Wednesday, August 8, 2018

August 11 2018 Lion's Gate Portal Opens

August 11, 2018 Lion's Gate Portal Opens

Every year, the Lion’s Gate Portal, a star gate, opens from July 26 to August 12, and peaks exactly today (Wednesday, 4th day), August 8 with astrology. The number 8 means a new beginning.
Today 8/8/2018 The Gate of Lions opens!! 8 Celestial bodies will be in retrograde, on the 8th day of the 8th month of the year which ends in the number 8.

On the Biblical Calendar, this is the 27th of Tammuz. On the Rabbinic Calendar, this is the 27th of Av.

The Lions gate Portal is activated every year on August 8th when the Sun, Sirius, and the Earth move to specific points in the sky forming a triangle.

On August 8th, 2018 on Wednesday, they are forming a triangle. On that day, the Sun is in Cancer but moves into Leo beginning on the tenth. 

Sirius would align in Orion’s belt on August 8th, the Sun would be in the constellation of Leo (hence the name Lionsgate)

The Sun enters Leo the Lion on the 11th of August and the Moon is in Leo as well from Earth position.
From Stellarium Earth Observer, the Sun (Leo), Moon (Hydra), and Earth (Sagittarius) and Mars (Capricorn) are in a Straight line.

According to Stellarium, the sun's disk is totally in the border of Leo at 11 AM Julian Day time on the 11th. It began on the border on Friday at 17:00 UTC which is 9 AM Mountain Standard Time. 
   At 9 am Julian day time is when the moon is directly above the Sun at the noon position.  At 11 AM Julian Day time the moon is at the 10 AM position. 

Jerusalem Lion's Gate
The Lion's Gate (also St. Stephen's Gate or Sheep Gate) is located in the Old City Walls of Jerusalem, Israel and is one of seven open gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls.

Located in the Eastern Wall, the entrance marks the beginning of the traditional Christian observance of the last walk of Yeshua/Jesus from prison to crucifixion, the Via Dolorosa. Near the gate’s crest are four figures of leopards, often mistaken for lions, two on the left and two on the right. They were placed there by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent to celebrate the Ottoman defeat of the Mamluks in 1517. Legend has it that Suleiman's predecessor Selim 1 dreamed of lions that were going to eat him because of his plans to level the city. He was spared only after promising to protect the city by building a wall around it. This led to the lion becoming the heraldic symbol of Jerusalem. However, Jerusalem already had been, from Biblical times, the capital of the Kingdom of Judah, whose emblem was a lion (Genesis 49:9).

The Inspection Gate
The Hebrew term “Miphkad” (Nehemiah 3:31) refers to the Inspection Gate. This is the final gate. Today, the Lion’s Gate (sometimes misnamed the Sheep Gate) stands where the Inspection Gate was located. For believers, it could represent the Judgment Seat of Christ – a time when we will be called upon to give an account of our lives. How well did we serve the Lord? How much treasure did we send on ahead?

Are you ready for the Judgment Seat known as the Bema Seat?

1967 6th Day War
When the Six Day War broke out in June of 1967, the dividing line between Israel and Jordan came from the north, jetted over to the west, and came straight down. That meant that Israel was on the west side and the Jordanians on the east side. That meant that the Jordanians controlled all of the Old City of Jerusalem.

The Jordanians expected that the Israelis would attack from the west hitting the Jaffa Gate. And, therefore, they concentrated all of their fortifications and their troops at that point. However, the Israeli's knowing that the Jordanians expected that, surprised them by sending troops around to the eastern side of the city under the cover of darkness where they launched an attack at the Lion's Gate. The attack was successful. The Israelis broke into the city, captured it quickly, and then they rushed to the Western Wall to pray. It was an extremely emotional moment because it meant that the Jews were back in control of their city for the first time in 1,897 years, all in fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy.

