Friday, February 24, 2017

What does it mean by: I do not believe in Prophecy and I do not believe in Eschatology?

What does it mean by: I do not believe in Prophecy and I do not believe in Eschatology?

 I came across a contact page by Dr. Michael S. Heiser.

His contact page and extensive articles paint a picture of a man who says he is a Christian but his actions says the opposite.

So why is it that people who are into theology do not believe in prophecy or eschatology?

So here are the quotes from his contact page.

1. Anything to do with the “serpent” in Genesis 3. 2. Anything to do with the nephilim, rephaim, the flood, or other giant clans in the OT. 3. “Lady Wisdom” in Proverbs 8. 4. The divine council (see my divine council site). This includes questions about the sons of God (I don’t take the Sethite view, as biblical theology didn’t begin with Augustine) and the book of 1 Enoch (you can read it online just as well as I can). 5. Azazel in Leviticus 16. 6. Psalm 82 and silly (but common) objections to plural elohim in that passage of the OT. See my divine council website again. 7. Sheol (or, “Did Israelite religion have a heaven and a hell concept?”)

8. Zecharia Sitchin’s ancient astronaut nonsense. See and my PaleoBabble blog.

9. How Cain was fathered by the serpent (see my post on this). 10. Ezekiel’s wheels (no, he didn’t see a flying saucer) 11. My thoughts on Bible versions. 12. The meaning of the Tetragrammaton.

13. Anything to do with prophecy. I don’t like any eschatological system since they all cheat and are driven by a specific set of presuppositions. I really don’t care about the subject, though I did take a couple months on one of my blogs to write about why I say what I just said about prophecy

Since Leviticus 23 blog and Nibiru blog is about prophecy, then this is what he told me. Enjoy the lists from the Bible.

Nibiru Study. The  Flood; Tower of Babel;  Sodom and Gamorrah; The Exodus; Joshua’s Longest Day; Golden Calf Trilogy; The Destroyer; El Shaddai; Sun of Righteousness; Poleshifts; King Saul, David, and the 7 year drought; Joseph’s Dream; Jonah and the Whale; Hezekiah’s Shadow; 144,000 Assyrians;  Yeshua’s Death;  and Day of the Lord.

Creation; Numbers 24; Deuteronomy 29-33; The Sabbaths: Saturday’s; Passover; Unleavened Bread; First Fruits; Pentecost; Day of Trumpet; Day of Atonement; Feast of Tabernacles; First and Second Coming of Jesus Christ; Messianic Kingdom; The Ten Commandments; ½ of Psalms; All of the Major and Minor Prophets; The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). 1 entire book of Paul because of his exhaustive writings on the first and second coming of Yeshua; and the entire book of Revelation.

And from Dr. Michael S. Heiser’s own works: Astral Prophecy (The Heavens: Sun, Moon, and Stars, Comets, Asteroids, Constellations).
He does have a book out on Astral Prophecy.

In other words, when a person says that he/she does not believe in prophecy, then he/she cuts out 30 percent of the Bible.


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