Friday, August 28, 2020

Mark of the Beast in October or November

Mark of the Beast from Facebook Comments Is Sunday the Mark of the Beast? How can it be so if Revelation 13:16-17 speaks of a "mark going into the right hand or forehead"? This made me think about things differently. Everyone's thoughts? Leon Merrill No it's a trick from Satan, so you will accept the RFID chip. Marica Soj Exactly. The SDA believe it is. They ride most of what they believe around it. But like you say the mark will actually be on the right hand or forehead. It will be an actual mark. Probably a microchip. Makes loads of sense as you can't buy or sell except if you have this mark. So it will be connected to money. Greg Shepherd The right hand represents what you work towards and the forehead represents what you believe. The tattoo is not in ink or any device but the lies you receive to be true. The Son of man was not on the cross as they teach in the church. The world is deceived today to believe that dying on the same day of being arrested was the sufferings of many things. So they believe that Christ already ascended to heaven and think that He was always teaching of Himself in the 3rd party. Mos Ka To Its not sunday for sure just look at how mask is acting it shows there is something that is going to happen for now you cant buy or sell without masked people. Kristopher Keeney Rev is symbolic language! Forehead represents thoughts, hand represents actions! ?Isaac de la Cruz?End Time Truth , What does The Word say 17m ·  The MICROCHIP maybe implanted in SOME COUNTRIES.... by deception through vaccines or other ways.... BUT it CANNOT be WORLDWIDE... YOU CANNOT FORCE IT IN CHINA , NORTH KOREA OR RUSSIA....or IRAN or ISRAEL. As the BIBLE SAY, the TEN TOES/ the TEN HORNS/ the TEN KINGS will give their authority or SUBMIT TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE ANTICHRIST (BEAST).... Revelation 17:12-13 [12]And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. [13]These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. ONLY TEN COUNTRIES WILL JOIN THE CONFEDERATION OF THE ANTICHRIST.... THEY HAVE "ONE MIND", one spirit, one system, one law, ONE RELIGION. IN THIS KINGDOM OF THE ANTICHRIST, everybody who are within their territory will be forced to accept to this " ONE MIND"- one system, one religion.... if you disagree, you will be killed. THEY HAVE THEIR OWN MICROCHIP SYSTEM..... WHEN THEY REQUIRE YOU TO ADHERE TO THEIR RELIGION AND REJECT JESUS CHRIST... ... THAT IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST Revelation 13:15-16 [15]And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. [16]And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: This ANTICHRIST will kill the Saints and the people of God, therefore, the ANTICHRIST is not coming from the Jews and CHRISTIAN RELIGION.... they have other religion. Daniel 7:21,24-25 [21]I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; [24]And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. [25]And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Dottie Best URGENT WARNING!!! THIS IS NOT an ordinary vaccine. IT HAS Nano particles. When it gets into your body it assembles, it grows and fuses to all of your cells, muscles, bones. If you change your mind later down the road, its too late. CAN “”NOT”” GET IT OUT OF YOUR BODY!!! It's not an RFID chip you can dig out. IT BECOMES ONE WITH YOU. YOU BECOME ONE WITH AI. YOU BECOME YOUR OWN COMPUTOR INTERFACE. You don't need your laptop any, credit cards. YOU ARE PART OF THE AI SYSTEM. IT “” CHANGES”” YOUR DNA. YOU ARE “”BLOTTED OUT”” FROM BEING A HUMAN TO THE DEGREE THAT THE FATHER IN HEAVEN DOES NOT RECOGNIZE YOU. They are going to force it on us. It is going to be mandatory. YOU CAN EXPECT IT THIS YEAR. WE'RE STILL UNDER MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW. DON'T EVEN GET TESTED FOR COVID. Trump mandated 3 million tested each week. THIS PUTS YOU INTO BEAST SYSTEM DATABASE. CONTACT TRACING. You need to be rock solid with FATHER to be led by Holy Spirit/RUACH HA’KODESH to know what to do. GET FOOD SUPPLY NOW! They will control via food. COMPLY OR DIE. Pray and ask our Father to lead you. Get out of the cities. THEY ARE COMING TO KILL CHRISTIANS. PREPARE YOUR HEARTS TO STAND. Seek the FATHER in what to do for your family. NO ELECTRICITY!! NO GAS!! FIND WATER SOURCE NOW!!! And ways to purify it!! GET TO KNOW YAHUAH’s VOICE!!! If you're in a church not preaching truth of the time we're in, GET OUT!!! APOSTATE CHURCH! You're called to warn, prepare and equip others for what is coming and already here. Get ready to suffer!!!! "For the eyes of YAHUAH run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein you have done foolishly: therefore from henceforth you shall have wars. DIVREI HAYAMIYM SHENIY - 2Chron 16:9 CEPHER ‎Amanda Driggers‎Pre Tribulation Rapture Believers Central There are talks that the vaccine will be widely available BEFORE Jan. 2021. The church CANNOT be here for that forcing of the, "mark of the beast". The vaccine CHANGES your DNA, and contains NANOTECHNOLOGY. The mingled iron (AI) and clay (from which man was made) in the king's dream of the statue's feet in the bible do NOT mix - and will cause them to break out in a grievous sore. There IS a pretribulational, mid trib, post trib, and pre wrath post trib rapture. The purpose of Jesus' death was so that we could be saved ONLY through faith (so we WOULDN'T have to PAY for our sins...Remember? He took them all upon Himself!) in what He did for us on the cross - NOT by ANY of our works (which INCLUDES NOT taking MARK OF BEAST...which is HARD WORK...requiring you to DIE for Jesus, and if you take mark - then what was the purpose of Jesus' death so you could be saved??). Ivelina Popova I also dont think the vaccine is the mark of the beast but it is bad enough! I dont want my DNA changed and I am praying for a rapture before it starts being enforced. I dont think Jesus will let this happen even if this is not THE mark yet. Gail Corado The vaccine WILL have a tracking chip and technology that can be used to control your mood. And thoughts... Feast of trumpets (Lev. 23:23-25) – Rapture of the saints (Deut 24:5; Isa 34:8, 61:1-2, 63:4; Psalm 18 (1918), 118 (2018), 120 (2020), 121  (2021- Millennium); 1 Thess. ‪2:19‬; ‪3:13‬; ‪4:13-17‬; ‪5:23‬; 1 Cor. ‪15:23‬, 51-58; Eph. 5:27; Col. 3:4; 2 Thess. 2:1,7-8; Jas. 5:7-8; 1 Jn. ‪2:28‬; Jn. 14:1-3; Lk. 21:36; Rev. 2:8-11, 25; 3:10; 4:1; 6:12 axial pole shift; 8:5 global earthquake, and 3 days of darkness). Revelation 3 Time frames. Revelation 2:10 has 10 days of tribulation which are 10 years of tribulation for Israel (2009 to 2019, 2010-2020), then 1 year (Deut 24:5; Isa 34:8, 61:1-2, 63:4; Psalm 18 (1918), 118 (2018), 120 (2020)) for the Day of the Lord, and then 10 days from Day of Trumpet New Moon to Day of Atonement. The Great Trib (Rev 12 to 19), began on Day of Trumpet New Moon in 2016 for the Antichrist/Obama and 2017 for King Jesus. Rev 6:12 to 11:end makes up the third time frame on the Day of the rapture on Day of Trumpet new moon or any new moon there after. Rapture day has Rev 6:12 axial pole shift, 8:5 global earthquake, and 3 days of darkness. I have had 15 dreams for this one event. 2012 earthquake dream in Tijeras, NM. 2017 date dreams: Monday, 17, 20, 21, 22; 11 Am USA MST/MDT. Monday 6 am/pm Nukes hit. 2018 2 dreams of 2 moons side by side. 2 rapture dreams. 2019 1 of Immense darkness felt. 2 date time dreams, and 2 rapture dreams. 2020 3 date time dreams.

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