring 20’s. Dan 7:8 the
1260 days.
1897 CE +120 years = 2017
CE. 1st Zionst Conference Max Nordau. End of the Balfour Century.
Gen 6:3 120 generation lifespan.
1917 CE +100 years = 2017
CE. Balfour Declaration & judgment generation. End of The Balfour Century.
Gen 15:13-15 100 year generation.
1947 CE + 70 years = 2017
CE. UN 181 sets Israel Borders & Psalms generation. End of The Balfour
Century. Psalm 90:10 70 year generation.
1973 CE +44 years = 2017 CE.
Arab War firms borders. End of the Balfour Century. Approx wilderness
1982 CE+35 years = 2017 CE.
Israel Lebanon. End of the Balfour Century. Shortest generation.
Now for
the detail timeline analysis. Enjoy the journey.
BC+2520 =1774 CE start era of Nabonassar & Babylon and start of Democratic
period for France and USA. Leviticus 26:24 7 times 360 prophetic years (2520
sources for Iranian history. In a number of cases Babylonian chronicles provide
valuable information about the political history of Iran. These chronicles,
which are closely connected to one another, began with the reign of Nabu-nāṣir
(747-734 B.C.E.) and continued as far as the reign of Seleucus II (245-226
751 Sabbath Year (Shemitah)
750 BC Jotham Succeeds Uzziah 2 Chronicles 27
Sabbath Year (Shemitah)
747 BCE +
1335=588 CE+1335=1923. Nothing happened in Israel that year.
5900 1921 CE 118th
Jubilee (yovel יובל) Israel. First moshav (cooperative village),
Nahalal, founded.
1922 CE Britain granted Mandate for
Palestine (Land of Israel) by League of Nations; Transjordan set up
on three-fourths of the area, leaving one fourth for the Jewish national home.
Jewish Agency representing Jewish community vis-a-vis Mandate authorities set
up. In
1922, The League of Nations laid out the borders for a future Land of Israel.
It included the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and everything between them west of
the Jordan River. It was approved by 51 countries. When the League disbanded
and the United Nations was created, they voted and approved the Leagues
Document on the future Israeli border. This document was legal according to
international law. In 1948, the U.N. abandoned their agreement with the League
to uphold the document and let Jordan illegally take the West Bank and East
Jerusalem away from Israel, which didn't only violate the agreement, it
violated international law. In 1968, Israel reclaimed the land from Jordan. The
U.N , the P.A., and the rest of the Arab and Muslim world keeps saying that the
land belongs to the Palestinians and the Israelis are violating international
law by occupying it. In 2013, the P.A. took Israel to court in France because
of a dispute over a rail line Israel built in the West Bank from Jerusalem. The
Court of Appeals of Versailles, after studying international law, region laws,
the League of Nations Israeli Border Document, and the Agreement of the United
Nations to honor that document, ruled that ALL of the West Bank and ALL of
Jerusalem belong to Israel and that the Palestinians have NO rights to any of
the land. Since the P.A. did not challenge the ruling, it became final.
According to international law, Israel should have been in possession of all of the West Bank and all of Jerusalem since 1948. There is no need for Israel to pass settlement laws and wrongfully destroy settlements like Amona when they are all on Israel's land. All the Israeli Government has to do is quit listening to the U.N., quit being afraid of Hamas and the P.A., and read the international laws regarding Israel's legal borders. If any of them know how to use a computer, have them checkout the Court of Appeals of Versailles ruling of 2013.
According to international law, Israel should have been in possession of all of the West Bank and all of Jerusalem since 1948. There is no need for Israel to pass settlement laws and wrongfully destroy settlements like Amona when they are all on Israel's land. All the Israeli Government has to do is quit listening to the U.N., quit being afraid of Hamas and the P.A., and read the international laws regarding Israel's legal borders. If any of them know how to use a computer, have them checkout the Court of Appeals of Versailles ruling of 2013.
1923 CE Ottoman Empire dissolves; Turkey
founded. Adam Shattock says on 1923... What an eventful year. It brought to an end the
7th empire; the Ottoman empire which began its rise with the Umayaad caliphate
in 663. This was imprint history because without the great war the Jews would
not have their land today. The Umayaad caliphs took their authority from Muhammed's uncle who had
ruled for 30 years before them after Muhammad died. These caliphs also built
the dome of the rock and provided the Jews with protection for 1260 years by
absorbing them into their population in the middle east. The really interesting
point is that 630 years after Christ went to heaven, these heathens turn up. It
is considered that Christ was made an abomination that we might gain eternal
life through mercy. 630 years before he was crucified was 602 B.C. the total
period from Nebuchadnezzar dream to the first Umayaad Caliph: 1260 years with
the crucifixion in the dead centre.
