Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sept 30th, 2016 Black Moon on the Sabbath

Black Moon: Astrological Event to Herald ‘End of Days’ and Second Coming September 30th

Gen 1:14  And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Luk 21:25  And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Luk 21:26  Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

Today the Parashah is Nitzavim which means "You Are Standing." Today the Parashah is Va-Yelech which means "And He Went." Va-Yelech was the Parashah on the first Sabbath in the Physical Universe. Moses was 120 years old when he gave us Va-Yelech. It is 120 Jubilee years from Creation until the Messiah's reign.

Parashah #51 Scripture Readings Nitzavim (You Are Standing) Torah: Deuteronomy 29:10-30:20; Haftarahs Isaiah 61:10-63:9
Parashah #52 Scripture Readings Va-Yelech (And He Went) Torah: Deuteronomy 31:1-30; Haftarahs Isaiah 55:6-56:8

From our Sages on the Parshah

You stand upright this day, all of you, before the L-rd your G-d: your heads, your tribes, your elders, and your officers, and all the men of Israel; your little ones, your wives, and your stranger that is in your camp, from the hewer of your wood to the drawer of your water (Deuteronomy 29:9-10)

 Our sages have said: "All Israel are guarantors for each other" (Talmud, Shevuot 39a). But a person cannot serve as a guarantor unless he is more resourceful in some way than the one he is guaranteeing. For example, a poor man obviously would not be accepted as a guarantor for a rich man's loan. So if the Talmud says that all Jews serve as guarantors to each other, this means that in every Jew there is a quality in which he or she is superior to all others.
(The Lubavitcher Rebbe)

On Friday September 30, a rare Black Moon will occur, which many are linking to the apocalypse.

The spectacular Black Moon occurs when the illuminated side of the moon is caught in the shadow of the Earth, making it virtually impossible to see.

The phenomenon happens roughly every 32 months, but this one holds special significance due to other universal activity this month.

The first day of September brought with it a ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse – where the moon falls in line with the Earth and the sun above Africa, making it appear as if the sun had darkened.

The moon will be virtually invisible on Friday.

This, coupled with the Black Moon, has got many fearing the worst.

One conspiracy theorist wrote on Facebook: “Those signs are letting us know that Jesus is soon coming. We are approaching the end of our world and the end of life on Earth for all human being. Every day, we have to come closer to our saviour Jesus Christ. For none can escape for what is coming for the Earth.”

In Luke 21:25-26, the Bible says: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and looking after those things which are coming on the earth.”

So you’re probably wondering what a black moon is. It actually has a few definitions. The one we’re using here is a second new moon in a calendar month ― not to be confused with a blue moon, which is the second full moon in a calendar month.

Like other new moons, black moons aren’t usually visible ― the name is a giveaway. But because the moon is super dark that night, it’s prime time for stargazing.

This black moon will occur at 8:11 p.m. ET on Friday in the Western Hemisphere. It will be over North and South America, with the most western portions of Europe seeing it too.

Because that same new moon will hit on Oct. 1 in the Eastern Hemisphere, it’s not a black moon for people there. But the Eastern Hemisphere will get its own black moon at the end of October, according to AccuWeather.

Otherwise busy this Friday? The next time two new moons will fall in the same month for the Western Hemisphere is July 2019.

In some ways, a black moon is the opposite of a blue moon. When a full moon rises twice in a month, the second one is called a blue moon. Similarly, a black moon is the second new moon in a single month. It’s a somewhat rare event, only coming around about once every 32 months; the last one occurred in March 2014.
According to website Signs Of The End Times, the Book of Matthew 24:29, reads: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.”

Black Moon dates
Year, Date, Type
2014 Jan 30 Second New Moon in a single calendar month
2014 March 30 Second New Moon in a single calendar month
2015 Feb 18 Third New Moon in a season with four New Moons
2016 Sept. 30 Second New Moon in a single calendar month
2017 Oct 21 Third New Moon in a season with four New Moons

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Feast Dates and Second Coming Heavenly Signs 2015

Feast Dates and Second Coming Heavenly Signs 2015

Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Luk 21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

1) 2015 (5+1+2=8 A new Beginning) Year 6001 (6+1 =7 Total Completion) 3. Solar Eclipse/Spring Equinox: March 20th, 2015, Total, Day 6 Day before Rosh Codesh First sliver of the New Moon). March 21, 2015 Sabbath, Nisan/Abib 1. Vayikra "and he called" Leviticus 1:1-5:26; Exod 40:1-2. Lunar Eclipse: Month 1, Day 7, Pesach/Passover, April 3, 2015 (Joel 2:31?) Possible Exodus.

