Sunday, June 20, 2021

September Day of Trumpet Rapture Watch

September Day of Trumpet September 7 or 8, 2021 Ray Lee Goines Trumpet Feast Rapture Watch LE 23:24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. --- LE 23:25 Ye shall do no servile work therein: but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD. Trumpet Feast is the English phrase for the Jewish Rosh Hashanah which means “a Blowing of Trumpets.” The information I will give in this message came from Jewish sources such as Jewish eschatology and Jewish Rabbis. Yes some came from Christian Jews and I will list the sources at the end of the message. As I present this message I will point out the similarities of the Trumpet Feast and Rapture. Before I do let us look at the Feast itself which lasts two days. There are 100 trumpets sounds blown on the days of Rosh Hashanah. The sounds are divided into four different trumpet sounds. Tekiah - a single, long blast. This is a plain, smooth, continuous note symbolizing joy and contentment. Shevarim - consisting of three short blasts or broken notes. The word literally translates to mean “broken.” The sound symbolizes the first glance within the self, an awakening, the heartbroken feeling that comes with unflinching self-evaluation. Truah - characterized by extremely short blasts comprised of nine staccato notes. This quick succession of short trills expresses trepidation and sorrow supposedly it causes repentance. Tekiah Gedolah - one long blast and this one is called “the great tekiah,” “the great blast,” or “the last trump.” This sound is blown at the end of each day and consists of ten blasts giving a total of 100 blowing of the trumpets. The first three sounds are blown in succession. By this I mean the first one is blown, than the second one and than the third one and this continues throughout the day until each sound has been blown thirty times giving us a total of ninety sounds. The last sound is blown ten times which gives us a hundred trumpet sounds for the day. The Last Trumpet in the Trumpet Feast is the same one Paul was talking about in 1 Corinthians 15:52. Some claimed Paul's Last Trumpet was the seventh Trumpet in Revelation but Revelation wasn't written for another 40 years. Paul didn't need to explain what the Last Trumpet was because the people of his age knew well what Paul meant. If Paul meant a seventh Trumpet than he will need to explain it to the people because no one knew anything about a seventh trumpet. To understand this better we need to look at the Jewish beliefs at that time. The Feast of Trumpets is the only feast they didn't know when the feast will start. All the other feast has a fixed day, but the Feast of Trumpets always started on first day of Tishri. Each Jewish month begins with the sighting of the sliver-thin new crescent moon. In Jesus times and before his time, the priest sent out people to look for the sliver-thin new crescent moon. As soon as two people came back to the priest with the news of the new crescent moon being sighted, the feast began. Fires was lighted to spread the word the sliver crescent has been sight. No one knew the day or the hour when this Feast will start as the Church will not know the day or the hour Christ will return for his Bride. The ten virgins in Matthew 25 is an example of Christ coming for his bride and those that were not watching and ready was left behind. The Jews had people watching and waiting to see when the Feast will begin as we should be waiting and watching. This feast also was called by the Jews "only the Father knows".(Matthew 24:36). The above sounds Familiar doesn’t it. Jewish rabbis in Jewish eschatology teaches "The Feast of Trumpets" is prophetically the resurrection of the dead saints. They believe the saints are resurrected and enter into a wedding chamber. At this time there is a time of trouble upon Israel for 7 years. They call this "the Birth Pangs of the Messiah". Yep; you read that right. Birth Pangs of the Messiah.(Jeremiah 30:6-7; Matthew 24:8; John 16:21-22). They also believed at the time of the last trumpet, the doors of heaven opens. (Revelation 4:1) Then the judgment book is open and those saints that was resurrected will stand before the Judgment Seat of God. The righteousness Jews still living will be put someplace on earth for safe keeping during Jacob’s trouble (Psalm 27:5; Isaiah 26:20) and those unrighteous Jews will face the wrath of God for seven years at which time on the 10th of Tishri or the day of the Atonement Feast their Messiah will come. This I will give more detail in the Atonement Feast Message. This showed the Jews believe the time of Jacob's trouble is to be for 7 years as some Christians believes there will be seven years but