Thursday, May 2, 2019

Earthquake Information for May 13th tor May 15th, 2019/5779

Earthquake Information for May 13th to May 15th, 2019/5779

In 1974-77, I became interested in history from a walking encyclopedia on SW History in the USA. I joined the NM Historical Society unofficially and went to their meetings with Ed Perkins from Highland High School in Albuquerque, NM.
In 1978-1981, I took an college class on Astronomy.
I was a groundskeeper for 20 years and learned to watch for symptoms of plant issues. I was a glorified plant doctor. I am colorblind, so I have to use my other 4 senses out of 5.

In 2013 I would become interested in astronomy and in 2014-2016 in Biblical Astronomy.
In 2013 time frame to 2015, I had an earthquake dream for Albuquerque, NM Area in the USA. I dismissed it and never wrote it down but I began to prepare for the forest around my house burning down.
In 2014, Jesse Cash of the Sheriffs department in Bernalillo came to my house due to an suicide thoughts because when I get a 15 minute depression, I often think of suicide and watch 3 acquaintances commit suicide in Junior High, high school, and college. I am NOT suicidal but I do have autism. I have atypical autism, and Schizoid disorder has 5 symptoms of the 30 symptoms for Asperger autism. I have 15 of them. Rudeness and repetition for me go hand in hand. I do not recognize facial or body expressions but I do know and understand symptoms.
Jessie was the first person to tell me to write down my dreams.

2015 I find I live on a fault line led from another fulfilled God dream.

In 2017, I would learn the rapture would be on a New Moon. Therefore, my earthquake dream would be on a New Moon.

IN 2018, I grew more into Biblical Astronomy and compiled articles on Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

In 2019, I would learn to connect the rapture to April. May, June, September October. Also I would compile an article that Close by earth asteroids can predict an oncoming day to watch for something to happen.

On April 15, I had a dream about when the Revelation judgments would happen. What led me to this dream is reading prophecy dreams on the 3 days of darkness (72 hours) so I was getting prepared for that. So in a bathroom window, I had put up two cabinet door fronts and had a two inch gap to fill so I put a backing on one of the cabinet doors. In the dream there were four people. On was the messenger known as the Holy Spirit. In my right ear, He told me to cut out 2 inch squares and then cut out an one half inch circle in each square and glue them to the backing. These two circles represent two moons. Do as you are told to do by your boss or supervisor. Obey the commandments, statutes, and ordinances.

When you get to the top, that is when the judgments begin.

On May 1, I would have an encounter day with the Sheriffs department again for the 7th time. Autism and sheriffs go hand in hand. Become friends with the sherrifs department when you are autistic. They have training that can help you.

I had 5 dollars and was hungry for tostadoes with salt. So I went to the local gas station behind my house. I had to say hi to the gas station attendent and told him that the rapture would be this weekend with an earthquake of 4.0-8.0 in the East Mountains of Albuquerque and to get prepared.
That is when he told me that his 4 chihuahua's were acting weird.
So when I got back to the house, I decided to call animal control to give them a heads their phone number. The receptionist for City of Albuquerque was very professional. She told me to call 911. Do as you are told to do. But this is not an emergency, it is just a warning, a heads up.

I have been warning Jessie Cash on and off for 2 years since September23rd, 2017 Revelation 12:1-2 sign that the rapture can be on the New Moon on the Day of Trumpet NEW MOON. I have been warning people since then that the rapture can occur on the New Moon.

Can dogs predict an oncoming earthquake. 45,000 mh. Humans 25,000 mh.