Trumpet Sound heard in Germany on Pesach, April 4th, 2015

    According to the G20 plans to steal all your money that is the bank at the next banking crisis. According to some sources on the talk radio show, if you have $100,000.00 at the beginning of 2015, by the end of 2016 you may only have 1200.00 if that much.

Dave Hodges, Common Sense Show: I predict the Federal Reserve will steal your money by faking a cyber attack In fact, last year, FEMA and DHS actually practiced for this event on October 23rd and 24th of 2013. As I wrote on June 12, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC and the Bank of London practiced for widespread banking failure on November 10, 2014. On November 16, 2014, the G20 nations declared your bank deposits to not be money. On August 8, 2012, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the banks own your money when you deposit your paycheck into the bank.

Civil war, martial law should come sometime this year or next year. The goal of the government is to destroy 300 million Americans this year or next year.

Food Issues.  The food drought will start in the poorest cities and work its way to the rich stores this year of 2015. The shelves may be all empty by January 2017. So plan on 3 year supply of food and water in cans and gallons of water.

Matthew 24:29. Immediately after the tribulation of those days (Matt 24:21-25) shall the sun be darkened (solar eclipse), and the moon shall not give her light (lunar eclipse), and the stars\messengers\nukes? (kowkabiym; Gen 1:16; Mk 13:24; Isa 34:4; Rev. 6:13) shall fall from heaven (has sa mayim; Dan 8:10), and the powers\army of the heavens (the Jews. Dan 4:35) shall be shaken (Hosea 9:17). See also Lk 17:37; Jb 39:30; Hab 1:8; Ezk 39:17. Understand this to refer to the Great Day of Adonai (Joe 3:1-5; 2:28-32; Isa 13:9-10). Darkened: Rev:6:12 (v. 16/17 wrath of the lamb); Amos 8:9 (Day of the Lord); Isa 13:9-10; Joel 2:31; Joel 3:15--Armageddon; Rev 8:12 4th Trumpet 1/3 darkened. This astral phenomena which will accompany the return of the Son of Man are foretold in Isa 13:9-10 and Joel 2:31, 3:15. (Is 34:4; Rev 6:13; Mt 24:21; Is 13:10; Ezek 32:7; Acts 2:20; Rev 6:12; 8:12) Here we have a Hebrew idiom. The word powers can also refer to army. Shaken can also mean wonder around. Therefore, mankind will be in chaos. After the tribulation of those days refers to end of Worldwide persecution of most saints by death. It also refers to the rest of the seals and birthing pains. Will we see the birthing pains be over or not, time will tell. Some people believe this will occur at the end of Armageddon (Joel 3:15) Stars falling refers to meteor showers and/or asteroids. This verse also tells us to look into the Heavens and watch the Heavens. Since Virgo ties into the birth of Christ and Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah which is above Virgo's head is the end (Rev 12:1-2) and refers to the day of Christ's return for Armageddon then should we not be looking to heaven (i.e. events happening on the Zodiac constellations such as 7 planets (3,2,2) lining up in three constellations on a feast day in Sept. 2015, 2017; 5 planets in 2 (3,2) constellations on a feast day (Sept. 2015, 2017). Genesis 1:14 The sun, moon and stars (constellations and other events such as asteroids) are for signs (signals) and seasons (Moed/Moedim: God's appointed times (Lev. 23 which also ties into Lev. 25 (Jubilee's)). Everything in the heavens is declaring the coming of the Messiah for His bride. In Psalm 89:37, God says the moon is His faithful witness in the heavens. It testifies of His covenantal faithfulness to the seed of King David and that it will be one of his seed who will rule on the throne of Jerusalem, the undivided capital of Israel! (Biltz) Mankind wil be running in fear with chaos. Rev 6:16-17 has men hiding in caves and under rocks because they do not want to face the Wrath of the Lamb.