the last three and one-half years will be called the Great Tribulation. The righteous Jews standing before the Judgment seat of God is similar to the Church standing before the Judgment Seat of Christ. I am pointing out the similarities between their beliefs and the Church beliefs. As I stated before the Trumpet Feast lasted two days which will be the first and second day of Tishrei. The Resurrection and Rapture will take place on the first day and not the second day. Also the Passover Feast was held two days with the first day being Nisan 13 and the second day Nisan 14. References --- 7 feasts of Israel(Zola Levitt); God's appointed times(Barney Kasdan); The Gospel in the Feast of Israel(Victor Buksbazen); Fall Feast of Israel(Mike and Zhava Glaser); Jewish Holidays(Michael Strassfed); Israel's Holy Days in Pirkei Avot(Rabbi Eliezer); Festivals of the Jewish year(Theodore Gaster); The High holy Days(Herman Kieval); Unlocking prophecy-Jesus fulfills the 7 feast of Israel(Wagner); Ariel Ministries, MBS Excerpt, The feasts of Israel; Holy days, feast and festivals(Derech); Rosh Hashana and Yum Kippur(Ohr Somayach); Type and Prophecy(Daniel Fuchs); Fall Feasts of Israel(Return to God Org); Feast of trumpets (Lev. 23:23-25) – Rapture of the saints on Sept New Moon (Matt 24:31-32 Trumpet, Summer; Psalm 81:3 (Trumpet, New Moon, full moon, solemn feast day); Amos 8:5 New Moon; Amos 8:9 Sun sets at Noon; Genesis 8:5 New Moon; John 4:35 Summer). Deut 24:5; Isa 34:8, 61:1-2, 63:4; Psalm 18 (1918), 118 (2018), 120 (2020), 121 (2021- Rapture); 1 Thess. ‪2:19‬; ‪3:13‬; ‪4:13-17‬; ‪5:23‬; 1 Cor. ‪15:23‬, 51-58; Eph. 5:27; Col. 3:4; 2 Thess. 2:1,7-8; Jas. 5:7-8; 1 Jn. ‪2:28‬; Jn. 14:1-3; Lk. 21:36; Rev. 2:8-11, 25; 3:10; 4:1; 6:12 axial pole shift; 8:5 global earthquake, and 3 days of darkness. Axial Pole shift (Rev 6:12). Axial Poleshift from Nibiru system (Red Dragon/Red Hopi Star (Rev 12:3) of 7 planets, 10 moons, and meteors and asteroids (2015-2020). Sun of the Crossing, El Shaddai, the Destroyer comes around every 300-350 years since the Flood. It caused havoc with the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Exod Plague 9 (New Moon of 3 days of darkness), Joshua's longest day, 140,000 Assyrians, Sun dial going backwards by 10 steps, Yeshua's/Jesus death of 3 hours of darkness, black plague period, 1054 Chinese Guest Star, 2 times more, and now the Day of the Lord in 2020. When a large planetary body suddenly changes its rotation, or undergoes a polar shift, the rapid forward movement of the surface of the earth leaves the atmosphere (the first heaven) behind and as it pushes forward into the oncoming atmosphere. It rolls the atmosphere into a huge "roll cloud" leaving a vacuum in between.  The subthermal outer atmosphere quickly (wind speeds of hundreds or thousands of miles per hour) fill in the huge vacuum with temperatures approaching absolute zero, in an instant quick freeze. Such a mechanism is suggested also just prior to the Noachian flood with the remnants of the frozen mammoths in Siberia and also a sudden change in latitude as a new north pole found a new home on this Planet Earth.  The dark sun is several times (5 to 8 times) larger than Earth and about a hundred times denser is heading our way on a trajectory that will soon take it close enough to cause global catastrophes which include: 1) increasing extreme behavior of the sun. 2) increased warming of the earth core and surface. 2016, 2017 ALL THE PLANETS ARE WARMING UP TOO, NOT JUST EARTH - SO IT CAN'T BE CAR EXHAST OR SMOKE STACKS--Gill Broussard talk.  3) coronal mass ejections (CME) of the sun, blasting harmful X-rays and UV radiation in deadly doses onto the earth. 4) failure of the power grid and the entire infrastructure that relays on electricity through a interstellar electromagnetic pulse (CME), may be caused by North Korea as well. 5) terminal failure of all electrical equipment which is not shielded properly. 6) the collapse of the earth’s magnetic field which is now shielding us from cosmic and solar radiation. As a result all organisms and exposed plants without proper protection will experience. 7) extreme heat and scorching from the sun (Rev 16:8; 2 Pet 3:10). 8) severe or deadly UVA, UVB, and gamma (X) radiation. Boils on the body (Rev 16:1,2) 9) overexposure to cosmic rays. Boils on the body (Rev 16:1,2) 10) dramatic increase in meteoric/asteroid impacts on the planet (stars falling from the sky; Rev 6:12-17). 11) severe and abrupt violent climate changes. 12) wild swings in temperature. 13) torrential rains. 14) huge snowfalls. 15) record hail storms; hailstones (Ps 18:12-13; Isa 28:2, 17; Ezek 13:13; 38:22; Isa 30:30; Isa 32:19; Hag 2:7; Rev 8:7; 11:19; 16:21). Joshua 10:11-13 stones from heaven 16) increased seismic activity in number and in strength. 