So if dogs can warn us, what about cats for I have Golda my best care giver who is in heat at this time. She has been meowing heavily for the past 2-3 days. She is into her menstural period right now. physical symptoms that happen several hours before an event include:
  • Headaches, nausea and/or dizziness are the most common symptoms associated with pre-earthquake events
  • Feeling like you’re going crazy when that is not normally your nature
  • One person recounted that it felt like her body gravity had tripled
  • Temporary changes in depth perception
  • Increase clumsiness (above the normal that some people have)
  • Increase drug abuse in an attempt to dull the feelings of stress and anxiety around these events.
  • Increased emotions of neediness, obsessiveness, anxiety or crabbiness
  • Low rumbling or idling diesel-engine sounds in the ears have been reported by a few people living around Taos New Mexico. They call it the Taos Hum. These signals have not been found to be true sound, nor are they radio waves.
  • Migraines (CAT, EEG, Audiograms all turn up negative for any abnormalities)
  • Mood swings of all types and durations
  • Feelings like you’re going to explode 24-36 hours prior to a very strong earthquake where many people will be harmed with that earthquake
  • Richter scale events greater than 6 or earthquakes that are strong enough to cause injury generate roller or jerky-wave sensations: These symptoms happens to some people who can feel the earthquake’s rolling precursory waves as sensations and can determine from which direction they are coming. If you’ve ever seen the movie Phenomenon with John Travolta you’ll understand what this looks like for the person experiencing it.
  • Seeing auras around people
  • A sudden craving for popcorn may indicate an earthquake or volcanic eruption within 12-24 hrs.
  • Short duration muscle jolts in a hand or foot
  • Temporary blurred vision
  • Temporary headaches (resolving 15 mins after the earthquake)
  • Tinnitus (high or low tones), screeching ear tones, intense ear pain in one or both ears. This may progress to hearing voices, seeing ghostly images and having your dreams disturbed. Some people call this Sherpa ear when it happens in association with avalanches.
It may help to make note of when the full moons occur, when mercury is retrograde and when you or your partner will be menstruating. When all three of these line up, there’s often a triple whammy lunatic rocker crowd.
Things that may help with the sensitivity:
  • Asking your angels to help calm your nerves
  • Doubling up on your B-vitamins
  • Hormone balancing (especially check to see if estrogen is not increased and take an extra dose of progesterone if you are on that supplement)
  • Meditation (especially guided meditation focusing on slowing your breathing)
  • Prayer and grounding exercises

The earthquake that is coming will be 4.0-15.0 depending upon where you live on the New Moon or Full Moon. Research says New Moon on May 4th or 5th at 11 Am Mountain Standard time,USA.

May 1 Wednesday (Ezekiel Wheel within a wheel watch which is ever 13 days from point a to z).
May 4th New Moon Sabbath. Asteroid Passes by. Arrival of Nibiru, Axial Poleshift. Rapture. Earthquake of 4.0-15.0 depending upon where you live. 3 Days of Darkness (72 hours).

First sliver of the New Moon (Matt 24:31=Lk 24:44=Psalms 118:5=Ps 81:3). Internet goes down. Banks close of Friday and then opens a week later and all of your cash, savings, and retirement money is gone (Ezekiel 7). Hopi Blue Star (Helion) shows up 1-2 days prior to the rapture party of 300 million and all the children under the age of knowing right from wrong (Deut 1) or on a future first sliver of the New Moon. 3 hours of water standing still on the surface of the globe. Along with this is the Axial poleshift, earthquake of 3.0-15.0 depending upon where you live, 3 days of darkness (72 hours) at the beginning of the earthquake followed by fire balls and 100 pound hail storms and the rest of the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation between the New Moon (Matt 24:31; Lk 24:44; Psalms 118:5; Psalms 81:3) and ten days later (Psalms 118:10-13; Ps 18:4-6; Rev 16/19) with the marriage of the Groom and bride and Armageddon. Then 5 days of grace and then the Millennium beginning on the Full moon (Psalms 81:3; Prov 7:20) and a 30 year mini ice age (deep freeze).

Christians are watching for the Rapture to be on the New Moon in March/April, Passover in March/April, Pentecost in June,July 16/17, Day of Trumpet New Moon in September/October, and Chanukkah.

Rapture Day (Revelation 6:12-17; Rev 8:5; Isa 24:1-6)
The Day of the Lord (Jubilee) will be poured out on planet Earth beginning on Day of Atonement 2017 and run till April 30, 2019. Rapture Day/Week/Month has a global earthquake (axial poleshift) and 300 million people disappear and all the children under the age of knowing right from wrong (Deut 1) by G-d. Those who wholly follow the Lord get raptured. Psalms 118:5

a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13--Joshua's Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be: Nibiru.
1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10--Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses.
4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean.
5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves.
6) 200 to 500 mph (320 to 820 kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
8) hurricanes over land.
9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
10) change of the length of days and of the calendar (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20).
A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).