2013 Comet UQ4 Catalina  10:23:2013 to 3:25:2015

     Purity purified herself after being judged by the Eridanus of fire and then was shaped and molded before being tested by Satan and turn by self doubts and lack of faith. Due to Spiritual warfare, she became a chained woman and at the same time to be set up as a queen. She passes by a lizard as she clung to the ground by her weights of life. She is strengthened by the Lord Himself who carries her and lifts her up as His Queen where they conquer the Dragon, Satan himself and cast him into the lake of fire and brimstone.

    With the Shepherd, her King,by her side, she is a Queen and she knows it. The Sheep nations goes to the left and the goats to the right of King Yeshua "My Salvation" at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Rev.19:7-9, when Armageddon occurs on the Day of Atonement. On this day the King and Queen and they begin their life together as echad (One person). And they live happily together throughout eternity.

10:23:2013 to 3:25:2015 The comet began on Month 8, Day four and ended on Month 1, Day 4. Isa 30:26  Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

 Comet 2014 E2 Jacques 10:1:2013-5:25:2015

    Jacques the supplanter crosses the serpent and becomes like him in character. He is abhorred. He is pumped up with false lies and given a unfunctioning compass that never points north. He picks up the four horsemen that brings a false peace and bring death. He is warring against the bride. But alas the Savior of mankind comes to the rescue and fights for His bride to be. He delivers her from the clutches of Jacques. He has a staff, a rod of iron. His bride is now the queen set up in heaven where she belongs. He comes as a King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He comes to Judge at Armageddon and through the other judgments. The Antichrst and others fall and die, and He who had fallen now rules for eternity.

    On Month 7, Day 3 Comet Jacques was born on the same day as Israel Set Apart. Israel turns to יהוה in Their Distress. Nememiah 9:1-38  holiday in 2013. The comet finished on 5:25 on Month 3, Day 2 on Shavuot/Pentecost.

    This is the fifth Shavuot event. Lets go over them. We have: The Marriage with the ten commandments (Ex 20; 24:1-8), Marriage in the N. T. with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, Israel becoming a nation on May 14, The Cross in the Corona of the Sun, and now this Comet ending on this day possibly. According to, Israel was set apart in Month 7, Day 2 which was October 8, 451 B.C. If my calculations are correct that was 2500 years between the two Feast of Tabernacles. I believe that Israel was set apart in Nehemiah 9 in 445 BC based on and Stellarium. This day was October 1 which was on Day 4 (Gen 1:14; Menorrah Christ or servant candle) and that the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars were in Virgo; Moon and Jupiter were in Pisces. The reason for not 451 BC was that the planets were scattered everywhere and the same in 444 BC. The amount of planets in Virgo and Pisces are major players when events in the past occurred concerning things of God.

Comet 2013 V5 Oukaimeden 11:1 2013-6:24:2015

The King is coming as a fierce judge riding on a white horse giving life while abhorring Satan weighing against Satan as He separates the hairs (of the sheep from the goats (Matt 25) or wheat from the tares).
   June 24 catches my attention in that it is the fourth month on the fourth day. It is 600 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.  Or 1 year, 7 months, 23 days excluding the end date.

ASAS-SN-15lh Discovered June 14, 2015. Very bright Nova. June 13  Today the Parashah is Shelach which means "Send." Today is Shabbat Mevarekhin which means "Sabbath of Blessing." It is the last Sabbath before the new moon  Parashah #37

Shelach (Send) Torah Numbers 13:1-15:41; Haftarahs Joshua 2:1-24

The King is coming as a fierce judge riding on a white horse giving life while abhorring Satan weighing against Satan as He separates the hairs (of the sheep from the goats (Matt 25) or wheat from the tares).

    What catches my attention is two events. The 7th day “send” and the first day. Creation of the earth was on the first day of the week.

Rosh Chodesh 4, 2015 event.
On June 19th, something exciting happens:

On that evening, the crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter will form a bright isosceles triangle in the sunset sky. Isosceles means that two sides of the triangle are the same length. The moon is under Venus.
One night later, on June 20th, the verticles rearrange themselves, Forming yet another isosceles triangle. Now, the moon is under Jupiter.

