Sunday, April 1, 2018

Rapture Possibly on April 1

Rapture Possibly on April 1

NISSAN 14/41 APRIL 1ST - HIGHEST RAPTURE WATCH EVER - NISSAN 14 (March 31) THRU 17/Wednesday April 4

SUNday Worship is not only Easter (Nimrod Worship or Baal Worship) but also April Fools day so all those who worship the SUN this SUNday are fools for they follow the Roman Catholic Church traditions so in essence, they are following Lucifer/Satan to the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity.
Easter/Estor is worship of fertility goddesses or the wife of Nimrod and Tower of Babel.
Psa 14:1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
After the rapture, SUNday worship becomes the Mark of the Beast and all those left behind will follow their false light to the lake of fire and brimstone because they are fools. 95 percent of humanity will burn in the lake of fire and brimstone.
There is the possibility that the rapture is at 11 AM-12 AM on SUNday.

Claudio Porro

Peace and Grace be with you, from YAHWEH Elohim, and our Lord Jesus Christ/Yahoshua/Yeshua HaMashiach. Brother, all I can say is HalleluYAH!!! "..I will declare the works of YAH." Psalm 118:17; Luke 8:17_ "And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come.." REVELATION 22: 2, 17 . May we observe PASSOVER Feast on Nisan 14, just as 'it is Written (Luke 14:14-24); The 222 definetely must have everything to do with the Passover Lamb of God. Genesis 22:2, 7-8 Luke 22:2, 7-8_ 1Corinthians 5: 7-8_ Psalm 22:2, 7-8 (we R in Jubilee year 5778)_ EXODUS 12: 2, 22_ Indeed, "Blessed are those who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb." Amen. Matthew 26: 26-29 REVELATION 19: 6-9_ HalleluYAH!!!

Billy Graham died February 21st (Wednesday on Adar 6). April 1st is 40 days. Feb 21st is also a 777 and 4/1 is a Revelation 4:1 April 1st is 4-1. Nisan 16 or 15 or 17.

Sandy CA
There are 69 comments and I am number 70. MY DREAMS ETC POINTING TO PASSOVER - - On Dec 16, 2017 I saw an old wall clock the hands were at '10:14', I never could find the meaning, until Todd had mentioned '41' yesterday. This with other dreams etc may give the meaning to be, Month 1 Day 14, which is Nisan 14, the day Jesus was crucified. - On Feb 27, 2018, God woke me at 1am to go compare the events of the crucifixion Passover period with that of the Rapture. I found 11 points where they match in sequence! (Mt 24, Mt 27, Rev 6). - On Mar 11, 2018, I saw a digital sign on a street I seldom go down. One second of time, I look up and see the date '3-11', then the temperature '69' '. The 3-11 in scripture is Jesus is Coming!. The sun went black between the 6-9 hr and then Jesus gave up the ghost. Three days later resurrection of Jesus back to life, and the dead were raised.

The Day of the Lord will be poured out on planet Earth beginning on Day of Trumpet 2017 and run till Sept. 19, 2018 (Day of Atonement).
Revelation has 3 time frames based on Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement. Theses are 10 years (Rev 2:10), one year or less, and ten days. Christians teach that the Day of the Lord begins at the rapture. They also teach that it is 7 years in length but Psalms 118 teaches that it is one year. Psalms 117 is the preparation chapter and could be a year for the rapture.

Rapture Day has a global earthquake (axial poleshift) and 400 million people disappear and all the children under the age of knowing right from wrong by God. Those who wholly follow the Lord get raptured. April 4, 2018.

Rapture may be on Passover Sabbath on March 31 but it could also be on Feast of First Fruits on Wednesday on April 4th (Gen 1:14, Day 4). The Menorah has 7 candles and the 4th one is called the Christ Candle or Servant Candle. When Yeshuah rose from the grave, those dead in the grave rose as well. My dreams said Monday, 27 (2+7=9), 11 AM USA and 6 PM Tokyo. 8 PM Israel is a new beginning and 9 PM is final completion. When Yeshua was raised on First Fruits as the first fruits after the morning sacrifices were over, it was at 9 AM. He rose Saturday night just after the first 4 stars had come out on Feast of First Fruits Sabbath. Also He was put on the Cross at 9 AM. The Morning Sacrifices ended at 9 AM. In my studies on events in the Sun, Moon, and Stars, I had about a dozen recorded for Wednesdays which are the fourth day and Yeshua died at Passover on the 4th day in 30 CE (Day 4) 4000 years from creation (Day 4). Nibiru System has the Hopi Blue star which is called Helion and it can show up in the Northern Hemisphere on Monday after Passover Sabbath. How does the midnight call fit in is that the Trumpet can be sounded at midnight prior to the morning Sabbath time frame.

A shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13--Joshua's Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be: Nibiru.
1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10--Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses (earthquakes).
4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean.
5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves.
6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
8) hurricanes over land.
9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
10) change of the length of days and of the calendar (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20) from 12 hour days to 8 hour days. Nights get longer to 16 hour nights.
A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).

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