Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Eighth Day

The Eighth Day

The end of Passover week and Feast of Tabernacles ends on the Eighth day. For Passover week, the eighth day is Feast of First Fruits (Resurrection Sunday) and at Feast of Tabernacles it is Shemini Atzeret.

The Title for Genesis is: Beresheet (In the Beginning) and the title for Feast of First Fruits is: Yom Resheet (the beginning). Yeshua’s resurrection is the new Genesis.

The first day of Creation was dark and void. And God said, “Let there be light!” and there was light. In the tomb it was also dark and void. And God said, “Let there be light!” and there  was light and a new life. And from the empty tomb, there comes the power of Genesis (a new beginning and creation), the power to all who will receive it.

Our world is dark and void so “Let there be Light!”

Teacher, why do we light the candles at the beginning of the Sabbath? We light the candles to remind us the God is light (Moses hid in the cleft of the rock and saw the backside of God), that Yeshua is the Light of the world who overcame the grave) and that the Word is the Light of our lives.

Focus on the Light and you will walk in the Light.

The eighth day is about leaving the old creation (the old creation of our lives, the old creation of this earth (Rev 22). The resurrection is about us leaving our old lives.

The eighth day is the day of resurrection of leaving the limitations of the finite and into the realm of the infinite. It is about overcoming death and every other limitation. It is the end of the old life, the old existence, and the power to live beyond it.

So the two days, the day of the Resurrection and the Day of eternity are joined together.

The Day of the First Fruits is the resurrection of the first fruits of the age to come, the first manifestation of the Eighth Day, heaven.

Messiah’s people gather on the Eighth day. The Sabbath ended in the evening of the seventh day and the beginning of the eighth day when the first 3 stars came out at night. Paul was teaching until midnight and somebody fell out of the window and died and was brought back to life. Messiah’s disciples gathered together every day but the new Pentecostal churches gathered on the eighth day.

We all who are of the Messiah are given the power of the eighth day, to leave the old life, to rise over this creation, to overcome all limitations, to live after the end and in the realm of the Heavenly. So do not be bound by this ending of this age over the next two years. Live beyond it. Walk in the newness of life. Walk in this life and you will walk in the will of God for your life. As long as you walk out the Word in your life, then you walk out the will of God for your life and you will be at the right place and the right time to fulfill the will of God that He destined for you before you were even born.

So learn to walk as the children of the eighth day.

Day 300, 307 of Mysteries of the Bible by Jonathan Cahn.

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