These two days are important to me because they occur on Rosh Chodesh 4 and on the Sabbath. Parashah #38 Scripture Readings Korach (Korah) Torah Numbers 16:1-18:32 Haftarahs 1 Samuel 11:14-12:22.
Yeshua/Jesus is binding and holding his own who are born of water. He is weighing and judging the His own with His Torah to cause them to become more wife like while time still remains  and He is judging the nations against Him. Judgment begins in the house of the Lord. Yeshua is interceding for His beloved Church. Yeshua now turns and begins His judging of the globe with fierceness of a raging bull. He comes as the Savior and Hero. Pre-wrath rapture comes for the church now and so do the plagues of judgment.

July 1, 2015 Day 4. Venus and Jupiter conjoined.  July 1, Day 4 (Wednesday)

Day four is important because of Gen 1:14 occurred then. Also in the Menorah, the 4th candle for Messianics is called the Christ Candle or servant candle. Also in 4000 approximate or 80 Jubilee was Jesus born and died.

 June 30-July 2. This conjunction is in Leo but it is at the upper shoulder of Leo just like it was on August 12, 3 BC.

    Venus being a bright and morning star, as Jesus Himself said about Himself, in Rev 22:16. Jupiter is known as the king Planet. The two witnesses of Christ. He returns.

Jupiter in Leo:  King (Psa 89:27, 35-37), Sovereign (Psa 103:19; 1 Tim 6:15), Most High (Ge 14:19; Psa 97:9). Venus in Leo: Lord King of kings in Millennium (Ezek 34:24); Herald of the king (2 Ki 11:14).  Dr. Dale Sides did an excellent writeup on this event.; you will see the star of bethlehem a sign that christs second coming is around the corner.

The Bethlehem Star is Returning Today June 30th 2015 By John Ale ( sign of the antichrist will appear in the skies tomorrow night 2470452.html by William Frederick  (BIN)

Star of Bethlehem #2, that in light of the Jew’s expectation of their Messiah appearing in September 2015, suggests it was a sign the heralding of the coming of the antichrist as explained below.

The Rare Venus Jupiter Conjunction–The Star of Bethlehem #2 and the antichrist

End times Forecaster  William Frederick

If this rare Venus Jupiter conjunction is a sign, then I believe it will be antichrist related and may have an antichrist event associated with it. I believe it is also possible that if there is an event, it may not be public. The Jews missed the sign in 2 BC, but the wise men were able to discern its importance. I wonder what will happen this time around. 

Regardless of if anything happens or not I believe, to the “wise men,” this sign foretells the soon coming of the antichrist.

The Star of Bethlehem #2 involved Venus which is now in retrograde and researcher Luis Vega has brought some prophetically important aspects of this retrograde. 

The prelude of the Venus retrograde on June 26, 2015 coincided with the Greek meltdown. It is but a forerunner of a long line of successive and coordinated implosions that will eventually lead to the collapse of the current global orders. Symbolically, Greece is the cradle of western civilization, though art, culture, democracy, religion, philosophy, etc. It appears ironically that as a Greek Tragedy the global Money Changers have chosen this symbol, this nation to coincide with the end of western civilization’s great and sacred orders. It was on this day also that the U.S. Supreme Court reinterpreted the verbiage in redefining what marriage is. It was also on this date that the U.S. Congress passed the Trans Pacific Partnership TPP that strips the USA of its last remaining vestiges of sovereignty. What is transpiring before the eyes of America is her American Tragedy…

Was it mere chance that these world changing decisions occurred on the heels of this ‘Christ Star’ and start of Venus’ retrograde? Such a day was perhaps prophetic that reflected a ‘backwardness’ or regression of all that the USA has fought to establish since 1776.

Luis Vega also informs us that this retrograde ends just before the signaled events of September 2015 are to occur.

What is also interesting is that Venus does a retrograde now or a ‘dance’ from approximately 7-11 to 9-11, exactly 2 months on the eve of the partial solar eclipse and the end of the Shmitah cycle on the civil New Year of YHVH, September 13, 2015.

Shabbath July 31, Blue Moon   Unscheduled Blood Moon on July 1-3, 2015

Research the 15th of Av, which is this Friday, the date of the blue moon.  It is a mysterious Jewish holiday and is not one of the major holidays.  According to the Talmud, the unmarried Jewish women would dance in the vineyard that night, and any Jewish man without a wife would go there to select a bride.  We are the bride of Christ, so......????  Also, it is believed to be the date of the marriage of the Lamb of God.  It's very interesting, to say the least!

