May 21 2016 Blue Moon Sabbath Metonic Cycle Every 19 year
May 21, Saturday. Blue moon
4th full moon in one season between a solstice and an
May 2016 – SIGN OF THE TIMES – Paranormal YouTubers have been
posting videos ahead of the event with some saying “something just doesn’t feel
right.” A blue moon is a second full moon in the same calendar month. It last
happened in July. But Saturday’s event is even rarer as it also a fourth full
moon in one season – the period between a solstice and an equinox, as there
would usually be just three.
2016/17 is the end of the 19 year cycle; a leap year, and a Jubilee Year.
Month 2, 2nd Sabbath.
Scriptures: Genesis 1:14; Luke 21:25-26.
Torah Portion: Leviticus 21:1 - 24:23; Haftarah: Ezekiel 44:15 -
44:31; I Peter 2:4-10
The moon "usually comes
full 12 times in a year, three times for each season." Occasionally,
however, there will come a year when there are 13 full moons during a year, not
the usual 12.
And that extra full moon also
meant that one of the four seasons would contain four full moons instead of the
usual three.There are seven Blue Moons in a lunar cycle of 19 years.
In spring 2016, there are four
full moons, occurring on March 23, April 22, May 21 and June 20.
June 20, 2016, is the
first day of summer if you live north of the equator, but south of the equator,
that date is the first day of winter. In 2016, the summer solstice comes at
2234 GMT or 6:34 p.m. ET on June 20. But the moon turns full at 1103 GMT or
7:03 a.m. ET. That's 11 hours and 31 minutes before the solstice occurs. So the
June 20 full moon occurs during the waning hours of spring and qualifies as the
fourth full moon of the season.
"Metonic Cycle: Meton of
Athens (ca. 440 BC) noticed that 235 lunar months made up almost exactly 19
solar years. Using modern measurements, the near commensurability of the two
periods follows from the fact that 235/19 is the 6th convergent of the ratio of
the lunar month and solar year periods (365.2425/29.53059).
This 19-year lunar cycle became
known as the Metonic cycle, and was the basis for the Greek calendar until the
Julian calendar was introduced in 46 BC. Since 12 lunar months equal 354.367
days, about 11 days less than a solar year, an additional lunar months were
added to synchronize the cycle. These were added in years 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16,
and 19 of the cycle. The Metonic cycle was extended by Callippus to 4 19-year
cycles, which is known as the Callipic cycle. Callipic Cycle, Hipparchic."
So what happened in the Metonic
cycle years since 1 CE?
16 BC
Note: Julian calendar is one year earlier than the dates shown
so I will post where applicable of what happened in both years.
4000 21
CE 80th Jubilee (yovel יובל) since Creation; Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה);
41/42; 60/61; 79/80
98/99 Sabbath year
117/18; 136/137
155/156 32nd Jubilee year (yovel יובל)
174/75; 193/94; 212/13; 231/32; 250/51; 269/270; 288/289; 307/08
325 CE First Council of Nicaea; 325-350 CE Codex
Vaticanus 326/27
364/65 Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה)
383/84; 402/03 421/22 Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה) 88th Jubilee (yovel יובל) since Creation
440/41; 459/60; 478/79; 497/98; 516/17
535/36 Dark Ages Sun went dark for one year. Around
532 AD a massive comet did a low pass over brittain and europe. The heat turned
a lot of the stone forts To glassified rock. There was a 2 or 3 year nuclear
winter and The whole thing was memorialized in Some beautiful works of ceramic
554/55; 573/74; 592/93
610 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה);
630/31; 649/50; 668/69
686 CE sign in Heaven on the Day of Trumpet
9/24/686 +1260= 1946. 687/88
706/07; 725/26
743 CE 44th
Jubilee year (yovel יובל); 744/45
763/64; 782/81; 801/02; 820/21; 839/40
857 Sabbath Year
858/59; 877/78; 896/97; 915/16
934/33 Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה)953/52
971 CE 99th
Jubilee (yovel יובל)
since Creation; 972/73
991/92; 1010/11; 1029/30; 1048/49
1066 CE William the
Conqueror; Normans conquer the Anglo-Saxons; England and Normandy united.