747 BCE +
1335=588 CE+1290=1878 CE Dud.
1848 Dud.
BCE+1290= 543+1290 = 1833. Dud
1803 Sabbath year but still a dud.
BCE+2520 years = 1774. 1774 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה)
CE July 4th, United States of America
founded with the Declaration of Independence. 1776 + 239=2015! 239....or
23/9....September 23. Illuminati founded in 1776....239 years later.
Lev 25:20 And
if ye shall say, What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we shall not sow,
nor gather in our increase:
Lev 25:21
Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year, and it shall
bring forth fruit for three years.
Lev 25:22 And
ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat yet
of old fruit until the ninth year; until her fruits come in ye shall eat of the old store.
is our timeframe to watch for. 2017 is the Jubilee year by some accounts. 2016
is the Jubilee year by other accounts. If the Day of the Lord is a one year
event with Armageddon on Day of Atonement 2018 and 2019, we are in the
Messianic Kingdom then 2018 is the 9th year. 2017 is the 8th
year. 2016 is the 7th year. And 2015 is the 6th year.
According to Jonathan Cahn, the 7th year (2015) was a shemitah year.
So 2014 was the 6th year. 2015 was the 7th year, 2016 was
the 8th year, and 2017 is the 9th year.
604 BC
+2520 years =1917 Battle of Jerusalem. Start of the Balfour Century. Lev 26:24
7times pun 360 years (2520). 1917 (Psalm 17) +100 years =2017. Genesis 15:13,
coupled with Gen. 15:16 indicates 100 years.
609* BC
Sabbath Year (Shemitah) Jehoiakim's wicked reign. 2 Chron 36; Jeremiah
Proclaims Covenant Is Broken Jer 13 -
20; Jeremiah Prophesies against Egypt
Jer 46; Jeremiah Prophesies against Philistia Jer 47;
608 Nebuchadnezzar takes first captives from
Jerusalem. 608 BCE+1290 years + 1335
years = 2017 (Psalm 117).
Perry Stone book says 17th Jubilee between
606-604 BC.
606* Babylonian Captivity 606-536 First group from Judah taken to Babylon.
Temple Rituals Interrupted + 1290 years= 685 Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
Some teach 601 BC. The following note follows this teaching. Babylon siege 601
BC (2 Chron 36:9-10; Ezk 1:1). 18 year old Jeconiah reign begin (Dec 9, Day 7;
598 BC,Va-Yeshev (And He Settled) Torah Genesis 37:1-40:23 Haftarahs Amos
2:6-3:8 ); Jeconiah reign ends/21 year old Zedeciah (Adar 2, March 15/16 597
BC, Rosh Chodeshim Ex 12:1-2/ Today the Parashah is Va-Yikra which means
"And He Called." Va-Yikra is the Hebrew name for the book of
Leviticus. Va-Yikra was the first Parashah of the Spiritual Universe. It will
be the first Parashah in the Eternal State - Olam Haba. Va-Yikra (And He Called)
Torah Leviticus 1:1-6:7 Haftarahs Isaiah 43:21-44:23). Second siege of
Jerusalem begins (5th day, 10th month, Sunday, Dec 12, 589 BC; 9th yr Zedekiah
2 Kgs 25:1-2; Ezk 24:1-2); Jan 28, Day 23, 11th Month 588 BC = 10th Day, 10th
month, 9th year of Jeconiah Zedekiah's reign. 9 yr captivity 597 to 589 BC; 11
yr captivity 597-587 BC; 25 year captivity 597-573 BC. Destruction of Second
Temple July 16; Sunday, Day 26; 4th Month Tammuz 587 BC; 11th year Zedekiah;
Fall of Jerusalem Wall broken. Sept 28 573 BC Sukkot Day 2; Ezek 40:1; 25th
year exile. 561 BC, March 27th, Month 13, Day 21, Spring Equinox Sabbath. Today
is Shabbat Parah or the "Sabbath of the Red Heifer." It commemorates
the custom of ritual cleansing for those on a Passover Pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
It is the Sabbath preceding Shabbat Ha-Chodesh. It is the third of four special
Sabbaths. Today the Parashah is Shemini which means "The Eighth."