 It is also known as the Jewish Valentine's Day, or the Holiday of Love. It is all about forgiveness and redemption, and is based on the sin of the spies who came back from the Promised Land and scared the people with the stories about the "giants". Because of the people's lack of faith, God punished them by saying that everyone 20 and older would not enter the Promised Land, hence the 40 years of wandering in the desert. The people finally knew that their sin was forgiven when on the 9th of Av, 40 years later, no one died.  They waited a few more days for people to die, and then there was a full moon.  The people knew their sin was forgiven and they could enter the Promised Land!
It is also connected with Judges 21:21, "When the young women of Shiloh come out to  join in the dancing, rush from the vineyards and each of you seize one of them to be your wife. Then return to the land of Benjamin".  After a battle, there were not enough young women for the young men to marry, so God lifted the ban on marrying women from the tribe of Benjamin. It is now a favorite day for Jewish weddings.

Forgiveness for sin, entering the Promised Land and wedding celebrations... does that ring a bell?
Tu B'Av was a joyous holiday in the days of the Temple in Jerusalem, marking the beginning of the grape harvest. Yom Kippur marked the end of the grape harvest.

Various reasons for celebrating on Tu B'Av are cited by the Talmud and Talmudic commentators:

·         While the Jews wandered in the desert for forty years, female orphans without brothers could only marry within their tribe, to prevent their father's inherited land in the Land of Israel from passing on to other tribes. On the fifteenth of Av of the fortieth year, this ban was lifted. (See Daughters of Zelophehad.)

·         That same year, the last of the generation of the sin of the spies, which had been forbidden to enter the Promised Land, found that they were not destined to die. For forty years, every Tisha B'av night, the Jews made graves for themselves in which they slept on Tisha B'Av; every year a proportion of them died. In the 40th year, the fifteen thousand who had remained from the first generation went to sleep in the graves and woke up the next day to their surprise. Thinking they made a mistake with the date, they did this until they reached Tu B'Av. Only then did they know they were allowed to live.

·         The Tribe of Benjamin was allowed to intermarry with the other tribes after the incident of the Concubine of Gibeah (see Judgeschapters 19-21).

·         Cutting of the wood for the main altar in the Temple was completed for the year.

Tu B'AV YHVH Speaks to Moses Deuteronomy 2:1-25; Today the Parashah is Va-Ethchanan which means "And I pleaded." Va-Ethchanan (And I Pleaded); Readings: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11; Isaiah 40:1-26.

A Blue Moon occurs every three years and this year it was on the 15th of Av.

A blue moon is an additional full moon that appears in a subdivision of a year: either the third of four full moons in a season, or a second full moon in a month of the common calendar.

The phrase has nothing to do with the actual color of the moon, although a literal "blue moon" (the moon appearing with a tinge of blue) may occur in certain atmospheric conditions: e.g., when there are volcanic eruptions or when exceptionally large fires leave particles in the atmosphere.

The month of July had two full moons but according to Torahcalendar, it was the regular moon for the month of Av. The next Blue Moon is May 21, 2016.

August 6-7 Jupiter, Mercury and Regulus in close proximity and on August 8 Jupiter and Regulus conjoin on the Sabbath and are together for 7 days. Today the Parashah is Ekev which means "Reward From." Torah Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25 Haftarahs Isaiah 49:14-51:3, Gospels Jn. 13:31–14:31.

Mercury in Leo: Son of David, Lion of Judah, Branch (Isa 11:1; Jer 23:5); Lord Deliverer (Psa 33:16-19; Prov 21:31);  Jupiter in Leo. King (Psa 89:27, 35-37), Sovereign (Psa 103:19; 1 Tim 6:15), Most High (Ge 14:19; Psa 97:9).

This event was also known as the Lion's Gate Portal and was on a Sabbath.  888 refers to Jesus, and the resurrection.

