Day of Trumpet (Time signatures around the globe lined up like the Giza Pyramid line up). Sept. 23rd, 2017 (Restrainer taken away, 2 Thess 2:6-8); Sept 30 Day of Atonement is the 120th Jubilee year. End of humanity in the 120th Jubilee year. Rapture between Sept 15th to November 15. Oct 8th was a possible start for Creation of the Earth. Oct 23rd was another possible start for Creation. So add 22 days to October 23rd and you get the end date for watching for the rapture.
I teach on this blog that Jesus will fulfill the Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles but with the September 23rd event now we can also add the Sabbath between Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement.
I teach you all to watch for the events on a New Moon, full moon, Sabbaths, first Day of Chanukkah and the 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles and also dates like the 11th month and 24th day (Zech 1); First day of the first month (Exodus 40), to add Lev 12:1-3, 30, 38, 40, 50, 70, 80, 100, 120, and other biblical numbers. .
We have explored dates from Creation to the present.
So we need to make an guess that God is going to keep the Rapture to one of His days by using the Creation Month and/or the year that the 12 tribes of Exodus entered the promised land. So that year's Fall would have occurred between Sept 15th to Oct 15th for the month of Tishrei.
Possible rapture days over the next 2 weeks. Sunday 22, Sun exit legs of Virgo. Venus enter birth canal, Mercury exits Virgo Monday, 23 Creation Day 1 (Ussher, 4004 BCE), Torah Calendar Feast of Tabernacles Sabbath 1 (Birth of Jesus) ; Oct 8th +15 days. Thursday 26. Cheshvan 10 for the Flood when Noah's family went into the ark. Red Blood Moon Tetrad April 15, 2014+1290 days. Monday 30/31 7th to 8th day for Oct 8th beginning Feast of Tabernacles.31. Sun exits Virgo. Nov 2 The Flood began Nov 2 on Cheshvan 17th. This year, that day is Cheshvan 13th. The Balfour Declaration was signed in 1917. May I suggest to watch for a global earthquake (axial poleshift) possibly or even the First Trumpet Judgment of Revelation. Venus enters birth canal of Virgo. Numbers with Feast of Tabernacles end date on Oct 11 date adds up to this date. Num 29:32 And on the seventh day seven bullocks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish: Full Moon in Pisces. 40 days from the Rev 12 Sign. 2 days after Halloween. Halloween Marks 500 years since protestant reformation. Luther 95 Thesis. Nov. 3. Day of Atonement for Usher's Oct 23rd Creation Day start. November 6 . Cheshvan 17. Flood began. 77 Days from great Eclipse. 44 days from Rev 12 Sign. Mercury moves into Scorpio. Scorpio= Akrab/Conflict/War. Full Moon in Tarus-Judgment. 700 days after 500 year anniversary of start of the Reformation. . Nov 7. Usher's Feast of Tabernacles 1 Sun enters line in Scales.
November 15th for the latest time of the rapture. November 2/3 has come up in various video's and according to the movement of the planets above our heads, the planets go crazy after November 15th.
Nibiru talk around the internet is late October to April and December to April. It brings in the Trumpet Judgments of Revelation. WWIII (Nuclear War) brings in the Bowl Judgments of Revelation. Some teach the Bowl judgments are the last 7 months before Armageddon and others teach the last 10 days.
This is not a time to give up hope or faith because we know that by the first coming there was 250 fulfilled prophecies, and that 70-100 have been fulfilled so far and that there will be 200 to 400 fulfilled during the Day of the Lord.
As I read through Leviticus looking for time frames, this keeps showing up.
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