Wednesday, May 15, 2019

GEO Magnetic STORM of May 2019

CME Geomagnetic Storm in Celestial Aviv of May 2019 for the article. The pictures in the article did not post to here.

For many years, our government has been concerned that an CME can cause major issues with our electrical system in the USA with blackout conditions for up to the next 6 months.

In this month, I am watching for patterns of passing asteroids to announce days to watch on my astronomical calendar.
Celestial Aviv New Moon Sabbath (May 4S; Ps 81:3; Amos 8:5) Rapture Sun in Tarus; May 1, 4S, 5, 6, 8W, 9, 10, 11S, 14, 15W, 16, 17, 18S, 19FM, 22W, 23, 24, 25S, 26, 27, 28, 29W, 30
Asteroid 2017 UN1 May 1, 2019; 137805 1999 YK5 May 4, 2019;
Asteroid 2018 KK1 May 5, 2019; 2004 HX53 May 8, 2019; 2014 KQ 84 May 8, 2019; 387816 2004 FM17 May 9, 2019; 2017 RC; May 9, 2019; 2008 VR4 May 9, 2019; 2008 HS3 May 9, 2019; 2007 CT26 May 10, 2019;
Asteroid FU 23 May 12, 2019; 2018 VX8 May 12, 2019; 2015 WZ12 May 13, 2019; 2015 Bn509 May 15; 511684 2015 BN509 May 15; 2019 GT1 May 17, 2019; 2012 KT 12 May 18, 2019; 66391 (1999 KW 4) May 25, 2019;

Asteroid 2012 DW60 May 22, 2019; 2018 KS May 23, 2019; 2015 KQ18 May 25, 2019; One-Mile-Wide Rare Double Asteroid to Fly By Earth on May 25, 2019
A large double asteroid is now approaching Earth’s vicinity and will pass by Earth safely on May 25, 2019. Closest approach is at 23:05 UTC (7:05 p.m. EDT) on May 25.
Asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4 consists of a primary space rock just under a mile wide (about 1.5 km), with a 0.3-mile (0.5-km) companion asteroid – an asteroid moon – orbiting the main asteroid. The asteroid and its moon will provide a good opportunity for both professional and amateur astronomers to observe the huge space rock. Amateur astronomers will be able to observe it for a few days around May 25.

Asteroid 2014 GH1 May 27, 2019; 2003LH May 28, 2019; 2014 YE1 May 28, 2019; 2011 HP May 30, 2019

Geostorm 2017
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Geostorm is a 2017 American science-fiction disaster film directed, co-written, and co-produced by Dean Devlin in his feature film directorial debut. The film stars Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Abbie Cornish, Richard Schiff, Alexandra Maria Lara, Robert Sheehan, Daniel Wu, Eugenio Derbez, and Andy GarcĂ­a. The plot follows a satellite designer who tries to save the world from a storm of epic proportions caused by malfunctioning climate-controlling satellites.

Carrington Event of 1859
2019-1859=160 years ago

The solar storm of 1859 (also known as the Carrington Event) was a powerful geomagnetic storm during solar cycle 10 (1855–1867). A solar coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetosphere and induced one of the largest geomagnetic storms on record, September 1–2, 1859. The associated "white light flare" in the solar photosphere was observed and recorded by British astronomers Richard C. Carrington (1826–1875) and Richard Hodgson (1804–1872). The storm caused strong auroral displays and wrought havoc with telegraph systems. The now-standard unique IAU identifier for this flare is SOL1859-09-01.
This event took place during the 7th Biblical month during the Days of Awe on Thursday and Friday. Thursday: Yamim Noraim; Days of Awe - Fast of Gedaliah; Tzom Gedaliah; 2 Kings 25:22-25, Zech. 7:5, 8:19, Matthew 2:16-18

Solar Storm Warning: A Series of CME's Approaches Earth - Get Ready for 3 Days of Storming
Space weather forecasters warn of geomagnetic storms this week as a series of CMEs approaches Earth.
The action begins on May 15th when the first CME is expected to arrive and could continue through May 17th as additional CMEs follow.
The geomagnetic field is likely to reach G1 (Minor) storm levels, with a chance for G2 (Moderate) levels today in reaction to CME effects.
On May 16th is likely to respond with storm levels up to G2, with a chance for G3 (Strong) due to expected reactions from another CME.
NOAA forecasters have boosted the odds of geomagnetic storms this week to 75% as a series of CMEs approaches Earth. The action begins on May 15th when the first CME is expected to arrive and could continue through May 17th as additional CMEs follow. Storms levels will almost certainly reach category G2 (moderate) with isolated periods of G3 (strong) storming as well.…/update-g2-moderate-storm-watch-…
Music credit: YouTube Audio Library

Seismographs during CME Geomagnetic Storm

IU/SNZO South Karori, New Zeland; IU/POHA, Hawaii, USA; IU/PABSan Pablo, Spain; IU/TIXI Tiksi, Russia; IU/TEIG Tepich, Yucatan, Mexico; IU/TATO Taipei, Taiwan; IU/SSPA StandingStone, Pennsylvania are all blacked out..

Mark Bomar and John Traczyk on Facebook
Every seismograph of every country and state is fully blacked out. It looks like the whole world is too.
These are a sample of some seismographs from Spain, Hawaii, New Zealand, Pennsylvania, Taiwan, Mexico, and Russia.
I am not sure what is causing this.
It may be the after effects of the 7.7 earthquake today on 5/14/2019.
It was downgrade to a 7.5. It was reportedly an 8.0.
The surprise geomagnetic storm that hit on the 14th also added to this. A lot of energy hit the earth.…/operations/heliplot.php  Notice the line of 7 in Red at the article on May 14. 

