Revelation in a Nut Shell
Revelation covers the Fall Feasts of Lev 23 (Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement with 10 years of tribulation (2010-2020, Seals 1-5), then 1 year, and then 10 days in Sept of 2022. 1947+ 62 weeks =2009 start for the Antichrist timeline using Daniels Timeline (Feast of Tabernacles 7th day and Haggai's 2 9th month and 24th day for the Covenant of Many (Norwegian Peace Medallion) + 1260 days = March 20-23rd, 2013 trip to Israel during Passover Week (Matt 24:15) where he did 7 events the Messiah did. Plus 1290 days = 2016 Sept (Great Tribulation) - Dec events. On Haggai's 2 9th month and 24th day, Obama signed the restitution for the division of Israel. This event will cause Revelation 16:18-20 with NY city being divided into 3 sections when Iran nukes them the last weekend of July (Fri-Mon) in 2020. Sept 2016 on one of the Leviticus 23 Fall Feast days + 1260, 1290, and 1335 days (Purim- July New Moon 2020) when the Mark of the Beast occurs. It can begin on Feast of First Fruits in April or Pentecost on the 10th of the month (Jewish month) in June. On April 6, 2019, Obama (the Antichrist) spoke in front of the Temple of Pergamum in a museum in Germany. Jesus died on Passover (Wed; April 6), 30 CE (Wed) between 27-33 CE, 4000 years from creation (3982 BCE; Wed) according to Daniel 9:27 "In the midst of". April 6th, 30 CE + (2000 yrs x 360 days) = April 6th, 2019. 1948+ 62 weeks = 2010 start for the Messiah timeline using Daniel's timeline where 5 planets lined up in a row on the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles (Hoshana Rabbah) + 1290 days = Red blood moons in 2014-2016 +1260 days = Sept. 23rd, 2017 (Revelation 12:1-2 sign on the special Sabbath of Days of Awe (10 day period). God then switches to the Generational timeline (38, 40, 50, 70, 80, 100, and 120 days with signs in the Sun, Moon, and stars. The last day was Oct 1, 2019 on the Day of Trumpet New Moon where there was a sign in the Sun, Moon, and stars, 2 cloud formations (moons over the SW and SE), a cloud formation of a shoe walking west, and a meteor passing by at 9 PM Mountain Standard time. Then God switched the timeline to Noah's Flood Timeline which is based on the phases of the moon + 2 days. Then on July New Moon at the last week of June, God will use Matt 24: 29-31 Rapture Sequence based on the phases of the Moon again. Noah's Flood began on Nov. 2 and Exodus plagues began on the New Moon + 2 days on Nov 5. Exodus plagues timeline is 15.5 days apart -16 days apart on the New Moon and Full Moon + 2 days. The Sun, Moon, and stars sits in the 2nd Heaven which is the Holy Place of the Temple. The 3rd heaven is the throne of God and is in the Holy of Holies of the Temple.
John was Jewish and Revelation is a Jewish book. 450 cross references tie back to the Tenakh. Revelation 2 :10 is ten days of Awe from Day of Trumpet new moon to Day of Atonement which is 10 years of tribulation for Israel, then 1 year for the Day of the Lord, and then ten days from the 2nd Advent splitting the Mount of Olives in half creating the Valley of Jehoshaphat/Valley of Decision (Joel 3) where the Bema Seat Judgment occurs. Between Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur/ Day of Atonement, Yeshuah/Jesus fights against the Antichrist (Obama)/Satan at the Battle of Petra, Bosrah?, then at Jerusalem and then at Megiddo on Yom Kippur. Then at Valley of Jehoshaphat, He does the judgments of the Antichrist and False Prophet, separation of the sheep (to the right side) and goats (to the left side) of Yeshuah and they go into the grave. and then the Bema Seat judgments for the remaining souls to be judged during the 5 days of grace before the Millennium begins on Feast of Tabernacles full moon. On the Day of Atonement is the Marriage of the Groom and Bride and Armageddon on the last week of Sept in 2022. Then 5 days of grace-Bema Seat Judgments, then Millennium on Feast of Tabernacles full moon (Rev 20-22).