Shemini was the Parashah on the first Sabbath after the resurrection of the
Messiah. Shabbat Parah (Sabbath preceding Shabbat Ha-Chodesh) Haftarahs Ezekiel
36:16-38 Extra Readings Numbers 19:1-22 Parashah #26 Scripture Readings Shemini
(The Eighth) Torah Leviticus 9:1-11:47 Haftarahs 2 Samuel 6:1-7:17. 2 Kgs
25:27-28; 37th year Jeconiah exile.
605 BCE
Daniel, prophet ('El (God) is my Judge' taken captive); Daniel Refuses
the King's Portion Daniel 1 First Deportation of Jews, some say. 605-2550
years = 1945 CE (Psalm 45).
604 BC Daniel
Interprets Nebuchadnezzar Dream Daniel 2;
possible Nebuchadnezzar’s first invasion on Jerusalem. The 70 generations to
restore Israel was understood among religious Jews. 604+2554 years = 1948. 70 generations of
2554 would average 36 years for an average generation (Perry Stone: Deciphering
End-Time Prophetic Codes. P. 63)
BC Sabbath Year (Shemitah); 602 BC+2550
years=1948. 1948+70 years = 2018 (Psalm 118)
BC+2520=1934 Babylonian Breach of Jerusalem. Hitler takes chancelry and start
mass Aliyah. Lev 26:24 7times pun 360 years (2520).
Sabbath Year (Shemitah) BC Siege of Jerusalem Begins 2 Kings 25; Jeremiah's Conflicts Jeremiah 21 - 33; Jeremiah Prophesies
Judgment on Judah Jeremiah 34 - 45;
Siege of Jerusalem Begins Ezekiel 24 January 15th.
587 BC
God's Vengeance on Ammon and Edom Ezekiel
587/6* BCE
9/10th of Av Judah was defeated by the
Babylonian Empire. First Temple was destroyed *
586* BC
The Fall of Jerusalem 2 Kings 25,
Jeremiah 52; Psalms of Desolation (Jer. 52) Psalms
74, 79; Jeremiah Prophesies against
Babylon Jeremiah 50, 51; Jeremiah's
Lamentations Lamentations 1 - 5; Ezekiel Pronounces Judgment on Tyre Ezekiel 26 - 28; Ezekiel Prophesies against Egypt Ezekiel
29 - 32; Ezekiel the Watchman Ezekiel 33
1931 CE
Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה)
1933-39 CE Fifth Aliya, mainly from
1935 CE Persia renamed IRAN; 1935-1945 Nazi
1937 The Peel Commission published a
report that for the first time recommended partition of Palestine, and the land
under it’s authority be apportioned between an Arab and Jewish state. The plan
was declared unimplementable. 80 years to 2017.
1938 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה) Jewish Year 5698.
BCE+1335+1260= 2008. 2008 Sabbath year (Shmita
שמיטה)CE Solar eclipse 1st day
Abib; Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 777.7 points on Elul 29. Recession for
America. Deut. 32:15 (Jeshurun
(righteous ones) refers to rebellion.
457 BCE+487 =31 CE Decree of
Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem. Crucify (Cut off) Messiah ben Joseph (Jesus).
Dan 9:25 69.5 Weeks.
462 Sabbath Year (Shemitah)
458 BC Ezra Journeys to Jerusalem Ezra 7; Ezra
Commissioned by Artaxerxes Ezra 7:11; Ezra Restores Worship. The decree of
Artaxerxes to Ezra (Ezra 7:11-26)
457/8 BC Families Return to Jerusalem with Ezra Ezra 8; Ezra's
reforms Ezra 9. Possible Shemitah year
70th year
456 BC Ezra's Prayer About Intermarriage Ezra 10
455 BCE **Sabbath year
(Shmita שמיטה) Nehemiah
5:7–13; Nehemiah 8:18; Deuteronomy 31:10–11
Note: This verse on Daniel 9:24-26 is on
another timeline is at the 69th Jubilee/19th Jubilee
weeks are determined upon thy people (Israel) and upon thy holy city
(Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to
make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness,
and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore
and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to
build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and
threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even
in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off
(killed), but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come
shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (the temple) ...."