Exodus Plagues were 5.5 months and began on the NEW Moon in Nov between Nov 2 to Nov 9th. Each plague was 13 days in length and there were 10 plagues. The tenth on was on Passover on the FULL MOON. Revelation Trumpet and Bowl Judgments are 14 judgments but the last one of each group is a preparation for the next set of events, so there is actually 12 judgments and works out to be 13 days apart from each other. Oct 8th, 2019 is the last Bowl Judgment. First Trumpet Judgment is May 4th, New Moon Sabbath on the Day of the Rapture. Axial Pole shift in progress is Revelation 6:12-17; Rev 8:5. Revelation 8:1-4 took place on Sept 30th (7th day of Feast of Tabernacles), 2018 on the Rabbinic Calendar which was Hoshana Rabbah. According to the Rabbinic Calendar, April 20th-28th, 2019 is in the 7th month. Therefore, the Revelation Judgments cannot begin until AFTER Hoshana Rabbah is over with with is April 27th Sabbath.

These Judgments are: Planet X overall brings in these Judgments.
USA gets taken out by Nuclear War.
Trumpet Judgments will be poured out at one per day every 13 days apart.

Trumpet 1: Horrific hail and fire, 1/3 of plants burned up. (Rev 8:7) Meteorites or Corona Mass Ejection. Rev 6:13; Affects Day 3 of Genesis 1. 10 Plagues: Exod 9:23-25. North and South America is 1/3rd of the Earth.
Trumpet 2: Meteorite/Volcano explodes in the ocean, 1/3 ships and sea life destroyed. (Rev 8:8,9) Affects Day 5 of Genesis 1. Exod 8:20-21.
Trumpet 3: Comet explodes on the earth, 1/3 of fresh water poisoned, many men die. (Rev 8:10,11) Wormwood. Bolides or aerolites. Affects Day 6 of Genesis 1. (Isa_14:12; Jer_9:15; Exo_15:23).
Trumpet 4: 1/3 of sunlight removed. (Rev 8:12) Affects Day 4 of Genesis 1. (Exo_10:21-23).
Trumpet 5: First woe―Demon locusts, men tortured. (Rev 8:13-9:12, Ezekiel, Isaiah) C.E.R.N. Project. Isa 13:2-3 Emblem has a triple 6 and a dual 6. (Exo_10:12-15; Joe_2:3; Joe_2:4-10) (Rev_22:16; Rev_1:18).
Trumpet 6: Second woe―Demon army, 1/3 of men die. (Rev 9:13-21) CERN Project 2018/2019 (Gen_15:18; 1Ki_4:21; Isa_8:5-8; Hab_1:5-10)

Trumpet and Bowl Judgments will be 12-13 days apart or even 9 days apart once they start in May or June. Why June? Us 144,000 Jewish Evangelists needs 40 days to do our ministry from the time the rapture occurs. So the judgments may start on the 50th day from the rapture. Remember Passover to Pentecost is 50 days.

So get on your knees and bow to the Jewish Messiah and accept him into your life, repent, and stop sinning and get baptized by immersion. After that, plan to get beheaded.


  1. The Flood began 2 days after the Full Moon. Exodus Plagues began near the NEW MOON. The Flood began Nov 2. Exodus Plagues began Nov 5. So what IF The Exodus plagues began 2 days after the NEW MOON. As Jonas was in Leviathan for 3 days and 3 nights, so shall the Son of Man be. So we need to watch for the Rapture on the New Moon + 2 to 3 days afterwards. So our watch time is Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

  2. The renewed moon WAS NOT seen in Israel today!

    Therefore, by default, the start of the 2nd biblical month (Iyyar) will begin at sunset tomorrow, Tuesday, May 7.

    The Rapture can happen on May 9, 10, 11, 12. The Flood happened 2 days after the full moon, so thatgives us another 2 days for rapture on Friday the 10.

