Saturday, April 2, 2016

Possible 2016 Timeline

Timeframe for 2016 or 2017. Sometime this year Martial Law between April and September for North America.

April Rosh Chodesh (First sliver of the New Moon) Global Earthquake (Revelation 8:5). Watch for it. If it does not happen then it will be in October. The chaos will begin in late April by what some say.

Passover Week Rapture of the Children and believers or brides (some of them). 2017/2018. etc.

April 23rd Meteorite (Storm Revelation 8:7) Location: North and South America Possibly.  Kill: 40-80 percent. This may happen Passover in 2017 as well.

Does Fema know something that we do not know. Why is Fema moving a date from June 30th, 2018 to June 30th, 2016. Gas, Electricity, and water to be shut off soon.

And now, news from our sposors who is Nibiru.

Nibiru Seen In South Sky; Extreme Weather Changes; Earth Tilt At 47%

Gulf Stream Stopped Creating Superstorms, World Volcanoes Under “Extreme Pressure”; Gamma Radiation Heating Earth; San Andreas Fault Weak; Magnetosphere Almost Non-Existent; Global Abundance Ahead ; 155 Days Power Matrix Goes Down  June 20, 2016 +155 days= December 1 approximaely.

Back to our regular program.

Martial Law 3 in August possibly. , This is the 3 time I have heard Martial law 3 to occur before 2017 arrives for America. A Russian article for America has stated that Russia plans on Nuclear War against Babylon the Great (Revelation 17/18) before the end of 2016.
America (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) 2016. Some call this "fire" in dreams.
    Will Martial Law might be declared on a day called D-day on December 8, 2016 .

Note: Beforeits says that the Black Lives Matter Race Wars are going to be the cause of the Martial Law and our government is paying for the race wars to occur.
    Russia Putin is king of the North and Obama is king of the South (born in Kenya or Hawaii). Equator is the dividing line.

Common Sense said that ICANN takes over freedom of Speech on the Internet on Oct. 1 so plan on Christain sites going off the air and in the same article there was going to be Martial law instated in North America on October 1.

Possible Axial pole shift in August. I still say it my be in October possibly or in December on December 24th/Chanukkah.

Nibiru Incoming Note:

One was September 28, 2016, which is remarkably close to two new dates that international Bible Codes expert Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson found in recent Bible codes tables.
In companion videos published on July 22 and August 1, Glazerson found the dates of September 23 and 24, 2016 connected to the concept of Nibiru.
( --Tom. the Paranormal Historian??
All outgoing flights from USA cancelled.  2015 statement which is tied to Passports/Real ID/Mark of the Beast.

For Israel, the Now Prophecies will be played out in rapid succession. These are the Psalm 83 War, Isaiah 17 War, Jeremiah 49 War possibly all in 2016. Remember that the Damascus war already took place between ISIS and Putin. (

That leaves the Ezekiel 38-39 war for 2017 which Jews believe is Armageddon.
October may be the coming of the Nibiru and the pole shift possibly. Some teach December for the pole shift.

Could a major SHOCK WAVE of ENERGY be heading right for PLANET EARTH? Inside Military sources say “NASA is watching the sky for this Global event to reveal itself in October of 2016 with as they call it “The Second Wave”, and then again in December of 2016 with the power punch of energy we as humans have never seen before.” Which they believe could effect up to 1/3 of humanity.

Day of Trumpet (First sliver of the New Moon in late September/October (Oct 3rd) Rapture of the Bride. Believers who have been following Torah. No Tattoos, No Pork and Ocean Bottom Feeders. No buying or selling on Friday night to Saturday night. No work on the Sabbath (Saturday). Off on all Annual Sabbaths.
Stellarium shows 6 planets along the ecliptic in a row beginning in Leo and ending in Scorpio. 

 According to Joel 2:15 tied to Leviticus 23:27-34, the Day of the Lord can begin on the Day of Atonement and according to Isaiah, it will be a one year event covering both the Trumpet and Bowl judgments.

    Yom Kippur is when Nibiru in 2017 will affect the earth, with a global earthquake, fulfilled as in Revelation 6:12-17, as well as other OT scriptures. This global earthquake is actually an axial polar shift (the only explanation for why the stars will roll up as a scroll). This exact same event happened the day that the Great Deluge began, 3,600 years ago, when Nibiru passed through our solar system... which was also Yom Kippur, but it had not been decreed as such by YVWH yet, at the Exodus, when Moses was translated to Heaven to be with YVWH for the 40 days... remember, Moses' face was so bright that the Israelites asked him to cover it, when he came back from Mount Sinai. 

On November 7th, America will be changing its name to Amerika. Dave Hodges Common Sense Show. Martial Law 3 at its best. No more freedoms. No more luxuries, no more private property. No more Freedom of Speech. No more Bibles.

December may be the war between the King of the North (Putin) and King of the South (Obama). Will anything happen to Ameriklam or Amerika, I don't think so because of the earthquake dream at the house.

December 24th is the day before Chanukkah.

According to Haggai 2. Chanukkah for Pole Shift December 24th.
Majority of these events above are more likely to occur in 2017. is starting to move and talk about 2017 events now and so are the headlines for my incoming Wordpress articles.

The Antichrist will be known by this time. Contenders: Obama. Erdogan, Apostikane, Prince William, and the possibility of the white or black pope.

False Prophet: Pope.

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