Wednesday, April 17, 2019

May to October Day Watches for 2019 Day of the Lord's Wrath

May to October Watches for 2019 Day of the Lord's Wrath
Biblical Calendar for the year of 2019 from May forward until the End of October

Armageddon is on October 10th, 2019 based on Strong's Greek Numbers tied to Tetrads of 2014 and 2015 and Revelation 12:1-2 sign on Sept 23, 2017. The rapture is on the New Moon in May but can be on Passover. 
The words in the Strong's Greek Numbers tells us a story which is: Command to entice Israelitess to prove the governor as a chief leader.

No more monthly Astronomical Calendars needed so from the New Moon Sabbath on just count the days for there is no more electricity and no more way to know what day we are on. Every 13th day is a possible Trumpet Judgment with 6 Trumpet Judgments and then 6 Bowl Judgments. The 7th Trumpet and Bowl Judgment is just a preparation day for the following judgments.

W= 4th Day; S= Sabbath; NM = New Moon; FM= Full Moon. 
These days are what I normally watch for in a monthly calendar but for 2017 and 2018, and 2019, I added days for movement of the planets into the constellation borders.

Celestial Aviv  New Moon Sabbath   Rapture Sun in Aries;  May 8W, 11S, 14, 15W, 16, 17, 18S, 19FM, 22W, 23, 24, 25S, 26, 27, 29W, 30
June 1S, 2, 4NM; 5W, 8S, 9, 10 (Rabbinic Pentecost), 12W, 14,15, 18FM, 19 WFM, 22S, 24, 25, 26W, 29 Notice the Full Moons are lined up on Wednesdays. 
July 3NM W, 5, 6, 8, 10W (Biblical Pentecost), 12, 13S, 16, 17FMW, 18, 20S, 22, 24W, 27S, 31W
August 2NM, 3S, 4, 7W, 8, 9, 10S, 12 14W, 16 FM, 17S, 21W, 24S, 29, 30, 31WNM
September Note: This month and the next month is when the month of Elul and Tishreil line up with the Gregorian Calendar Days because of the advancement  of the day by one day in the month of April New Moon from the 6th to the 7th.
September 3, 4W, 5, 7S, 11W, 12, 13, 14S, 15, 16, 18W, 21S, 24, 25W, 28S 29NM, 30 Day of Trumpet New Moon (Rev 12:1-2) Sabbath
October  2W, 5S, 8, 10 (Armageddon, Day of Atonement Fast and Sabbath), 12S, 13, 15 Millennium), 16 W, 19S, 21, 23W, 24, 26S, 30W

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