August 22, Sabbath Sun, Regulus conjoin in Leo. Today the Parashah is Shoftim which means "Judges." Torah Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9 Haftarahs Isaiah 51:12-52:12, Gospels Mt. 26:36–27:10

Sun in Leo: King of glory (Psa 24:7; Mt 19:28); glory at Second Advent (Mt 16:27-28; Lk 21:27); Jupiter in Leo. King (Psa 89:27, 35-37), Sovereign (Psa 103:19; 1 Tim 6:15), Most High (Ge 14:19; Psa 97:9)

Mercury in Virgo. Virgin birth of Savior (Isa 7:14; Matt 1:25); birth of children (Gen 4:1; Job 14:1); Rachel's children (Jer 31:15; Matt 2:18)

August 26, Day 4, Sun, Jupiter conjoin in Leo.

Spring\Summer Mars (Blood) and Mercury (Savior) in conjunction spanning three constellations (Aries, Tarus, and Gemini) Summer\Fall Venus and Jupiter (Almighty God) in conjunction in Leo (Lion of Judah) twice (June and October). August 7, Month 5, Day 6, Mercury (Savior), Jupiter (Almighty God) and Regulus (King Star) in conjunction in Leo.

Solar Eclipse: September 13,Partial, Day 2, Month 6 Elul 29 1 day before Rosh Codesh. On September 16, 2015, right in-between Rosh HaShanah & Yom Kippur, a Revelation 12 Woman clothed with Sun at head & Moon at feet will appear. Yom Kippur 2015 During the times we are living, during this Sabbatical cycle, a very rare blood moon tetrads will occur over Jerusalem. Joel 2:31 Covenant (MOU) "Memorandum of Understanding" was signed by anti-Christ with the Arab League on April 23 2009. See Daniel 9:27 Zep 2:4 For Gaza shall be forsaken. Gaza was forsaken on August 22nd of 2005 4.

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Sept 23, 2015  Day of Atonement  Asteroids may or will hit on this day according to Renee Moses.

Building of the Walls of Jerusalem and 2015-2018

The passage in Daniel 9:25 talks about the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. It was stated that from the time of the giving of the command to restore and rebuild unto the coming of Messiah was to be a period of 69 sets of 7 years or 483 years. These years were Babylonian years of 360 days. This is also the length of the prophetic year as given in Revelation. Thus 483 prophetic years of 360 days is the same as 476.057 years of 365.25 days. That is 476 years and 21 days of our customary years. Either way you count the years, it equals 173,880 days.  There may be a second part to the Daniel prophecy quoted above. Because there are two comings of Messiah, this prophecy might be like some others that have a two-fold fulfillment.

This is suggested by Gabriel's words to Daniel since he said Messiah was coming to "make an end of sin and make reconciliation for iniquity". This Messiah did at His First Coming by making atonement for our sins by His death on the cross. But Gabriel also said that, in the context of the Wall of Jerusalem being built that there would be a time "to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and anoint the Most Holy." This has not yet happened. So this may relate directly to His Second Coming, and there may well be a two-fold fulfillment involved. If this is true, the following may be important:

In the sixteenth century, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent ruled the Ottoman (a Muslim) Empire. The Ottoman Empire included Turkey, the Middle East, and some of southern Europe. In 1517 the Ottoman Turks under Suleiman’s father, Selim I, gained control over Jerusalem. Suleiman, however, respected the Jewish people and made a Jew, the Duke of Naxos, his Foreign Affairs Minister. Over 15 years after his accession, Suleiman records that he was troubled by a series of dreams. In these dreams he was being chased by lions who seemed intent on devouring him. In one dream he finally stopped running and faced the lions, asking what he should do to save his life. He was told he should build the wall of Jerusalem. Wondering about this, he asked the only deity he knew, the Muslim Allah, for guidance. The response came in a dream which was recorded as follows:

“... the Prophet appeared to him in a ‘blessed night’ and told him: ‘Oh, Sulaiman, you will have the rulership for forty-six years and will make many conquests. Your offspring will not die out to the end of time. My kindness will always extend to you. You should spend these spoils on embellishing Mecca and Medina, and for the fortification of the citadel of Jerusalem, in order to repulse the unbelievers, when they attempt to take possession of Jerusalem during the reigns of your followers. You should also embellish its sanctuary with water basins and offer annual money gifts to the Dervishes there, and also embellish the Rock of Allah and rebuild Jerusalem.’ Such being the order of the Prophet, Sulaiman Khan rose at once from his sleep and sent from his spoils one thousand purses to Medina and another thousand purses to Jerusalem (Auld and Hillenbrand 2000 p.353).”

