Sunday, June 4, 2017

2017 2018 Psalms 117 118

This article is for those of you who want to hand out a 4 page article to people for watching the judgments being poured out during the Day of the Lord.

2017 2018   Psalm 117 118   
Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming (
Nibiru and Isaiah 24 (
   Both blogs have dates from Creation to 3017. Both deal with signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Both deal with Leviticus 23.   John Ashcraft, Albuquerque, NM on facebook.

What do these years have in common? Abraham's birth (1947 BCE) +2017 years = 70 CE Destruction of the Temple; Matt 24:1-2) + 1947 years = 2017. 6th day war 1967+50 years = 2017. Battle of Jerusalem 1917+100 years = 2017. Israel became a nation in 1948 1 to 2 days prior to Pentecost (Matt 24:32; Psalm 90:10) but the proclamation went out in 1947+70 years = 2017. Judah ben Samuel Prophecy 1517-1917, 1917-1967, 1967-2017 The Messiah comes and Armageddon. Woman clothed with the Sun in 2017 (Day of Trumpet with Virgo and Leo). Giza Pyramid Lineup of 2017 (Day of Trumpet). August 21 (4th day event) Solar Eclipse over North America ( in 2017. 2017 minus generations 38, 40, 50, 70, 80, 100, and 120 line up to significant events with Israel. Miracle of the Sun (Oct. 13th, 1917) +100 years = 2017.  (It was on the 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles). Psalm 117= 2017  Feast Dates Introduction

4 views of September 23, 2017
     End of Humanity and Armageddon on the Day of Atonement (Rev 14:20ff; Rev 15 Day of Atonement Typology; Rev 16/19 Armageddon)
     Beginning of the Day of the Lord which is a one year event according to Isaiah and covers both the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments and ends on the Day of Atonement with Armageddon.
    Mid point of the 7 year tribulation.
    Beginning of the 7 year Tribulation
The problem I have with numbers 3 and 4 is that if the beginning heavenly sign begins in the 7th month such as 5 planets lining up in a row on the 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles in 2010, then the end sign 7 years later should be on the Day of Trumpet according to Revelation 12:1 and 11 –7th Trumpet and the only one between 2017 and 2100 + is the one on Sept. 23rd, 2017. Feast Dates Introduction

Day of Trumpet –rapture (Lev 23:24-25; Zeph 1:14-16—Day of the Lord is a Day of Trumpet and Alarm; Matthew 24:31 (Day of Trumpet; I Cor 15:52 (Day of Trumpet); I Thess 4:16-18 (Day of Trumpet); Rev 6:12-17 (Day of Trumpet/Day of Atonement); Rev 11:15 ff-Day of Trumpet Typology; Rev 12:1 (Virgo/Leo, Sept 20-23, 2017.

Sept 20/21 Rapture ?? Sept 23 Restrainer taken away and Antichrist (Obama) comes on full force including the Mark of the Beast

Day of Atonement (Lev 16:14-27; 23:25-36; Joel 2:15; Rev 6:12-17; Rev. 8:1-5 (global earthquake—axial poleshift); Rev 14:20ff; Rev 15—Day of Atonement Typology; Rev 16/19 Marriage of Groom to Bride and Armageddon (Joel 3—Valley of Decision/Jehoshaphat). Rev 12 Sign Hidden Meaning

Sukkot 1/Feast of Tabernacles 1 Trumpet Judgment 1 Meteorite storm blankets 1/3rd of the earth (all of North and South America is 1/3rd of the earth). Feast of Tabernacles is also known as the Millennium/Messianic Kingdom/7th Day. May begin 2nd Month 17th Day.

After that each Trumpet Judgment and then the Bowl Judgment should be poured on either on Rosh Chodesh (first sliver of the New Moon) or on the Full Moon.

Christians teach this Day of the Lord will occur over a seven year period. What is shorter? Is 360/365 days shorter or 1260 days or 2550 days? If the Exodus 10 plagues can be poured out over a 5 month period, why should it take 12 Judgments to be poured out over a 7 year period? If the first coming occurs in one year, why should it take 7 years for the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation?