17) more great and catastrophic earthquakes (Isa 2:19. 21=Rev 6:12-17; Isa 22:5,9; Isa 5:25; 29:6; Ezek 38:19; Rev 16:18=Isa 2:10-22). 18) widespread volcanic eruptions that will also darken the skies (Ezek 38:22). 19) mass animal deaths (Zeph 1:3; Jer 12:40; Hos 4:3). 20) a radical tilting of the earth’s axis. 21) a tottering/wobbling of the earth in its path of revolution around the sun (Isa 24:18; Isa 13:13; Psalm 46:2-3; Josh 10:11-13) 22) a short duration stop of the rotation of the earth on its axis. Josh 10:11-13 (Joshua's longest day) Second Exodus Day of Trumpet 2016. 23) spectacular lights in our atmosphere from a hyper excitation of the magnetosphere. 2015 latter half 24) major portions of the planet that experience complete loss of aquifer waters. Ps 46:3 Roar of icecaps (Joshua's longest Day study) 25) select parts of the planet that experience a building of aquifer waters and inner aquifer pressure. Lk 21:25 (roar); Nah 1:8 (flooding over); Josh 10:11-13; Gen 7:11. 26) Change in Orbit around the Sun or Change in Polar Spin Axis (Isa 24:19-20). 27) Fires (Isa 34:9; 37:7; Isa 25:4; Ps 46:6,8; 2 Sam 16:14-16; 1-4 Trumpet judgments Rev 8; Ezek 38:22; 2 Peter 3:10; Isa 30:30; Rev 16:8-9); Nah 1:5 (burned) 28) Noise 2 Pet 3:129) Shaken Heb 12:25-27; Isa 13:13; Hag 2:6-7; Ps 46:3; Quaking Jer 4:24; Isa 5:25; Jer 10:10; Ezk 38:20; Jer 50:46 cr Jer 10:10; 49:21; Ezk 26:18; 31:16; Isa 5:7; 15:5; Jer 46:12; 51:54; Ezk 27:28; Isa 2:10-21; 13:6-13; Isa 54:10 (Mountains shall depart); Nah 1:5 30) a possible solar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17) 31) a possible lunar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17) 32) a day of darkness for the earth or even 3 days of darkness as the dwarf star blocks the sun (Exod 10:21; I Sam 2:9; 2 Sam 22:10, 12; Isa 5:30; 60:2; Amos 5:18, 20; Zeph 1:15; Rev 16:10). Dark (Ezek 32:7-8; Mic 3:6). Darken (Amos 8:9) 33) Change in the Solar System (Ps 102:25-26; Isa 51:6; 2 Pet 3:12); also the heavens shall roll up as a scroll. 34) Brimstone Gen 19:24>Deut 29:23; Job 18;15; Ps 11:6; Isa 34:9; Ezk 38:22; Rev 9:17-18; 14:10; = Rev 21:8. 35) Drought/dry ? Isa 42:15; Jer 50:12; Lev 26:32-33 36) Massive plant/tree dieoff (desolate (of people), waste?) Jer 8:13; Ezek 20:47; Hab 3:17 (Day of the Lord). 37) Pestilence 38) a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13--Joshua's Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a "slosh" of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be: 1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10--Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood) 2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust. 3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses. 4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean. 5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves. 6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13. 7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:238) hurricanes over land. 9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons. 10) change of the length of days and of the calender (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20). A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).      The records, both in geology and historical, reflect that multiple events will be occurring simultaneously i.e. melting ice in the Antarctic & Greenland, earthquakes, tsunamis (tidal waves), flooding, torrential rains, abrupt (tropical to arctic minutes!) climate change, 200 mph (320 kph) winds, volcanism, the Gulf Stream stopping and dare I say: a pole shift!" Equator moves south to Tropic of Capricorn or Cancer. 3 Days of Darkness (72 Hours). Temp 55 degrees. No electricity, no running water, batteries will not work but candles will and also oil lamps. No medical help. No Communications. Satellites will not work. Fallen Angels and demons attack if you are outdoors. If you are indoors and look out, then fallen angels and demons will attack you. Your idol worship items (Christian holiday items, window sun chasers, Cachinah dolls, occult items, etc will cause the fallen angels and demons to come into your homes so get rid of that stuff. Biblical References: Exodus 3 days of darkness (New Moon); Jesus Death to Resurrection from Passover to Feast of First Fruits; Jonas in Leviathan in 586 BC. Paul's Conversion. Dreams: 2012 Tijeras NM. Water to surface and standing still for 3 hours. Earthquake: 4.0-8.0.; 2017: Monday, 7, 11 AM Mountain Standard Time; Monday 6 Am/pm; 2018 2 Full Moons over Albuquerque, NM. 2019 April 15 to present with 2 moons in a window making a cross. 2019 December 11 dream above. 2019 Flood timeline dream stated above.