Revelation covers the world (New World Order, One World Religion (Pentecost 2014 signed into being, Fall 2015 in the open) and One World Currency = Tower of Babel One World language (Nimrod's phallic) = Satan. For the One World Religion, the foundation of Tower of Babel is Roman Catholicism. All the Christian Churches, Judaism, and Islam with all the cults and Hinduism and all ism's are under the rule of Roman Catholicism.
Revelation 6:12-17 to 11:end is 11 months long according to Flood timeline (Nov 2 start) of 10th month, 1st day (New Moon; July), Amos 8 Basket of Summer Fruits (July), and You have heard it said: You have 4 months until the harvest (June, July, August, Sept, Oct 3, 2020). Revelation 12-19 is a deeper look at Rev. 6:12-17 to 11:end. The Trumpet and bowl Judgments are basically the same event and ties to Genesis 1 Creation week (3982 BCE or 3980 BCE-6000 years = 2018/2020) and Exodus Plagues (Nov 5 start). They will be over a 300 day period. At this time frame USA (Babylon the Great) and the Middle East is going through a Nuclear Holocaust (WW3 with chemical warfare).
Exodus Plagues (5.5 Months at 15.5-16 days apart). Earth (1st Heaven: Outer court of the Temple).
1. Water to Blood on Rivers, Ponds, and canals (Exodus 7:14-15; Ps 78:44; Ps 105:29). Hapi (God).
Creation Day 2/5. Trumpet Plague 2 and 3 Rev. 8:8-9 Sea to Blood; 10-12 Rivers to Blood. Bowl Judgment 2 and 3 (Rev 16:3 Sea to Blood; 16:4 Rivers and Springs).
2. Frogs (Exod 8:1-15; Ps 78:45; 105:30). Goddess: Heket. Creation Day 5. Bowl Judgment 6 Euphrates river dries up. Frogs come from the mouths of the Dragon, Beast, False Prophet.
3. Lice (Exod 8:16-19; Ps 78:45; 105:31). People, Animals. Gen 1 Day 5,6.
4. Swarms of Flies/Beetles (Exod 8:20-32; Ps 78:45; 105:31). Gen 1 Day 6.
5. Pestilence affecting Livestock (Exod 9:1-7). Gen 1, Day 5. Gods: Apis: Bull God; Hthor: Cow Goddess. Khnum: Ram God; Mnevis: Bull God.
6. Boils (Ex 9:8-12) Sores Ash from fires. Affects Men and Animals. Gen Day 5/6. Rev 16:2 Boils/Sours Mark of the Beast. Plague 1.
7. Hail (Exod 9:13-35; Ps 78:48; Ps 105:32-33) Not to affect Goshen (Jews) Hail, Thunder, Lightning. (Meteor Storm). Sodom and Gamorrah Meteor Storm (Passover Week). Gen 1 Day 3. Trumpet Plague 1 1/3rd of the Earth Burns. Rev 8:7. Rev 8:5 has thunder, lightning and an earthquake (Rev 6:17-21; Isa 24; Ezek 38:18 axial poleshift). Rev 16:18 has thunder, lightning and an earthquake for Babylon the Great (USA) with hailstones up to 80 pounds. Mountains are leveled.
8. Locusts (Exod 10:1-20; Ps 78:46; 105:34-35) Food (Plants). Gen 1 Day 3. Trumpet Plague (Rev 9:1-11) Locusts (10 months).