Daniel 9:24-26.
Jesus's Death in the Midst of
the Week
27 28
29 30 31 32 33
30 CE
Shâchaṭ שׁחט Messiah Yahushua,
Yeshua (Jesus) cut off in the midst of the week for our redemption
there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man;
for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the
truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the
Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the
principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him
at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third
day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful
things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not
extinct at this day. Josephus Antiquities 18:3. The doors of the hekhal began
to open by itself in the Temple. Tractate Yoma 39.
31 CE Shâchaṭ
A natural solar eclipse can only occur at the
new moon. Yahshua was crucified on Abib 14, at a full moon in the mid month;
darkness would be a miracle, not a natural eclipse.
“Forty years before the destruction of the
Temple, the western light (of the Lamp-stand, the Menorah) went out, the
crimson thread remained crimson, and the lot for the LORD always came up in the
left hand. They would close the gates of the temple by night and get up in the
morning and find them wide open”.(The Yerushalmi, p.156-157)
“Our rabbis taught: During the last forty
years before the destruction of the Temple the lot (‘For the Lord’) did not
come up in the right hand; nor did the crimson-colored strap become white; nor
did the western most light shine; and the doors of the Hekl (Temple) would open
by themselves”.(Yoma 39a)
33 Sabbath Year. It was also a
Sabbath if 27 CE was a Sunday.
27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Perry Stones book End Time Prophetic
Codes says 33-34 was the 13th Jubilee.
The date of Christ’s
crucifixion is debated among scholars. Some say 30 AD and some say 33 AD. Both
have strong arguments. One could argue 30 AD using the consistency of 40
(transition period), 30 AD + 40 years to the Temple destruction in 70 AD.
457 BCE+483 years = 27 CE.
Decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem. Baptism of Jesus at 30 years of age
Messiah. Dan 9:24 69 Weeks.
27 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה)Yahshua's ministry began.
Luke 3:1 "Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar
[Roman Emperor from 14 CE to 37 CE] Pontius Pilate [Pontius Pilatus (Pilate),
fifth Prefect of the Roman province of Judea, from CE 26 –36.] being
governor of Judaea, Herod [Antipas] being tetrarch of Galilee " [20 BCE –
c.CE 40] Luke 3:22-23 "and the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a
dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven saying, “You are My Son, the
Beloved, in You I did delight.” And when יהושע
himself began to be about thirty years of age." Now the Levites were
numbered from the age of thirty years and upward: 1Chron 23:3
Possible Death 28 CE Solar Eclise for 3 hours was a comet passing
by. Planet x is 7 times larger than the earth and it passed by at the time of
Christ's death giving us a 3 hour eclipse. Lk 23:44-45; Matt 27:45-46.
Cut off Michael Rood believes 28 CE that Yeshua died. Others say 30-35 CE.
The third year of Claudius’
reign was A.D. 28. That year was also a Sabbatical year (per Wacholder, A.D.
CE 81st Jubilee Jerome The Chronicle of
St. Jerome'
457 BCE+2300 = 1844 CE.
Decree of Artaxerxes to Restore Jerusalem. Turkish Edict of Religion
Toleration. Dan 8:14.
533 CE+1260 years =1793 CE
Emperor Justinian decree establish papal rule. French Revolution zenith and
open Napoleon era. Dan 7:8 the 1260 Days.
The 1260
Years Begin with the Implementation of Emperor Justinian's DecreeArian Ostrogoths under Theodoric had controlled Italy since 493, and had even imprisoned Pope John I, who died in Ostrogoth custody in Ravenna in 526. Catholic Emperor Justinian, who began waging open war with the Arians in the 530s, declared the Bishop of Rome the head of all Christian churches in 533, and commissioned his General Belisarius to destroy the Arian Vandals and Ostrogoths. The Vandals were defeated in 534 in the battle of Tricamarum. Turning his attention to the Ostrogoths, General Belisarius took Rome in December of 536, and under the direction of Emperor Justinian, deposed and exiled Pope Silverius who had been installed by the last Ostrogoth King of Italy, Theodahad, who had terrorized the clergy into electing his pro-Gothic candidate. Silverius died a prisoner. Belisarius installed Vigilius, a confidant of Empress Theodora, as the Bishop of Rome in March of 537. In quick reply, the Ostrogoths rallied and laid siege to Rome. When the siege was finally broken by General Belisarius in March of 538, the Ostrogoths withdrew from Rome in defeat, leaving it in the Emperor's control, and Vigilius as the Bishop of Rome (who reigned until 555 A.D.). So it was in 538 A.D. that Emperor

July 14 French Revolution (1789–1799) begins: Citizens of Paris storm the Bastille and free seven prisoners.apacy.