  1. Revelation 2:10 has 10 days of tribulation which are 10 years (Num 14:33-34; Ezek 4:4-6; Exod 20:8-11; 23:10-11) of tribulation from Day of Trumpet new moon (Lev 23:23-25) to Day of Atonement ( Lev 23: 27; 16:30; 2010-2020), then 1 year (Deut 24:5; Isa 34:8; Isa 61:1-2; Isa 63:4) of Wrath of God from Day of Trumpet new moon (rapture on Sept 7th; to Day of Atonement (Armageddon), then 10 days from Day of Trumpet new moon (2nd Advent) to Day of Atonement. Then 5 days of grace in Valley of Jehoshaphat (valley of decision) and then the Millennium begins on Feast of Tabernacles full moon.
    Will be fulfilled (5) Feast of trumpets (Lev. 23:23-25) – Rapture of the saints on Sept New Moon (Matt 24:31-32 Trumpet, Summer; Psalm 81:3 (Trumpet, New Moon, full moon, solemn feast day); Amos 8:5 New Moon; Amos 8:9 Sun sets at Noon; Genesis 8:5 New Moon; John 4:35 Summer). Deut 24:5; Isa 34:8, 61:1-2, 63:4; Psalm 18 (1918), 118 (2018), 120 (2020), 121 (2021- Rapture); 1 Thess. ‪2:19‬; ‪3:13‬; ‪4:13-17‬; ‪5:23‬; 1 Cor. ‪15:23‬, 51-58; Eph. 5:27; Col. 3:4; 2 Thess. 2:1,7-8; Jas. 5:7-8; 1 Jn. ‪2:28‬; Jn. 14:1-3; Lk. 21:36; Rev. 2:8-11, 25; 3:10; 4:1; 6:12 axial pole shift; 8:5 global earthquake, and 3 days of darkness.
    Will be fulfilled (6) Feast of Atonement (Lev. 23:26-32) – The Second Coming
    (Mt. 24:3, 27-51; 25:31-46; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; Heb. 9:28; percent 1 Pt. 1:13; Jude 1:14-15; Rev. ‪19:11-21‬; Dan. 7:13-14, 18, 22, 27; Zech. 14:1-5).
    Will be fulfilled (7) Feast of tabernacles (Lev. 23:33-44) – Beginning of the Millennial Reign
    (Zech. 14:16-21; Rev. 20:1-6)
    High watch time is the Feast of Trumpets, this year its on Sep 6,7&8. But that's if the calendar is right. Some say God's calendar is different (about a month later)???
    Get on your knees and ask Jesus to come into your life. Repent of your sins by confessing them and then STOP Sinning. Get baptized for remission of sins and receive the Holy Spirit fire and God's seal on your forehead.


  3. Helena Lehman is with Don Evans and
    21 others
    tS2nhpconsoremd ·
    URGENT MESSAGE ABOUT THE TRUE DAY FOR THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS! PLEASE READ AND SHARE! This is in response to Steve Fletcher and his accusatory and insulting comments towards me on his timeline regarding the true date for the Feast of Trumpets this year, which is NOT on September 7th, but will fall on October 10th of this year, beginning at sunset on October 9th. SEE THE ILLUSTRATION I POSTED HERE, which shows that the Sun and the Moon are in LEO on September 7th, NOT Virgo! ! In response, I wrote the following (with added information about the true date than in the original comment):
    We are both servants of the Most High God and I deserve your respect as an elder and as someone who knows Sacred Astronomy very well. I wasn't influenced by anyone but the Holy Spirit, and my research using Sacred Astronomy and my astronomy program. I also utilized the Signs in the Heavens at Christ's birth in September of 3 BC as a guide, and the Sun was in Virgo's belly at that time, not above her head.
    I will post more of my findings sometime tomorrow morning on my Ministry Blog, and I will share the link here. God bless you and all your followers. I mean no harm and I'm not trying to cause trouble. I'm just telling you what I see in the heavens based on true Sidereal Sacred Astronomy.
    With Love and blessings, Helena Lehman