9. Darkness. (New Moon of April). Exod 10:21-29; Ps 105:28. 3 days of intense darkness. "A darkness to be felt". Gods: Re, Khepri, Harakhte, Alum, Mithra (Christmas). Both Sun gods and moon gods. Gen 1: Day 4. Sun, Moon, Stars (2nd Heaven; Holy Place). Gods Throne (3rd Heaven, Holy of Holies). Trumpet Plague 4. Rev 8:12 1/3rd of the Sun, Moon, Stars gone. Bowl Plague 5. Rev 16:8 Sun burns people with fire (Plague 4). Rev 16:10 Darkness on the throne of the Beast and his kingdom. This event occurs on the Day of Rapture at Noon for USA according to Amos 8:9 "The Sun sets at Noon on a clear day". Jesus' death day: Jesus was nailed to the cross at 9 AM when the Passover lambs were sacrificed. For the rapture, it will be at 9 am. The Sun went dark at Noon for 3 hours (Nibiru system passed by again; Amos 8:9). The Day of the Lord begins on the Day of Trumpet one year (Deut 24:5, Isa 34:8, Isa 61:1-2, Isa 63:4; Psalm 118=Psalm 120) in advance of the Day of Atonement with the marriage of the Groom and bride and Armageddon. The Second Advent of Jesus is the Day of Trumpet New Moon 10 days prior to Armageddon on Day of Atonement.
10. Death of the First Born (Passover, April). Exod 11:1-10; 12:29-32; Ps 78:51; 105:36. Affected mankind and cattle. Gen 1 Day 6. Trumpet Plague 6. (Rev. 9:13-19 1/3rd mankind killed).
Israel Jews believe that the plagues will be repeated prior to the Day of the Lord. The plagues were repeated on God's Calendar days in 2018, 2019, or 2020 (120th Jubilee from creation (3982 BCE or 3980 BCE).
Matthew 24:1-2 Destruction of the Temple in 70 CE. Abraham's birth in Tishrei in 1947/1948 BCE. 1948 BCE-2018 years = 70 CE +1948 Years = 2018. Israel became a nation in 1948 1-2 days prior to Pentecost (Matt 24: 32-34). 1948+70 years = 2018.
Revelation covers the Fall Feasts of Lev 23 (Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement with 10 years of tribulation (2010-2020, Seals 1-5), then 1 year, and then 10 days in Sept of 2022. 1947+ 62 weeks =2009 start for the Antichrist timeline using Daniels Timeline (Feast of Tabernacles 7th day and Haggai's 2 9th month and 24th day for the Covenant of Many (Norwegian Peace Medallion) + 1260 days = March 20-23rd, 2013 trip to Israel during Passover Week (Matt 24:15) where he did 7 events the Messiah did. Plus 1290 days = 2016 Sept (Great Tribulation) - Dec events. On Haggai's 2 9th month and 24th day, Obama signed the restitution for the division of Israel. This event will cause Revelation 16:18-20 with NY city being divided into 3 sections when Iran nukes them the last weekend of July (Fri-Mon) in 2020. Sept 2016 on one of the Leviticus 23 Fall Feast days + 1260, 1290, and 1335 days (Purim- July New Moon 2020) when the Mark of the Beast occurs. It can begin on Feast of First Fruits in April or Pentecost on the 10th of the month (Jewish month) in June. On April 6, 2019, Obama (the Antichrist) spoke in front of the Temple of Pergamum in a museum in Germany. Jesus died on Passover (Wed; April 6), 30 CE (Wed) between 27-33 CE, 4000 years from creation (3982 BCE; Wed) according to Daniel 9:27 "In the midst of". April 6th, 30 CE + (2000 yrs x 360 days) = April 6th, 2019. 1948+ 62 weeks = 2010 start for the Messiah timeline using Daniel's timeline where 5 planets lined up in a row on the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles (Hoshana Rabbah) + 1290 days = Red blood moons in 2014-2016 +1260 days = Sept. 23rd, 2017 (Revelation 12:1-2 sign on the special Sabbath of Days of Awe (10 day period). God then switches to the Generational timeline (38, 40, 50, 70, 80, 100, and 120 days with signs in the Sun, Moon, and stars. The last day was Oct 1, 2019 on the Day of Trumpet New Moon where there was a sign in the Sun, Moon, and stars, 2 cloud formations (moons over the SW and SE), a cloud formation of a shoe walking west, and a meteor passing by at 9 PM Mountain Standard time. Then God switched the timeline to Noah's Flood Timeline which is based on the phases of the moon + 2 days. Then on July New Moon at the last week of June, God will use Matt 24: 29-31 Rapture Sequence based on the phases of the Moon again. Noah's Flood began on Nov. 2 and Exodus plagues began on the New Moon + 2 days on Nov 5. Exodus plagues timeline is 15.5 days apart -16 days apart on the New Moon and Full Moon + 2 days. The Sun, Moon, and stars sits in the 2nd Heaven which is the Holy Place of the Temple. The 3rd heaven is the throne of God and is in the Holy of Holies of the Temple.