Notice that the terms of the arrangement were that Jerusalem was to be rebuilt, along with the Wall or fortifications, and that water dispensers or basins or fountains were to be provided. The wall that Suleiman built is the wall which currently surrounds Old Jerusalem, and the Lions Gate commemorates the lions in his dream. If the first rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls in Nehemiah's time testified to the first coming of Messiah and was still standing when Jesus rode in on the donkey in fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9, then perhaps the second rebuilding of the Wall might announce a similar prophetic program relating to the Second Coming of Christ. Here is what I have been able to ascertain.

The building period for the Wall is generally given as being from 1535/1536 until the end of 1541 or beginning of 1542; that is a total of 7 years. It seems that the 4 fountains or water dispensers or basins were built first. This was, presumably, so that the workers on the wall could be refreshed and have an assured supply of water for the Wall’s construction. The various dates are as follows:

The fountain (or Sabil) on the SW side of the Jaffa Gate - 29th June 1536.; The fountain 10 meters West of St. Stephen's Gate (Lion's Gate) - 29th June 1536.
The fountain Sabil al Wad - 14th December 1536.; The fountain or Sabil at the Al Nazir Gate - February 12th, 1537.; The North Wall - 1537.; Jaffa Gate - 1538.; Damascus Gate - 1538.
Lion's Gate - 1538-1539.The Ottomans built the present walls of Jerusalem and this gate in 1538/9.; Herod's Gate - 1539.; South Wall - 1540.; Completion of construction - end 1541.

The Scripture says that "from the going forth of the command to build ... unto the coming of Messiah". The only command that I can find recorded is the following, which was placed on two of the fountains (Sabil); the one at the Jaffa Gate and the other at the Lion's gate. Here is the Command:

"He has ordered the construction of this blessed Sabil, our Master, the Sultan, the greatest Prince and the honourable Hakan, who rules the necks of the nations, the Sultan of the lands of Rum, the Arabs and Persians (ajams), the Sultan Süleyman, son of the Sultan Selim Khan, may Allah perpetuate his reign and his sultanate, on the date of 10th of Month Muharram the sacred in the year 943 (29 June 1536)."

Whether or not this command, which was posted on the fountains, was earlier in time than the command to build the Wall, or restore the city, we do not know. The wording of Instructions to Suleiman in the dream quoted above, and his response, suggests the two might be the same; but the fountains had to be built first before work could start on the Wall.

The question is then asked about the break-down of the 69 periods of 7 years into 7 periods of 7 and 62 periods of 7. Furthermore there is Gabriel's comment that the wall would be built "in troublous times." These were indeed troublous times for Suleiman as he was engaged in the Ottoman-Safavid War from 1532-1555 which involved the Safavid Dynasty of Persia (Iran). In the midst of this, there were several expeditions to trouble spots in Europe. However, in a special way, there was also trouble for the Jewish people with the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition focusing on them especially at that time. Suleiman provided sanctuary in his Kingdom for those Jews wishing to escape from these troubles. The 7 periods of 7 years from the going forth of the Command to build ended around 1585 -1590 depending on just when the precise command was given. At the end of that period, in 1588, the Spanish Armada was destroyed, the Inquisition ceased, and the intense Jewish persecution came to an end.

Given this history, there is another item of interest. If, instead of 7 periods of 7 years and 62 periods of 7 years, we take it the other way around and have, first the 62 periods of 7 years, THEN the 7 periods of 7 years, a remarkable circumstance occurs. The 62 multiplied by 7 gives 434 years of 360 days, which is 427.76 ordinary years. It is noted that the 4 gates which have been dated were built sometime during the period 1538-1539. In particular, the construction of the Lion's Gate specifically spanned that period. (It is of interest to note that it was that gate which Israeli paratroopers stormed on 7th June 1967 and regained the Old city of Jerusalem.) What is even more surprising is that, going back 427.76 ordinary years from then, we end up with a date in 1539. That would then leave a period of 7 times 7 years of 360 days or 48.3 actual years from June 1967 to the completion of the prophecy. In that case, the completion of the prophecy, and the full stretch of 69 periods of 7 years, would end near October 2015. Alternatively, if the Command was given for the wall and city to be re-built at the same time as the fountains in 1536, then the full period ends near July 2012. The completion of the Wall in 1541 gives an end date of 2018.