The Day of the Lord
    Prophecies about the coming Day of the Lord can be found in the writings of many of the Old Testament prophets, and Isaiah is no exception. This subject is covered from chapters 2 to 66. Unlike the dualism of the prophecies to Israel and Judah, most prophecies about the Day of the Lord are for an event yet to come. These foretell a time of awesome and frightening events leading to the return of Christ. Many people think of it as “the end of the world,” although it is really just the end of this present evil age.
    Isaiah explains that the Day of the Lord will last for one year (Isaiah 34:8; Isaiah 61:2; Isaiah 63:4). The principle of a day for a year in prophecy also applies to the Day of the Lord (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6). It is the year of the “Lord’s vengeance” or God’s wrath (Revelation 6:17). Other verses: Deut 24:4; John 6:40, 44,54 –Last Day = Last year.
     In the earlier chapters on this subject (2, 13 and 24), Isaiah describes the effects of God’s wrath on this world. Men will hide in caves in terror (Isaiah 2:19-21), the earth will be shaken and possibly moved from its orbit (Isaiah 13:13), and the earth will become almost empty and a total waste (Isaiah 24:1, 3, 6). Isaiah also speaks of the Day of the Lord as a time of war (Isaiah 31:8-9). These events are also described in the seven trumpets of Revelation 8-9.
    God further reveals through Isaiah that the “daughter of Babylon” will be destroyed in the Day of the Lord (Isaiah 47:1, 5, 7, 9). These verses are almost identical to those of Revelation 18:7-8, 17-19, 21. This Babylon is the final end-time government and its religious system that will be destroyed at Messiah’s return.
The time of God’s wrath will come to an end when “the great trumpet will be blown” (Isaiah 27:13) and Jesus Christ will return to the earth (Revelation 11:15—7th trumpet; Rev 12:1 Day of Trumpet with Leo and Virgo).
    While the Day of the Lord often focuses on the wrath of God (the punishment that will come upon the disobedient for one year before Christ returns), this term is also used in a broader way by John in Revelation 1:10 to describe all the events—including the wrath of God, the Millennium and events thereafter—that will occur after Christ’s return. Virtually every Old Testament prophet who warned of God’s judgment on the Day of the Lord also spoke of restored peace and prosperity that will follow the judgment.
    So according to Isaiah the Day of the Lord lasts one year or 360 Biblical days.
    This time of God’s special intervention known primarily as The Day of the Lord has been referred to by other terms in scripture, such as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (Jer. 30:7); His Strange Work/Act (Isa. 28:21); the Day of Israel’s Calamity (Deut. 32:35); the Indignation (Isa. 26:20; Dan. 11:36); the Overflowing Scourge (Isa. 28:15, 18); the Day of Vengeance (Isa. 34:8; 35:4; 61:2); the Day of Wrath/Distress/Wasteness/ Desolation (Zeph. 1:15); the Day of Darkness/Thick Darkness/Gloominess (Zeph. 1:15, Joel 2:2); the Day of Trumpet and Alarm (Zeph. 1:16); the hour of trial (Rev. 3:10); the Wrath to Come (1 Thess. 1:10); the Wrath (1 Thess. 5:9), and the Hour of His Judgment (Rev. 14:7) and Lord’s Day in Revelation.
    In some instances, the Day of the Lord, due to its unique nature and importance, has been referred to as simply “that day” (Isa. 2:11, 17; 2:20; 4:2; Joel 3:18; Mark 13:32; Luke 21:34; 2 Tim. 1:12, 18; 4:8), and Day of the Lord in the major prophets.
Other verses: I Thess 5:1-3 5:1 Seasons=Gen 1:14 Seasons = Lev. 23/25.

Revelation has 3 timeframes: 10 years, 1 year (Psalm 117-118; Deut 24:5), and 10 days from Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement with Sings in the Sun, Moon, and Stars on the Day of Trumpet. 
Rev 2:10 Ten Days of Tribulation =10 years of tribulation from Day of Trumpet to Day of Trumpet, then to Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement. These are called the Days of Awe. This timeframe began in 2007 and ends in 2017 with the rapture and beginning of the Day of the Lord.

Planet X/El Shaddai (destroy)/The Destroyer/ Nibiru
This red dwarf or brown drawf star giant with 7 planets will bring in the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation. The timeframe is Sept 23rd 2017 to Sept 30th, 2018.

These Judgments are:
Trumpet Judgements poured out over the first 5 months.
Trumpet 1: Horrific hail and fire, 1/3 of plants burned up. (Rev 8:7) Meteorites or Corona Mass Ejection. Rev 6:13; Affects Day 3 of Genesis 1. 10 Plagues: Exod 9:23-25. North and South America is 1/3rd of the Earth.
Trumpet 2: Meteorite/Volcano explodes in the ocean, 1/3 ships and sea life destroyed. (Rev 8:8,9) Affects Day 5 of Genesis 1. Exod 8:20-21.
Trumpet 3: Comet explodes on the earth, 1/3 of fresh water poisoned, many men die. (Rev 8:10,11) Wormwood. Bolides or aerolites. Affects Day 6 of Genesis 1. (Isa_14:12; Jer_9:15; Exo_15:23).
Trumpet 4: 1/3 of sunlight removed. (Rev 8:12) Affects Day 4 of Genesis 1. (Exo_10:21-23)
Trumpet 5: First woe—Demon locusts, men tortured. (Rev 8:13-9:12, Ezekiel, Isaiah) C.E.R.N. Project. Isa 13:2-3 Emblem has a triple 6 and a dual 6. (Exo_10:12-15; Joe_2:3; Joe_2:4-10) (Rev_22:16; Rev_1:18)
Trumpet 6: Second woe—Demon army, 1/3 of men die. (Rev 9:13-21) CERN Project 2015 September/October  (Gen_15:18; 1Ki_4:21; Isa_8:5-8; Hab_1:5-10)

Passover month: Ministry of 2 witnesses ended. (Rev 11:1-13). 144,000 Jewish evanagelists ministry ends. (Rev. 7:4;14:3). 
 Trumpet 7: Third woe—7 Vial Judgments. (Rev 11:14-19)
These are poured out over the last 7 months. Nuclear War (WWIII) can cause these issues. 
Vial 1: Boils on men. (Rev 16:1,2)
Vial 2: Sea turned to blood. (Rev 16:3) Pacific Ocean?? Fukushimi accident??
Vial 3: Freshwater turned to blood. (Rev 16:4-7) Began in 2012 and continues to present with different rivers turning to blood.
 Vial 4: Great heat. (Rev 16:8,9) 500 to 1000 degrees or enough to melt the elements. 16 hour days. israel.html;
Vial 5: Darkness. (Rev 16:10,11) 3 days of darkness 
Vial 6: Euphrates dries up. (Rev 16:12-16)

Vial 7: Day of Atonement: Marriage of the Groom and Bride and then Armageddon. 

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