610 CE+1260 years = 1870
Decree of Phocas confirmed by Vitallian Decree France Prussian war starts end
of Rome dominion. Dan 7:8 the 1260 days. 610 Sabbath Year (Shemitah).
1869 CE 67th Jubilee year (yovel יובל) Jewish Emancipation in Germany
Italy, 1869-71.
1870 CE
Head wound for Papalcy. 962 CE Sabbath year (Shmita) Holy Roman Empire to 1870
Wound. Part of the 1260 years from 754 CE to the beginning of 2017. Covers the
crusades from 1095 to 1456. Covers the Inquisitions from 1184 to 1878 Head
Wound. Also 1453. 144 years until 2017.
77 years from 1870 to 1947. 1870 to 1929 = 59 years.
5850 1871 CE 117th
Jubilee (yovel יובל)
years = 1945.
1945 CE
Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה) Atomic Bomb dropped on Japan on Aug 9th;
WWII ends Sept 2, 1945 (war in the sky-Rev 12); United League of Nations
changed name to the United Nations (change times and seasons). Liberation of
Jews from prison camps.
Stone Jubilee 69th Jubilee 1945+ 70 years = 2015. Dragon Persecutes Woman until
beginning of 2017. Beginning of 2017 to end 2020 (Dragon Hunts Remnant).
637 CE +1335 years = 1972
CE. Omar takes Jerusalem & starts Dome in Temple site. Start end of
abomination Jerusalem united. Dan 12:12 1335 days. Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC, now the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) in 1972.
637 CE+ 1290 =1927 CE. Omar
takes Jerusalem & starts Dome in Temple site. Balfour mandate end of 3rd Aliyah.
Dan 12:11 1290 days. Earthquake in
Jerusalem in 1927. The Third Aliyah refers
to the third wave—or aliyah—of Zionist
immigration in modern times to Israel from Europe. This wave lasted
from 1919, just after the end of World War I, until 1923, at
the start of an economic crisis in Palestine.
637 CE + 1260 days/years =1897 CE. Omar takes Jerusalem & starts
Dome on Temple site. 1st World Zionest Conference. Start end
Disporia. Dan 7:8 the 1260 days.
CE First Zionist Congress; August
29-31 First Zionist Congress
convened by Theodor Herzl in Basel, Switzerland; Zionist Organization founded.
120 years to 2017.
663 CE +1260 days/years =
1923 CE. Decree of Vitallian on Papal rule. Debachery of the roaring 20’s. Dan
7:8 the 1260 days.
663+1335 years =1998. 1997
CE Hale-Bopp Comet at Passover; Kyoto
Protocol initially adopted Dec. 11/97 Kyoto, Japan, entered into force on 16
Feb. 2005. An Arab conference was held to take the homeland of the Jews. Jewish Year 5758 Noach/Noah = The seasons of Noah/ Matt 24:37. Jewish tradition: Noah saw a great comet pass by when he was building the ark. Comet Hale-bopp showed up around the flood period. Jewish Year 5758 Noach/Noah = The seasons of Noah/ Matt 24:37. Jewish tradition: Noah saw a great comet pass by when he was building the ark. Comet Hale-bopp showed up around the flood period.
1998 Modern Israel's Jubilee.
1897 CE +120 years = 2017
CE. 1st Zionst Conference Max Nordau. End of the Balfour Century.
Gen 6:3 120 generation lifespan.
1917 CE +100 years = 2017
CE. Balfour Declaration & judgment generation. End of The Balfour Century.
Gen 15:13-15 100 year generation.
1947 CE + 70 years = 2017
CE. UN 181 sets Israel Borders & Psalms generation. End of The Balfour
Century. Psalm 90:10 70 year generation.
1973 CE +44 years = 2017 CE.
Arab War firms borders. End of the Balfour Century. Approx wilderness
1982 CE+35 years = 2017 CE.
Israel Lebanon. End of the Balfour Century. Shortest generation.
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