Thursday, January 5, 2017

Conclusion of the Feast Dates Study

Conclusion of the Feast Dates Study.

This study began in 2007 with a 3 year study of Leviticus 23 which is God's timeline and it ends sometime in 2017 which will be September of 2017/2018 with the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation.
    I will be posting the monthly calendar until the internet is taken down and occasional other stories that tie to it.

   What have I learned as a compiler to this study.
1) God's timeline is important to Him because it is about the first and second coming of Yeshua/Jesus.
2) There is a story to tell and even sometimes a story within a story.
3) The birth pangs of a child get stronger and increase exponentially.
4) Within the outer birth pang there is also an inner one going on as in the case with Jupiter in Virgo presently.
5) Dates tied to God's timeline.

Due to my autism of not understanding metaphors of the Bible, the one mystery within this study that I still to this day do not understand and why I have not written on it is this:
    How can Yeshua fulfill all the sacrifices and offerings of the Tanakh/Old Testament.

For those of you who have kept up with my facebook page (Jardalkal, Albuquerque, NM), I have been kicked permanently out of 6 to 9 churches over this study and 3 of them have been Jewish Messianic Churches who teach this material. Three to 4 of those churches also kicked me out due to my autism. My present human caregiver judges those churches on how they react to my obssessions and issues such as my strangeness, weirdness, and oddness. He says those chueches will have a talk to by Jesus at their resurrection on how they dealt with me.

As a reader to this blog, I want to read from you what you have learned.

1 comment:

  1. John it is my understanding that Yeshua fulfilled the spring feasts at his first coming and will fulfill the fall feasts at his second coming. The rabbis saw two messiahs but one person; one in the form or shadow of Joseph and one in the form or shadow of David. He came in the form or shadow of Joseph in his first coming and will come as the form or shadow of David in the second coming fulfilling all the feasts. From my studies that’s what I have concluded.