10th Day of Celestial Aviv: 
The Sun is in the border Tarus the Bull which means the Revelation judgments can now begin.

On May 16th (Thursday), it is in the Celestial month of Aviv and May 16th is the 10th of Aviv. On the 10th of Aviv was when Yeshua entered Jerusalem on the donkey. The 10th day of the 2nd month (Oct 25th) was the day the door closed on the ark. The Day of Atonement is Marriage of the Groom and Bride and Armageddon in the 7th Biblical month. Ten is a Biblical number.

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 10
In the Bible, the number 10 is used 242 times. The designation "10th" is used 79 times. Ten is also viewed as a complete and perfect number, as is 3, 7 and 12. It is made up of 4, the number of the physical creation, and 6, the number of man. As such, 10 signifies testimony, law, responsibility and the completeness of order.

In Genesis 1 we find the phrase "God said" 10 times, which is a testimony of His creative power. God gave the 10 Commandments to man. Ten therefore represents man's responsibility to keep the commandments. A tithe is a 10th of our earnings and is a testimony of our faith in the Lord.
The Passover lamb was selected on day 10 of the 1st month (Exodus 12:3), as was Jesus, the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world (John 12:28 - 29; 1Corinthians 5:7). Day 10 of the 7th month is also the Holy Day known as the Day of Atonement. This unique day of fasting pictures the removal of Satan, the author of sin, before the Millennial reign of Jesus begins (Revelation 20:1 - 2).

The last great world-ruling kingdom of man under Satan is symbolized prophetically by the 10 toes of Daniel 2 and the 10 horns of Revelation 13 and 17.

Appearances of the Number Ten
Ten generations of man lived on the earth before the flood waters came and swept away all those who were disobedient. Noah, the tenth generation, was 600 years when he and seven other family members entered the ark.
The patriarchs who preceded Noah are Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methusaleh and Lamech (who was Noah's father). Incredibly, the average age of these 10 patriarchs is 857 years! If we leave out the unusual circumstance of God transporting Enoch at the age of 365, we end up with an average lifespan of 912 years!

How is the number 10 related to the Exodus?
The 10 plagues God sent on ancient Egypt, in order to free his people, represented his complete and total judgment of the pagan empire.
    The Nile River is turned into blood; Plague of Frogs; Plague of Lice; Swarms of Beasts; Plague on the Cattle; Boils; Great storm of hail, thunder and lightening; Locusts; Darkness over the entire land for three days; The death of the firstborn of both man and beast

The Door of the Ark closed on the 10th day of the month prior to the Flood beginning on the 17th day of the month. There was 7 days of grace before the Flood began 2 days after the full moon. I believe history will repeat itself with an earthquake of 4.0-15.0 (Rev 6:12-17; Rev. 8:5) occurring 2 days after the full moon. It can be 3 days. Is the door closing on the 16th of May? Only time will tell.

These Judgments are: Planet X overall brings in these Judgments.
USA gets taken out by Nuclear War.

Trumpet 1: Horrific hail and fire, 1/3 of plants burned up. (Rev 8:7) Meteorites or Corona Mass Ejection. Rev 6:13; Affects Day 3 of Genesis 1. 10 Plagues: Exod 9:23-25. North and South America is 1/3rd of the Earth.
Trumpet 2: Meteorite/Volcano explodes in the ocean, 1/3 ships and sea life destroyed. (Rev 8:8,9) Affects Day 5 of Genesis 1. Exod 8:20-21.
Trumpet 3: Comet explodes on the earth, 1/3 of fresh water poisoned, many men die. (Rev 8:10,11) Wormwood. Bolides or aerolites. Affects Day 6 of Genesis 1. (Isa_14:12; Jer_9:15; Exo_15:23).
Trumpet 4: 1/3 of sunlight removed. (Rev 8:12) Affects Day 4 of Genesis 1. (Exo_10:21-23).
Trumpet 5: First woe―Demon locusts, men tortured. (Rev 8:13-9:12, Ezekiel, Isaiah) C.E.R.N. Project. Isa 13:2-3 Emblem has a triple 6 and a dual 6. (Exo_10:12-15; Joe_2:3; Joe_2:4-10) (Rev_22:16; Rev_1:18).
Trumpet 6: Second woe―Demon army, 1/3 of men die. (Rev 9:13-21) CERN Project 2018/2019 (Gen_15:18; 1Ki_4:21; Isa_8:5-8; Hab_1:5-10)

Wednesday to Sabbath
What I find interesting is that this storm is during the week of the Second Passover Week watch (Numbers 9; 2 Chronicles 30) and that it is occurring between Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
This reminds me of Yeshua's death between Wednesday and the Sabbath during Passover Week.

Friday, May 17th 9 AM Israel time. The Moon is below the feet of Virgo according to Stellarium. Venus is in Pisces and is close to the border of Aries. The other planets are to the right side of the constellations from God's perspective from the third Heaven (Holy of Holies).

Other Resources:

1 comment:

  1. May 13-15, 1921 Friday, Sabbath, Pentecost Solar Storm. Most GeoMagnetic Storms last 2 days but some last 3 days. My question is this: Are they always the latter half of the week? How many on the weekends? How many involved Wednesdays. How many involved the Leviticus 23 Sabbath days? How many on the Jewish days like during Purim or Chanukkah?