John was Jewish and Revelation is a Jewish book. 450 cross references tie back to the Tenakh. Revelation 2 :10 is ten days of Awe from Day of Trumpet new moon to Day of Atonement which is 10 years of tribulation for Israel, then 1 year for the Day of the Lord, and then ten days from the 2nd Advent splitting the Mount of Olives in half creating the Valley of Jehoshaphat/Valley of Decision (Joel 3) where the Bema Seat Judgment occurs. Between Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur/ Day of Atonement, Yeshuah/Jesus fights against the Antichrist (Obama)/Satan at the Battle of Petra, Bosrah?, then at Jerusalem and then at Megiddo on Yom Kippur. Then at Valley of Jehoshaphat, He does the judgments of the Antichrist and False Prophet, separation of the sheep (to the right side) and goats (to the left side) of Yeshuah and they go into the grave. and then the Bema Seat judgments for the remaining souls to be judged during the 5 days of grace before the Millennium begins on Feast of Tabernacles full moon. On the Day of Atonement is the Marriage of the Groom and Bride and Armageddon on the last week of Sept in 2022. Then 5 days of grace-Bema Seat Judgments, then Millennium on Feast of Tabernacles full moon (Rev 20-22).
Revelation covers the world (New World Order, One World Religion (Pentecost 2014 signed into being, Fall 2015 in the open) and One World Currency = Tower of Babel One World language (Nimrod's phallic) = Satan. For the One World Religion, the foundation of Tower of Babel is Roman Catholicism. All the Christian Churches, Judaism, and Islam with all the cults and Hinduism and all ism's are under the rule of Roman Catholicism.
Revelation 6:12-17 to 11:end is 11 months long according to Flood timeline (Nov 2 start) of 10th month, 1st day (New Moon; July), Amos 8 Basket of Summer Fruits (July), and You have heard it said: You have 4 months until the harvest (June, July, August, Sept, Oct 3, 2020). Revelation 12-19 is a deeper look at Rev. 6:12-17 to 11:end. The Trumpet and bowl Judgments are basically the same event and ties to Genesis 1 Creation week (3982 BCE or 3980 BCE-6000 years = 2018/2020) and Exodus Plagues (Nov 5 start). They will be over a 300 day period. At this time frame USA (Babylon the Great) and the Middle East is going through a Nuclear Holocaust (WW3 with chemical warfare).
Exodus Plagues (5.5 Months at 15.5-16 days apart). Earth (1st Heaven: Outer court of the Temple).
1. Water to Blood on Rivers, Ponds, and canals (Exodus 7:14-15; Ps 78:44; Ps 105:29). Hapi (God).
Creation Day 2/5. Trumpet Plague 2 and 3 Rev. 8:8-9 Sea to Blood; 10-12 Rivers to Blood. Bowl Judgment 2 and 3 (Rev 16:3 Sea to Blood; 16:4 Rivers and Springs).