The newspaper article I read about the Six Day War which literally changed my life said that the Jewish military leaders had engaged in a heated debate the day before the attack on the Lion's Gate because someone had suggested that they attack instead by blowing open the Eastern Gate to be even more surprising to the Jordanians. According to the report I read, there was an Orthodox Jew present during these discussions, and he told the military commanders that they could not blow open the Eastern Gate because it had to remain shut until the Messiah returns. Now, that comment caught my eye and it fascinated me. What in the world was he talking about? I had no idea.

So, I got a concordance and I looked up the word "Eastern Gate" and I started running Scripture references. It did not take me long to find Ezekiel 44. In that section of Ezekiel, the prophet is being given a tour of the future Temple to be built in Jerusalem in the end times. And, in the process, it was pointed out to him that the Eastern Gate will be closed and will remain closed until the Messiah returns. I had gone to church all my life and I had never once heard about that particular prophecy.

I next turned to the Encyclopedia Britannica and I started reading about the Eastern Gate. I discovered that it was closed in the 1500's when the Muslim leader, Suleiman the Magnificent, rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem that stand to this day. The intriguing thing is that no one knows for certain why the gate was bricked up. The tradition is that while the walls were being repaired, a rumor swept the city that the Jewish Messiah was coming. Suleiman called in the Jewish rabbis and asked what this rumor meant. They explained that the Jewish Scriptures prophesied that one day God would send a Messiah who would come from the East. He would enter the Eastern Gate and he would rid the city of all the enemies of the Jews and would then begin to reign over all the earth from Jerusalem.
According to the tradition, Suleiman thanked the rabbis, dismissed them, and then ordered that the Eastern Gate be closed and that a Muslim cemetery be placed in front of the Eastern Gate because he felt that no Jewish Messiah would ever be able to step into a Muslim cemetery, and he certainly could not walk through a gate that had been bricked up! I was captivated by this discovery, and I realized that the Eastern Gate is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Just as prophesied in Ezekiel 44, the Eastern Gate is closed and will remain closed until the Messiah returns. Psalm 24 describes how it will be blow open supernaturally to welcome the Messiah when He appears. Psalm 24:7 says, "Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle."

2000 years ago, the Messiah entered on a donkey through the sheep's gate.

Are you ready for leaving this earth August 11, 2018? If not, then I suggest for you to plan to go through the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation over the next 70 days following after August 11, 2018.

REPENT for the Day of the Lord is at hand now!!

God Loves You no matter what you have done in your life. (Jeremiah 31:1); God Hates Sin. (Psalm 11:5/I John 3:4); Even If you are a “Good” Person Proverbs (21:1); You have not lived a perfect life (I John 1:8); Nor has anyone else (Romans 3:23); Your Sin has Separated You from God (Isaiah 59:2); And your payment for sin is death. (Rom 6:23); But there is Good News (Luke 2:10); A perfect life can be substituted for yours (Heb 4:15); And God loved you so much (John 3:16); That He gave Jesus as your substitute (2 Cor 5:21); And Through His death (Heb 9:12); You can have eternal life (Jn 17:3); And by His resurrection Death is defeated (Jn 11:25); The Gift is Free (Eph 2:8); You Could Never Deserve it (Galatians 2:16); and Just by accepting this gift (Romans 10:13); Your sins will be forgiven and forgotten. (Acts 2:38); You will be reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:18) and Live with Him forever in Heaven. (Philippians 3:20).

Jesus told me this in 2007 in a God dream and the holes in His wrists are very real. You are my beloved bride who I love. May my Peace that passes all understanding cover your Body, Soul, Spirit, and Mind for all of eternity.

How can One Enter the Messianic Kingdom?
  1. Hear the gospel of Christ (Rom 10:13-17); 2. Believe in Christ (Acts 16:31); 3. Repent of past sins (Lk 24:47, Acts 17:30); 4. Confess faith in Christ (Rom 10:8-10); 5. Be baptized into Christ (Rom 6:3-4, Gal. 3"26-27)
Pray and obey is the best to do.

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