  3. Celestial Aviv Watch Dates for something to happen. New Moon Sabbath (May 4S; Ps 81:3; Amos 8:5) Rapture Sun in Aries; May 1, 4S, 7 (Israel New Moon Iyaar began), 8W, 9, 10, 11S, 12QM, 13QM, 14QMPSun, 15W, 16, 17, 18S, 19FM, 22W, 23, 24, 25S, 26, 27, 28, 29W, 30
    Flood began 2 days after the Full Moon. For 3 days (72 hours) we have Sign of Jonas, Yeshua's Death and Resurrection, Exodus 9th plague, Paul's Conversion, and the two witnesses on Aviv 9. So when is the rapture? 2-3 days after the New Moon. According to Amos 8, it will be past the New Moon and the Sabbath on a clear day at noon. Dream said Monday at 11 AM Mountain Standard time. Dream 2 said 6 AM/PM. Dream said either 17 or 27. This can be on the Gregorian calendar or the Jewish Calendar. Others say before 14th of May.

  4. According to Stellarium, the Sun is moving into Tarus the Bull on May 14th, 2019 on Jerusalem time and the moon is moving into Virgo and the time is at sunrise. This reminds me of the time when the women arrived at the grave of Yeshua in the gospels.

    The Resurrection
    Mat 28:1  In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. 
    Mat 28:2  And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

    Matthew 28:1
    the end: The Hebrew word Schabbath from which our English word is derived, signifies rest, and is applied to all solemn festivals, equally with that one day of every week devoted to the worship of God; Eze_20:21, "they polluted my sabbaths." Three evangelists say, the transaction recorded in this verse, occurred upon the first day of the week, early in the morning, about sunrising, and John says, while it was yet dark. Οψε [G3796], σαββατων [G4521], does not signify "in the evening of sabbath," but "sabbaths." Hence, the great feast having been concluded, the term "end of the sabbaths" denotes the time very clearly. Again, it may be observed that the Jews, speaking of their passover, sometimes speak according to their civil computation, wherein they measured their days from sun-rising to sun-rising. Sometimes according to their sacred computation, which was from sun-set to sun-set. This reconciles Num_28:18, which seems to make the fourteenth day of the first month, the first day of unleavened bread. Mar_16:1-2; Luk_23:56, Luk_24:1, Luk_24:22; Joh_20:1-10

  5. There was a picture or face of the Jewish Messiah (Jesus) in a cloud formation on the first sliver of the New Moon on face book.

    Maria Szalisznyo‎Univerzum Könyvtára

    May 6
    One half of people notice the signs in the clouds, the other half sees nothing or wants

  6. Continued electrical disturbances in the frequency of the earth.
    Spiking to an ampliitude high of 37. By Monday, this will be in the 40-50 range. John Traczyk on Facebook.
    Reports are now coming in of pre earthquake symptoms.
    Mark Bomar in Dallas Fortworth of Texas said: Im seeing 7 plus earthquake today or tomorrow. My head is killing me. Major pressure.
    Debbi Dalli said: I feel it in my ears.
    John Ashcraft in Albuquerque, NM said. At noon Friday, I had Nausea. By 3 PM, I had Dizziness. By 4 PM Fever with sweating. I gaged 3 times with nothing coming up. ON Thursday, my dreams became more disturbed. They are disturbing enough with vampires, demons, and fallen angels. In the month of May, most of my horror dreams have repeated. On Friday morning, I dreamed of Poltergeists. Sabbath morning dream was AI taking control of humanity. In this dream, my Santa Claus and me as Santa Claus were talking and an AI robot was trying to take total control of both of us.

  7. May 22W, Moon Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius at 11 AM Mountain Standard time in the USA. Mercury Sun conjunction in Tarus. Flood began 2 days after the Full Moon. For 3 days (72 hours) we have Sign of Jonas, Yeshua's Death and Resurrection, Exodus 9th plague, Paul's Conversion, and the two witnesses on Aviv 9. So when is the rapture? 2-3 days after the New Moon or Full Moon. According to Amos 8, it will be past the New Moon and the Sabbath on a clear day at noon. Dream said Monday at 11 AM Mountain Standard time. Dream 2 said 6 AM/PM. Dream said either 17 or 27 (fulfilled on April 27th sabbath which was Hoshana Rabbah=7th day of Feast of Tabernacles in the Rabbinic 7th month). This can be on the Gregorian calendar or the Jewish Calendar. Rapture day of 300 million and all the children under the age of knowing right from wrong. Water to the surface and standing still for 3 hours. Earthquake at 2 PM Mountain Standard time in the USA at 4.0-15.0 depending upon where you live. 3 days of darkness. Sunday, 27th USA gets taken out by Nuclear War. It can be today on the 22nd. Today, I have dizziness.