2. Frogs (Exod 8:1-15; Ps 78:45; 105:30). Goddess: Heket. Creation Day 5. Bowl Judgment 6 Euphrates river dries up. Frogs come from the mouths of the Dragon, Beast, False Prophet.
3. Lice (Exod 8:16-19; Ps 78:45; 105:31). People, Animals. Gen 1 Day 5,6.
4. Swarms of Flies/Beetles (Exod 8:20-32; Ps 78:45; 105:31). Gen 1 Day 6.
5. Pestilence affecting Livestock (Exod 9:1-7). Gen 1, Day 5. Gods: Apis: Bull God; Hthor: Cow Goddess. Khnum: Ram God; Mnevis: Bull God.
6. Boils (Ex 9:8-12) Sores Ash from fires. Affects Men and Animals. Gen Day 5/6. Rev 16:2 Boils/Sours Mark of the Beast. Plague 1.
7. Hail (Exod 9:13-35; Ps 78:48; Ps 105:32-33) Not to affect Goshen (Jews) Hail, Thunder, Lightning. (Meteor Storm). Sodom and Gamorrah Meteor Storm (Passover Week). Gen 1 Day 3. Trumpet Plague 1 1/3rd of the Earth Burns. Rev 8:7. Rev 8:5 has thunder, lightning and an earthquake (Rev 6:17-21; Isa 24; Ezek 38:18 axial poleshift). Rev 16:18 has thunder, lightning and an earthquake for Babylon the Great (USA) with hailstones up to 80 pounds. Mountains are leveled.
8. Locusts (Exod 10:1-20; Ps 78:46; 105:34-35) Food (Plants). Gen 1 Day 3. Trumpet Plague (Rev 9:1-11) Locusts (10 months).
9. Darkness. (New Moon of April). Exod 10:21-29; Ps 105:28. 3 days of intense darkness. "A darkness to be felt". Gods: Re, Khepri, Harakhte, Alum, Mithra (Christmas). Both Sun gods and moon gods. Gen 1: Day 4. Sun, Moon, Stars (2nd Heaven; Holy Place). Gods Throne (3rd Heaven, Holy of Holies). Trumpet Plague 4. Rev 8:12 1/3rd of the Sun, Moon, Stars gone. Bowl Plague 5. Rev 16:8 Sun burns people with fire (Plague 4). Rev 16:10 Darkness on the throne of the Beast and his kingdom. This event occurs on the Day of Rapture at Noon for USA according to Amos 8:9 "The Sun sets at Noon on a clear day". Jesus' death day: Jesus was nailed to the cross at 9 AM when the Passover lambs were sacrificed. For the rapture, it will be at 9 am. The Sun went dark at Noon for 3 hours (Nibiru system passed by again; Amos 8:9). The Day of the Lord begins on the Day of Trumpet one year (Deut 24:5, Isa 34:8, Isa 61:1-2, Isa 63:4; Psalm 118=Psalm 120) in advance of the Day of Atonement with the marriage of the Groom and bride and Armageddon. The Second Advent of Jesus is the Day of Trumpet New Moon 10 days prior to Armageddon on Day of Atonement.
10. Death of the First Born (Passover, April). Exod 11:1-10; 12:29-32; Ps 78:51; 105:36. Affected mankind and cattle. Gen 1 Day 6. Trumpet Plague 6. (Rev. 9:13-19 1/3rd mankind killed).
Israel Jews believe that the plagues will be repeated prior to the Day of the Lord. The plagues were repeated on God's Calendar days in 2018, 2019, or 2020 (120th Jubilee from creation (3982 BCE or 3980 BCE).
Matthew 24:1-2 Destruction of the Temple in 70 CE. Abraham's birth in Tishrei in 1947/1948 BCE. 1948 BCE-2018 years = 70 CE +1948 Years = 2018. Israel became a nation in 1948 1-2 days prior to Pentecost (Matt 24: 32-34). 1948+70 years = 2018.
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