Elul 29 is day before Yom Teruah which is right after Rosh Codesh will be the end of the shemitah (7 year cycle). This may be the econmic collapse of the world.

Sept 23, 2015 is also the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. Because of its apparent link with Daniel 9, this date has possible significance for Israel and/or the world. It may also hold the possibility of relating to Messiah’s return, or the rise of antichrist or some important event involving God’s Plan for Israel. This date is surrounded by a sequence of unusual Solar and Lunar eclipse events which culminate a few days before on the Feast of Trumpets, (Rosh Hashana) and a few days following on the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).;;

You have the religious year (sabbatical/shemitah (Lev. 25:1-8) beginning with the total solar eclipse, two weeks later a total lunar eclipse on Pesach, and then the civil year beginning with the solar eclipse followed two weeks later by another total blood red moon on the Feast of Sukkot all in 2015. The Coming The Coming Epiphany Chapter 12 As pointed out in an note on studies, the Solar and Lunar eclipses of Passover 2015 is the sixth seal of Revelation 6:12. On this day could very well be the rapture of the Christians and the Day of the Lord begins. A NWO class has also placed the 6th seal at Passover in 2015. Also the Day of the Lord could be in Sept. of 2015. Also pointed out on one of Luis Vega studies is the possible/ probable rapture to be Sept. 2015 or Pentecost 2015. Others place it at Sept. of 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.

Stellarium information Comparisons

   Oct. 14, Sabbath 2015 may be a Rev. 12:1-2 event. This means that there is three planets in Leo making up 12 stars and two to three or more in Virgo. “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed (to put garments on; to cover as with a garment; to furnish raiment; to surround with; to wrap up in) with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”. (Rev 12:1). The sun was near her waist and the moon near her feet. There were twelve stars in the head. They did not form a perfect crown. Comparing this to Sept 28, 2011 with the sun near the midpoint of the upper half of Virgo and the three fragments of Comet Elenin making up the twelve stars, was the twelve stars in Leo a perfect crown like everyone pictures it? The issue is upon your picture of how the planet is clothed and your picture of a crown. The twelve stars in Leo in Sept. 20-21 in Leo make up a better crown pattern. So concerning this one, it could be dismissed as a Revelation 12:1-2 event if you so desire.

Sept 20th-21st 2017 Rev. 12:1-2 event for real and this is the last one prior to Armageddon.

 2015/2017 Comparison. In September on the first sliver of the new moon which is also Rosh Codesh/Yom Teruah, there is 5 planets (3,2) in two constellations. We also see this on Day of Trumpet/Atonement in 2017 in September. On the first annual Sabbath of Feast of Tabernacles in 2015, there are 7 planets (3, 2, 2) in 3 constellations. We also see this in 2017 at Tabernacles. 2015: Jupiter, Mars, Venus in Leo; Sun, Mercury in Virgo; Uranus, Moon in Pisces/ 2017: Jupiter, Sun, Mercury in Virgo; Venus, Mars conjoined in Leo; Uranus, Moon in Pisces. This does not happen in 2014 or 2016. 2016 (2,2,2). Oct 15 Jupiter (King planet), Venus (Morning Star), Mars (Red Planet, Blood) conjoin under the feet of Leo who is Lion of the Tribe of Judah. 8+15=23 2+3=5 however 8+1+5=14 4+1=5 Oct 17, Month 8, Sabbath, Mars and Jupiter in conjunction in Leo. 8+1+7 = 16/2=8 1+6= 7 Nov 3, Month 8, Day 3, Venus and Mars in conjunction just over the line of Leo. 8+3+3=14.  October 15 is saying that there is going to be war by Yeshua/Jesus against the earth.

 A Shemittah year, possible the year of an economic collapse in America, this would lead to an economic collapse rippling around the globe. The breakdown of all that we have known will trigger worldwide panic, paving the way for a global solution and the beginning of the Great Tribulation. The Jews move forward with the rebuilding of the temple.

October 30th Unscheduled Blood Moon over the Sea of Galilee. Sabbath Vayera  (And He Appeared) Torah: Genesis 18:1-22:24; Haftarahs: 2 Kings 4:1-37