1067/68 Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה)
1086/87 51st Jubilee year (yovel יובל) since 1414 BCE.
1105/06; 1124/25; 1143/44; 1162/63
1180 CE
Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה); 1181/82
1200/1201; 1219/20; 1238/39; 1257/58
1276/77 Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה)
1295/96; 1314/15; 1333/34; 1352/53
1371/72 107th Jubilee (yovel יובל); 1390/91
1409/10; 1428/29; 1447/48
1466/67 Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה)
1485/86; 1504/05
1522 Sabbath year (Shmita
שמיטה); 1523/24
1542/43; 1561/62; 1580/81; 1599/20
1618/19; 1637/38
1655 Sabbath Year Shemitah; 1656/57
1675/76; 1694/95; 1713/14; 1732/33
1750 CE British
Calendar Act of 1750; 1751/521770/71
1789/90 1789 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה) January 7 United States presidential
elections and House of Representatives elections are held; February 4 – George
Washington is unanimously elected the first President of the United States by
the United States Electoral College; April 30 – George Washington is
inaugurated at Federal Hall in New York City, beginning his term as the first
President of the United States. July 14 French Revolution (1789–1799) begins:
Citizens of Paris storm the Bastille and free seven prisoners.
1808/09; 1827/28; 1846/47; 1865/66; 1884/85;
1903/1904 Sabbath
year (Shmita שמיטה)
5900 1921 CE 118th
Jubilee (yovel יובל) Israel. First moshav (cooperative village),
Nahalal, founded.
1922 CE Britain granted Mandate for
Palestine (Land of Israel) by League of Nations; Transjordan set up
on three-fourths of the area, leaving one fourth for the Jewish national home.
Jewish Agency representing Jewish community vis-a-vis Mandate authorities set
up. 1922/23
1959 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה) FATAH formed in Kuwait by Yasir Arafat;
1959-1961 Chinese famine killed 43 Million; 1960/61
1978 CE Camp David
Peace Accord include framework for comprehensive peace in the Middle East and
proposal for Palestinian self-government; Israel withdraws from the Sinai
peninsula; Egypt recognizes Israel; Sept 18.
1979 CE Israel-Egypt
Peace Treaty signed. Prime Minister Menachem Begin and President
Anwar Sadat awarded Nobel Peace Prize. Other than the events already mentioned
I’m thinking this would be considered the other most positive historical step
towards modern Israel’s expansion, showing “the fig tree putting forth leaves”.
It led to many long term benefits, such as providing for the free passage of
Israeli ships through the Suez Canal. 38
years till 2017. 1979/80
1997 CE Hale-Bopp Comet at Passover; Kyoto Protocol initially adopted Dec. 11/97 Kyoto, Japan, entered into force on 16 Feb. 2005.
1998 Modern Israel's Jubilee; 1998/99
1999-2017 There is that magical year again.
End of the Metonic
cycle. 2018-2036.
According to the
Jewish Calendar, this cycle began in 1997 and ends in 2016 in Tishrei/October,
2016 with the Day of the Lord beginning which covers both the Trumpet and Bowl
Judgments in a one year period.
The Metonic Cycle
lines up with Daniels Timeline of 1260+1290 or 2550 days exactly.
The number of moon
from Tishrei of a given year to Tishrei 7 years later varies. It may be 7x12 =
84 moons =2 extra Adar moon =86 moons or it may be 3 extra adar moons =87 moons.
Those seven year spans containing 86 moons match up perfectly the timespan
between the next two feasts of Israel that are due for fulfillment. From
Tishrei 1/Day of Trumpet (Lev. 23:24ff; Rev 11—7th Trumpet; Rev 12:1),
in certain years and terminating on Tishrei 10/Day of Atonement/Armageddon/Day
of Reckoning/Day of Judgment (Lev 23:27-34; Rev 14:20ff; 15; 16/19) seven years
later the time elapsed is exactly 2550 days. This is the exact number of days,
(1260+1290), which encompasess the 70th week of Daniel.
According to the Jewish
calculation, creation was in the autumn of 3761 BCE, slightly later than the
traditional Christian figure of 4004 BCE. Thus the year 5701 began in 1940 in
the Gregorian calendar and ended in 1941.