Monday, October 17, 2016

Feast of Tabernacles 2016

Feast of Tabernacles 2016

Events  in the Sun, Moon, and Stars will be added as they come in over the next 3 weeks that concern this week along with events on the earth that tie into this week.
Bible References Lv 23:28-36; Water of Libation Ceremony; Birth of Jesus; Obama's Norweigian Peace Medallion; 5 Planets lining up in a row in 2010; Daniel's Timeline 2 times.
1) Feast of Tabernacles represents the Millennium or Messianic Kingdom. This ties into Gen 2--7th Day (Day of Rest) and Ezekiel 32?/34? (Covenant of Peace) which ties into Jeremiah 31:31-36 (the New Covenant). There are 7 stipulations to this covenant which we are presently under 4 of them since Yeshua tabernacled among us.
2) Birth of Jesus-- According to the Jewish Messianics, Yeshua was born on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles (1st Annual Sabbath) and Circumcised on the 8th Day (Second Annual Sabbath). 8 means a new beginning. The eith day of feast of Tabernacles ties into Rev 22 with a new Heaven and a New Earth (Matt 5:17-19; Matt 24:35-36).
3) Water of Libation Ceremony-- The Water of Libation Ceremony occurs every day this week during the Temple Times. On this day, the High Priest travels from the Pool of Solome to the Temple carrying many liters of water on his shoulders to the Temple to fill up the Purification Bowl or Laver.
    Remember Jesus in the Temple saying: Any one who thirst, come follow after me.
4) Obama and the Norweigian Peace Medallion. On the 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles (Water of Libation Ceremony), Obama received the Norweigian Peace Medallion.  Daniel's Timeline 1260 days to trip to Israel at Passover, 1290 days to Day of Trumpet 2016.  1947 Proclmation of Israel + 62 Shavuots (Pentecosts) = 2009 +2550 days (7 years) = 2016, Day of Trumpet (supposed Rature date). 2015 Day of Trumpet, we had Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars. 2016 we had signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and 2017 we shall have signs in the Sun, Moon, and stars. This day is the Day of the Lord and the Rapture of Believers.
5) 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles 5  planets lined up in a row in 2010. In 2014 on the day before Passover was the first Blood Moon Tetrad. 1260 +1290 Daniel's Timeline again = 2017 September 23rd Sign in Leo Virgo.
Monday Oct 17th Feast of Tabernacles First Annual Sabbath. 
Thursday Day 4  Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars?
Sabbath Oct 22   Sign in the Sun Moon and Stars ? Day 6
Sunday Day 7 Signs in the sun, Moon, and Stars?
Monday  Sign in the Sun Moon and Stars ?    Day 8 Second Annual Sabbath

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